Plane: X-15-2 Date: 5/8/67
Flight: 2-51-92 T.O.: 1145
Pilot: Maj. W. Knight Launch: 1228
B-52: #008 Land: 1237
L/P: J. Russel Total: :09
NASA 1: J. McKay B-52 Land: 1255

12 minutes to launch
Knight: Precool is off, Jack. 
NASA 1: Roger, Pete. 
B-52: 10 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Knight: APU cooling switches to normal. Both blowers to blowers and LN2. Pressure cooling coming on. 
B-52: 51°, Pete. 
Knight: Rog, 51°, I got it. Inertial gages 45,000. About 700 fps. Zero H dot. Cabin source is 3300. 
Russel: I'm reading 610 fps. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Knight: I'm only about 210 indicated, 28. 
B-52: 9 minute warning. 
Knight: Helium shutoff valve open. Lox valve is open. Ready, to start the APUs, clear to start #2? 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Knight: #2 coming on. Got hydraulics, clear to start #l, Jack? 
NASA 1: Ready to start, Pete. 
Knight: #l coming up. OK, hydraulic checks OK. Electrical power is all right. Generators are on the line. Controls and flaps. Circuit breakers are in. Don, are you ready for the controls? 
Chase: Roger. 
B-52: 8 minutes. 
Knight: Flaps coming down. 
NASA 1: Start your turn, Joe. 
B-52: Going. 
Chase: Flaps coming down. 
Knight: Flaps coming up. 
Chase: Flaps coming up. 
Knight: Mixing chambers are -30 and -40. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Knight: a is 1-1/2°, beta is 1 needle width left. Got 2° a now.
NASA 1: OK, Pete, how do you read NASA 1? 
Knight: Rog, 5 square, Jack. How me? 
NASA 1: 5 square. 
Knight: OK. 
Chase: Everything looks good Pete. 
Knight: OK. 
B-52: 7 minute warning. 
Knight: Aux cabin pressure switch is on. Coming to internal. Fire extinguisher to auto. Alternate SAS is off. 
NASA 1: Rog, Pete. 
Russel: Lube oil temp 95. 
Knight: OK, and I'm going ahead with the SAS check. 
NASA 1: Go ahead. Pete, give us APU bearing temps. 
Knight: 100 and about 40. 
NASA 1: Thank you. 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
NASA 1: Understand 6 minutes. 
Knight: SAS check is complete. Everything looks good. I'm on hi-lo-hi. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Chase: Everything out here looks good. 
Knight: Thank you. ASAS is armed. 
NASA 1: Roger, Pete. 008, shallow your turn just a little. 
B-52: Rog, at 5 minutes. 
NASA 1: 5 minutes. 
Knight: X-15 pressure is 2600. I'm on X-15 oxygen. Cabin altitude is 36,000. 
Russel: Hold for a second on this topoff. 
Knight: OK. 
NASA 1: 008, roll out to 232 and we'll call 4 minutes. 
B-52: Making it 232. 
Russel: Topoff is good, shutoff now, Pete. 
Knight: OK, thank you, Jack. 
NASA 1: 4 minutes now. 
Knight: OK. Topoff is complete. Going to pressurize. Tank pressures are up, 50 pounds. Are you ready for a jettison check? 
Chase: Affirm. Looks good.
Knight: Back to pressurize. All 3 switches are in jettison. Jettison complete. Intercom coming off. How do you read on the radio, Jack? 
NASA 1: Read you 5 square. 008, come 2° right. 
B-52: 2° right. 
Russel: Stable platform in specs. 
Knight: Looks good here. 25,000, velocity is about 600, little low. 
B-52: 3 minutes. 
Knight: APU bearing is 100 and about 75 there, Jack. 
NASA 1: Thank you, Pete. 
.......... : .......... 
Knight: Say again? 
.......... : We're airborne again and .......... into position. 
NASA 1: Please stay off the air. 
B-52: 2 minutes. 
Knight: OK, ball nose test. 
Russel: Doppler velocity is 676. 
Knight: Ball nose looks good. 
NASA 1: 008, come 2° right. 
B-52: Got it. .......... 
NASA 1: Standby for 1 minute, Pete. 
Knight: Did you call 1 minute, Jack? 
NASA 1: 1 minute now, Pete. 
Knight: OK. Beta is on. Launch heading. Calibrate. Precool and igniter idle. Igniter ready light is on. 
B-52: On heading. 
NASA 1: Tape on, Pete? 
Knight: Rog. Pump looks good. It looks good here. 
NASA 1: Looks good here, let's go, Pete. 
Knight: What did he say, Joe? 
B-52: He said go! 
