Plane: X-15-3 Date: 4/5/62
Flight: 3-3-7 T.O.: 0923
Pilot: Neil A. Armstrong Launch: 1005
B-52: #003 Land: 1017
L/P:   Total: :12
NASA 1:   B-52 Land: 1027

12 minutes to launch
Neil: Data coming on. #2 APU coming on. #1 APU coming up. Generators reset. And, I'm still on X-15 radio, Joe.
NASA 1: OK, you can go over to interphone. OK, we don't seem to get you on 279.9.
Neil: OK, I'm on interphone. #1 hydraulic is 3450, #2 is 3375. Voltages are 200. If everybody's ready, I'll take a crack at it.
NASA 1: Engine reset, please.
Chase: Can you hear Joe talking?
Neil: If it's 10 minutes, go ahead with the analyzer check, Butch.
Butchart: OK, starting now.
NASA 1: #1 and #2 source readings, Neil.
Neil: 45,000 feet, wings are level, pitch attitude is level, heading is 024 1/2. Sources are 2975 on #1 and 2900 on #2.
B-52: 10 minutes.
NASA 1: APU systems and their sources are OK as of now for proceeding.
Neil: Thank you, Joe. How are we doing, Butch?
Butchart: Pretty good, we're up around 30 now.
B-52: 8 minutes.
NASA 1: 7 minutes is good for starting the turn. Did you verify both BCS switches on, Neil?
Neil: Affirmative, they are both on.
NASA 1: At 7 minutes, confirm that you go to forced memory, Butch.
Butchart: OK, forced memory. Don't have to move the azimuth erection switch then?
NASA 1: No.
Butchart: Vertical velocity is still drifting between -.5 and +.5.
B-52: 7 minutes, starting the turn.
Neil: 7 minutes. Engine oscillograph and vibration recorders going on.
Butchart: We just hit 77 and end of test light, real good. All green lights.
Neil: Excellent.
NASA 1: Going to forced memory?
Butchart: Went to forced memory just before we started to turn. I didn't get the memory light, though.
NASA 1: That's OK. MH-96 says fine today.
Neil: Cabin pressure switch is on.
NASA 1: Data off?
Neil: Data is off and the fire extinguisher is going to auto.
B-52: 6 minutes.
Neil: 6 minutes, hooking up the Honeywell. It engaged OK and RCS going to auto. And, I got a differential again at about 3-4° stabilizer on starboard rig. Both BCS are on.
NASA 1: Angle of attack reading?
Neil: Reading 3°. Sideslip is zero.
B-52: 5 minutes.
Neil: Rog, 5 minutes. I'm on X-15 O2. Pressure is 2750. Cabin altitude is 35. Cine camera is at pulse. Ventral is checked armed.
B-52: 4 minutes.
Neil: Rog, 4 minutes. Data is on and a calibrate. Verify topoff, Butch?
Butchart: Topoff is complete, Neil.
Neil: OK, going to pressurize.
Chase: .......... air speed, your speed rudder checks, left one is .......... right is zero.
Neil: OK, LOX is 50 pounds, ammonia is 47.
NASA 1: Launch and landing winds same as before.
Neil: OK, thank you. 3 jettison switches to jettison. Tank handle going to jettison. Back to pressurize.
Butchart: All 3 set up.
Neil: Rog, data is off. Intercom switch is off, I am on lower antenna.
NASA 1: 5 square.
Neil: Rog, you sound pretty good, too, 4 by 4 and clear.
B-52: 3 minutes.
Neil: Rog, 3 minutes. Surfaces look good, about the same. Inertial velocity is indicating 800 fps. Altitude 45,000 feet. Rate of climb zero and attitude is looking pretty good.
NASA 1: Looks mostly good but conservatively say, inertial velocity may be questionable.
Neil: OK, you might try and see if you can work up some velocity for me on the climb.
B-52: 2 minutes, Neil. We're dropping a little on altitude to pick up speed.
Neil: Roger. Inertial readings are the same. Velocities are about 900 now. APU bearings are 140 on each side. And, I got both data's on. Ball nose test looks good. Head bumper coming down.
B-52: How does the heading look, NASA 1?
B-52: 1 minute.
Neil: Rog, 1 minutes. Prime coming on. Got igniter ready light.
B-52: Master on, system's on. 40 seconds, Neil.
Neil: Rog. Precool on. Igniter idle is on. Lox pump bearing is +10. I'm going to catch the ready to launch light here, now, launch light.
B-52: 15 seconds.
Neil: 15 seconds. Pump idle. OK, I got 350 solid and igniter idle, 3, 2, 1, release.
