Plane: X-15-2 Date: 10/3/67
Flight: 2-53-97 T.O.: 1330
Pilot: Maj. W. Knight Launch: 1432
B-52: #008 Land: 1440
L/P: J. Russel Total: :08
NASA 1: William Dana B-52 Land:  

15 minutes to launch
Knight: I got the precool on at 15 minutes, Bill. 
NASA 1: OK, Pete. 
Russel: NASA 1, lube oil temperature 85. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: NASA 1, 008, Check 13 minutes. 
NASA 1: NASA 1, Roger. And, Pete, we'd like your O2 source? 
Knight: Rog, my O2 source is 2450. 
NASA 1: 2450, Roger. 
Russel: Pete, topoff on the drop tanks. 
Knight: OK. 
B-52: .......... 
Knight: OK. 
NASA 1: Pete, we'd like #l source. 
Knight: #1 source is 2700. 
NASA 1: 2700? 
Knight: Yeah, now that's .......... going internal 32, 3250. 
NASA 1: Roger. 008, come 2 degrees left. 
B-52: Roger, 2 left, 356. 
Russel: Pete, will you select external, then internal on fuel? 
Knight: Roger, internal then external. .......... checks valve. 
Russel: Rog. 
NASA 1: Pete, we'd like you to go to X-15 radio for check with Ely. 
Knight: Want me to go to radio, Bill? 
NASA 1: Yeah, just for a few seconds. 
Knight: On radio, how do you read? 
NASA 1: Loud and clear, how do you ready Ely 286.8? 
Knight: 5 square, Bill. 
NASA 1: Standby one. Pete, how do you read Ely on 279.9? 
Knight: 5 square, Bill. 
NASA 1: OK, lets go back to intercom. 
Knight: .......... 
B-52: 30 seconds into 11 minutes. 
Knight: .......... 
NASA 1: Say again, Pete, we're reading you just a little rocky. 
Knight: Yeah, flow indication on ammonia is up to 100% at the present time. It's steady there. I think I was normal before, for a little while. 
NASA 1: Rog, understand your ammonia flow is 100%. 
B-52: Looks like we're still getting .......... might go to external, internal again.
Knight: Rog, going internal, external again. Got your external. 
B-52: 008, checks 10 minutes. 
NASA 1: NASA 1, Roger. 
Knight: APU cooling switch is on normal. Both blowers are BLN2. 
NASA 1: Roger, Pete. 
Knight: Pressure cooling is coming on. 
NASA 1: Yep. 
Knight: Pressure cooling is on. Inertial altitude is 40,000. H dot is zero. Velocity is about 2, 400. Cabin source 2100. 
NASA 1: Rog, Pete. And, Pete, will you go precool off? 
Knight: Rog, precool is off. 
B-52: 356 is the heading. 
Russel: Pete, did your light cycle when you went internal, external? 
Knight: Negative, .......... 
B-52: I didn't see the cycle either. 008 checks 9 minutes and 356 heading. 
NASA 1: 9 minutes sounds good. You can start your turn at 8 minutes. 
Knight: Roger. #3 APU coming on, Bill. 
NASA 1: Rog, Pete. 
Knight: .......... #l, Bill? 
NASA 1: OK, Pete. 
Knight: Generators on. Engine reset. Hydraulics checked. Electric power's 200. Controls, flaps coming down. 
B-52: Coming down. 
Knight: Rog, coming up. 
B-52: Coming up. 
Knight: Erection's off, and the gyro looks good. 
NASA 1: OK, Pete, we're showing zero 4 down here. We think you have a stuck flow meter and we recommend you go ahead. 
Knight: Rog, that's what I thought. 
B-52: You ready to turn, Pete? 
Knight: Rog, go ahead. 
B-52: Roger, and 008, you're 7 minutes 45 seconds into the turn and the ball nose set-up. 
NASA 1: NASA 1, Roger. 
Knight: OK, mixing chambers temperature is about .......... Camera arm.
Russel: Lube oil temperature 90. 