Knight: 3, 2, 1, launch. 
NASA 1: Good light, Pete. 
Knight: OK, I'm not reading you, but it all looks good here. 
B-52: You got a good light. 
NASA 1: Heading is good. 
B-52: Heading is good. 
NASA 1: Standby for theta. Heading is good. Profile is looking good.
B-52: Heading is good, profile is good. 
NASA 1: Standby for pushover. 
B-52: Standby for pushover. 
Knight: Jack, I'm not reading you at all. Joe, will you relay a little bit. 
NASA 1: Roger, check your zero "G," Pete. 
B-52: Check your zero "G." He's reading you, Pete. 
NASA 1: On profile, on heading. How do you read, Pete? 
Knight: 5 square now, Jack. 
NASA 1: Standby for your shutdown. 
Knight: Rog. Shutdown. 
NASA 1: 45 was good, Pete. Have you just a little left of heading, you're looking good. We have you peaking very good. About 43 on velocity, Pete. Have you coming back down very nicely now. You're on heading, on profile. About 4.2. Beautiful. Mach 4. 
Knight: Speed brakes coming out. 
NASA 1: Standby for your speed brakes out. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: Just a little high on profile, but you're looking good. You may have a little excess energy. 
Knight: OK, I've got no H dot. 
NASA 1: Understand no H dot, Roger. About 3.8 Mach. 
Knight: 3.8? 
NASA 1: 3.7 now. 
Knight: OK. Speed brakes coming out. 
NASA 1: Keep your brakes out a little longer, Pete. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: There's Cuddeback. 3.5. You've got plenty of energy, Pete, do you have the field? 
Knight: Negative, not yet. 
NASA 1: Coming down. There's 80,000 and 3.3. Mach 3 and check your yaw ASAS. About 2.8. Do you have the field? 
Knight: OK, speed brakes coming in. 
NASA 1: 2.6. Window open. 
Knight: Say again? 
NASA 1: About 2.5 on the Mach.
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: We have you right over North Base, Pete. 
Knight: Say again the position, Jack? 
NASA 1: Right over North Base. 
Knight: OK. 
NASA 1: Start your turn now, Pete. 60,000 at 2.2, You can bring your brakes in, Bring it on around, 
Knight: How's this time, Jack? 
NASA 1: About 2.1. 
Knight: I've got the field now and the window is open. 
NASA 1: Roger. Keep it turning, Pete, and remember 23 is OK for landing. 1.7 on the Mach. 
Knight: Say again? 
NASA 1: 1.6 on the Mach. You're directly over Rosamond Dry Lake. 
Knight: OK. 
NASA 1: Are you reading us any better? 
Knight: Little better. Altitude? 
NASA 1: 47 on the altitude. 
Knight: OK. 
NASA 1: 1.2. Check your angle of attack, you'll be coming subsonic. 
Knight: I'm already coming subsonic. 
NASA 1: Roger. Go to pressure altimeter. 
Knight: Rog. When you get time, you can extend your alternate pitot. 
Knight: All pitot heads out. 
NASA 1: Chase, when you're in position, we can have him go to jettison. 
Chase: OK, I just picked him up. 
Knight: Ready for jettison? 
Chase: Yes. 
NASA 1: Save peroxide, Pete. 
Knight: Say again? 
NASA 1: Save peroxide. Pete, you're 35,000 on the south tip of the lake. You can take it into either one of them. 
Knight: I'm looking good here. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Knight: Altitude Mike? 
Chase: 28. 
Knight: Rog. Speed brake. 
Chase: Got about 240. 
Knight: Altitude Mike?
Chase: 22. Look real good. 
Knight: OK, I got 320, 340. 
Chase: 340. 
NASA 1: Your speed brakes are still out. 
Knight: Say again? 
NASA 1: Your brakes are still out. 
Knight: I got them. 
Chase: Circuit breakers .............. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: Check your flap and squat circuit breakers, Pete. Ramjet armed, engine master off. 
Knight: Rog. 
.......... : ...... 
Knight: OK, I got 310 and 330. Little brake. 320, 350. 
Chase: 7,000 and 320. Going through 6 and 320. Standby for ramjet, I'll call you. 
Knight: OK. 
Chase: Punch it. Came off OK. 
Knight: Flaps. 
Chase: Down. Gear, 5 feet, 3, 2, set her down. Good one. 
NASA 1: Nice flight, Pete. 
Knight: Ball nose is 166°. Inertial height 12,000. Climb zero. X-15 oxygen pressure 2000. Hydraulic good. H2O2 tank pressure good. APU bearings, +80 and +80. Fox zero, #1 and #2 1600. APU source 28. Cabin source 19.