NASA 1: Malfunction.
Neil: Rog. Throttle off, reset, prime, got igniter and a light, wheeeee.
Chase: Looks good, Neil.
Neil: I'm going to leave it at 75% if I can get rotated here.
NASA 1: 17 seconds.
Neil: OK, and I'm about on. Got roll hold. 25 and about the "q" so we'll run the throttle up all the way.
NASA 1: 36 seconds, now. 4° right.
Neil: OK, brakes coming out.
NASA 1: You were adding 5 but you're all right. Coming up on 70,000. 65 seconds, 70 seconds.
Neil: Climb angle look?
NASA 1: It's good on climb angle, 90,000. Track is good.
Neil: Shutdown.
NASA 1: OK, about 4200.
Neil: CSS on.
NASA 1: Right at 140,000. Coming up on 160. Max altitude about 180.
Neil: 1° here.
NASA 1: Get in a 30° bank on the reentry to the left.
Neil: 30° left, thank you.
NASA 1: 15° alpha, 30° left bank. And, to peroxide transfer.
Neil: Getting quite a bit of .......... in here, not quite .......... and alpha is .......... 
NASA 1: Rog, going to transfer on peroxide?
Neil: I got peroxide transfer, right. OK, left bank now.
NASA 1: Into 80,000.
Neil: Theta coming up and a little oscillation here .......... 
NASA 1: Brakes in now.
Neil: Speed brakes in.
NASA 1: And a hard left turn.
Neil: Rog, and a left turn. OK, I've got the field in sight. Mach number 2.16 and a rudder pulse in a 90° bank here. Roll stick, pitch pulse, seems pretty good. Reaction controls are all up, reengaging the dampers.
Chase: What is your altitude, Neil?
Neil: I got 61.
NASA 1: Check. Got the field in sight, OK?
Neil: I'm in good shape, Joe. Left bank here, CSS on, and I'll pick up a little speed and try to get a little wind-up .......... 
NASA 1: Suggest you proceed straight towards the base.
Neil: OK. I'm coming around in a left turn, FCS on.
Chase: .......... 
NASA 1: We have him coming in on Rosamond Lake from up here right now.
Neil: Turn CSS off. There's a little buffet. Heading for the base now at 47,000.
NASA 1: Right.
Neil: OK, I'm going to try and get a trim, finished it, nose down.
NASA 1: Have him right over the middle of Rosamond Lake.
Neil: Zero, and nose up.
Chase: Rog, I have a tally-ho on him.
Neil: And a pitch down, full deflection. And, a pitch up. And, the trim seems to be working very nicely and I don't see any auto trim indications in the cockpit. Got 300 knots and 36,000 feet. Approaching North Base. Head bumper up.
Chase: Go to jettison any time, Neil, I'm right beside you.
Neil: OK, going to jettison. And, you want to keep the peroxide, Joe?
NASA 1: Rog, keep the transfer going and hold on to that peroxide.
Neil: By the way, the peroxide low light did go out.
Chase: Coming up 27,000 now, 290.
Neil: OK, ventral is armed. Circuit breakers are in.
Chase: OK, you're all done jettisoning.
Neil: OK, rudder pulse 280 knots, full stick, back to the left. Got CSS back on now, try to leave it through the landing here, through the approach and everything.
Chase: 17,000 feet now, and 285.
Neil: OK, tanks back to pressurize. OK, rolling in.
Chase: 14, 260.......... 929. Looks real good.
Neil: OK, looks like there's not too much wind out there. OK, when you say on the ventral.
Chase: I said off, Neil.
Neil: Flaps going down.
Chase: Gear's out, nose good.
Neil: Little long.
Chase: Beauty, Neil.
Neil: Thank you.
NASA 1: MH-96 off, Neil.
Neil: Yes, it is, Joe.
NASA 1: X-15 beacon off, please.
Neil: OK, flaps are up. Brakes coming out. Push to test ball nose. Stabilizer set on zero. OK, hydraulic pressures are 3400 #1, 3300 on #2. Temps are +40 and +40. Peroxide tank pressure is now 585. APU bearings are +70 and +100. Peroxide low light is out again. Mixing chamber temps are -45 and -45. He source is flat. APU sources are 1500 #1 and 2500 #2.
NASA 1: Engine master off and you still got data running.
Neil: Rog. Master coming off, data is off. Cabin source is 2200 pounds. 3-axis ball is 203 and -3° pitch attitude. Altitude is 45,000 feet. Velocity is 500 fps. Rate of climb of 100 fps out. X-15 oxygen pressure is 1500 pounds.