Knight: Alpha's 3 1/2 degrees, b is 2 degrees needle left. 
NASA 1: Pete, go helium shutoff valve open. 
Knight: Rog, helium shutoff valve is open. 
B-52: 7 minutes now, 008. 
Knight: OK, aux cabin pressure switch is on. 
NASA 1: OK, Pete. 
Knight: Platform going to internal. 
NASA 1: Yep. 
Knight: Platform is internal. Fire extinguisher auto. 
NASA 1: OK. 
Knight: .......... 
NASA 1: Keep her going, Pete. Let's shallow out a little bit, 08, we're turning inside. 
B-52: Roger, coming on 6 minutes. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Knight: OK, Bill, the SAS check is completed but we're not going to work. You don't want this yaw disengaged. 
NASA 1: What wouldn't disengage? 
Knight: Yaw will disengage in the .......... position. 
NASA 1: In the what position? 
Knight: .......... 
NASA 1: .......... 
B-52: Have the position .......... 
NASA 1: OK, keep going, Pete, we're inside 5 minutes, coming up on 4. 
Knight: OK, X-15 oxygen is hold at 2600. Cabin altitude is 36000. Topoff is complete. Fuel selector is external. Cabin pressurized. 
NASA 1: OK, we're calling 4 minutes now. 
B-52: 008, 4. NASA 1, could we have a rollout heading please, 008? 
NASA 1: 183. 
Knight: Tank pressures look good, Bill, about 50 and 40. Ready to jettison check. 
NASA 1: OK. 
B-52: Request rollout heading, NASA 1. 
NASA 1: 183. 
B-52: 183, Pete. 
Knight: Rog, I got full on both indicators. Both green lights work. Jettison check complete, 3 jettison switches jettison. 
NASA 1: OK, Pete. Pete, do you think the SAS is working? All we understand is in yaw the working position didn't cut out? 
Knight: Rog, yaw did not cut out in working position. That's all right, we'll go.
NASA 1: Ok. 
Knight: Can I come off? 
B-52: 3 minutes. 
NASA 1: Rog, 3 minutes now. Standby 1, Pete. 
Knight: You're cutting out on the radio, Bill. Velocity is 600. Inertial altitude is 44. H dot is zero. APU bearing is 80 on #1, 80 on #2. 
NASA 1: Rog, Pete. 
Knight: Say again, Bill. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Knight: OK, the external tank ejection is armed. External tank data is on. Is that physiological .......... 
NASA 1: Are you on X-15 radio? 
Knight: Affirmative. 
NASA 1: How do you read? 
Knight: 5 square. 
NASA 1: OK. 
Knight: External data is the physiological? How do you read, Bill? 
NASA 1: I read 5 square. I am trying to get you an answer, Pete. 
Knight: OK. 
NASA 1: We're inside, coming up on 2 minutes. 
B-52: 008, checks. 
Knight: Rog, I read him all right, he seems to be cutting out a little bit. 
NASA 1: Rog, 008, come 2 degrees left, we're inside 2 minutes. 
Knight: OK, ball nose test. Ball nose test looks good. Alpha 2 degrees, b 2 degrees needle left. 
NASA 1: OK. Looks good, Pete, don't worry about that external tank data. 
Knight: OK. 
NASA 1: NASA 1 will call 1 minute. 
B-52: 08, Roger. 
NASA 1: NASA 1 calling 1 minute, now. 
B-52: 008. 
Knight: Roger, Bill. Data is on. Tape is on. Calibrate. 
NASA 1: Rog. Everything looks go, Pete. 
B-52: 45 seconds. 
Knight: Prime. Precool. Igniter idle. Everything looks good, Bill. 
NASA 1: Yeah, looks good, Pete.
Knight: OK. Pump coming on. 
B-52: 15 seconds. 
Knight: Alpha's on, I got second phase igniter. 2 green lights, looks good.
B-52: 5 seconds. 
NASA 1: Looks good, Pete. 
Knight: OK. 3, 2, 1, launch. 
NASA 1: Check your alpha. Check your green lights. 
