Flight No.: 3-4-8 Pilot: Neil Armstrong (6-4)

Date: 4-20-62 Flight Time: 00:12:28.7

Launch Lake: Mud Landing Lake: Edwards

Launch Time: 11:26:58.0 Landing Time: 11:39:26.7

Aborts: None

B-52: 008 Maj. Allavie

Maj. Bement

Chase: F-100 Maj. R. White

F-104 Jack McKay

F-104 Maj. Gordon

F-104 Maj. Rushworth

Mmax: 5.31

Vmax: 5557

Hmax: 207,500

Qmax: 1082

Engine No.: 110

Burn Time: 82.4 sec. (S.D.)

Thrust - %: 100%

Config.: Ventral on, Delta-h indicator on instrument panel

Purpose: MH-96 evaluation

Results: Max L/D return from 45 miles south of NASA due to a bounce and overshoot following entry