Knight: Roger, Bill. 
NASA 1: Check your heading. 
Knight: Heading's good. 
NASA 1: Track looks good, Pete. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: Standby for theta. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: Profile looks good, Pete. 
Knight: I got that little b down, it's all right. 
NASA 1: Standby for green lights and 5 alpha. 
Chase: OK, there went the tanks. I see two of them, Pete. 
Knight: Very good. 
B-52: 08, .......... two tanks. 
NASA 1: Coming up on 80,000 now. Check your h dot. Profile looks good, Pete. Coming up on 90,000 now. Check your h dot. Profile looks good, Pete. You're coming level at 99,000, Pete. Check your h dot. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: Looking real good. 
Knight: .......... 100. 
NASA 1: Standby for shutdown. 
Knight: Rog, shutdown. 
NASA 1: Check your h dot, yaw pulse, speed brakes. 
Knight: Rog, speed brakes coming open. 
NASA 1: Good head, Pete. OK, yaw pulse, Pete. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: Mach 6, Pete. 5,600, Pete, pitch pulse and profile's good. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: 5300, trim down, Pete, and we need a little more h dot, your a little too level. 
Knight: Rog, I get a .......... 
NASA 1: 4,700, yaw pulse, Pete. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: And you're going to have to come downhill a little more, you're high on energy.
Knight: Coming down. 
NASA 1: 43,000, Pete, and you're high on energy, trim down. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: You're 5 north of Cuddeback at 80,000 and Mach 4. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: We want you to start bending it to your right, Pete, about 15 degrees to your right. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: Go jettison on peroxide, Pete. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: And keep her coming to the right, Pete. 
Knight: OK. 
NASA 1: You're 15 north at 70,000 and you're still at 3.3. Keep your brakes out, Pete, all the way home. 
Knight: OK. 
NASA 1: Pete, bend her to the right. 
Knight: OK. 
NASA 1: Have you below Mach 3, Pete. Cal, pulse, and window. 
Knight: Pulse. 
NASA 1: Don't worry about the yaw pulse, keep her coming to the right, Pete. You're 5 north now. You're a little bit east of north base. 
Knight: OK. 
NASA 1: Yeah, we see you in a right turn, Pete. You can keep bending it right. I have you 2.2 Mach. Your altitude is 55,000, Pete. 
Knight: Position. 
NASA 1: You're over NASA, Pete, extend your alternate pitot. 
Knight: Rog, open the window. 
NASA 1: You're at 1.7 and you can start bending her around through the notch now, Pete. To the left. 
Knight: No kidding. .......... Pete, go jettison. 
NASA 1: Brakes in, Pete. 
Knight: Thank you. 
NASA 1: Bring your speed brakes in. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: We have you over south lakebed, Pete, at 44,000. Keep her coming to the left. You're coming subsonic, watch your alpha. You can go jettison, Pete. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: All 3 switches to jettison. Jettison handle to jettison. Have you coming up the east shore at 25,000, Pete. You're about mid lakebed at 20,000. Pete, you can consider a 23 again, possibly. Check a11 3 jettison switches down to jettison, Pete, and your tank handle in jettison. 
Knight: Altitude, Mike. 
Chase: Where are you, Pete, I can't find you? 
NASA 1: We're showing you at 16,000 on the radar, Pete. 
Knight: OK, flaps are good. 
NASA 1: We're showing you at 15,000, Pete. You're just over the highway, you look real good in position here. You look real good in position here. And could you check your flap and squat at this time, Pete? 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: And arm your ramjet. 
Knight: I got it. 
NASA 1: Good head. 
Chase: Pete, I got you now. Turn on jettison. Jettison now. 10 feet. 
Knight: Altitude, Mike. 
Chase: Hit. 
Knight: Inertial velocity O. X-15 oxygen 2000. Hyd Pressure good. Peroxide tank pressure good. APU bearing 80 and 80. No peroxide low light. Mixing chambers -40, -40. External 100, internal 600. 1 and 2 is O. APU source 29. Cabin source 23.