Plane: X-15-2 Date: 8/30/66
Flight: 2-49-86 T.O.: 0902
Pilot: Maj. W. Knight Launch: 0952
B-52: #008 Land: 1001
L/P: B. Peterson Total: :09
NASA 1: W. Dana B-52 Land: 1030

11 minutes to launch
Knight: Precool is coming off. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 10 minute warning. 
Knight: APU cooling switch to normal. Both blowers and LN2. 
Peterson: LN2 is off in the 52. 
Knight: Pressure cooling is on. Inertial gages 45,000, zero H dot and a little over 800 fps velocity. Attitudes look good. 349° heading. 
B-52: Roger, 349°. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Knight: Cabin source is 3100. 
Peterson: 830 on velocity. 
Knight: That's about right. 
Peterson: OK. 
B-52: 9 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Knight: Helium shutoff valve is open. Ready to start #2 APU, Bill? 
NASA 1: Rog, cleared to start #2 and 8 minutes looks good, Charlie. 
B-52: OK, are you going to call us? 
NASA 1: No, you can go ahead and turn on your time. 
Knight: #2 is on and steady. Cleared to start #l, Bill? 
NASA 1: Start #l, Pete. 
Knight: OK. APUs are on. Generators reset. Engine reset. Hydraulic pressures 35 and 3600. Electrical power is 200 each one. Controls and flaps. 
Chase: Rog. 
Knight: Flaps coming down. 
Chase: Coming down both sides. 
Knight: Flaps going up. 
Chase: Up. 
Knight: Rog, and the flap circuit breakers are in. 
B-52: 8 minutes, starting turn. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Knight: Mixing chambers, #l is 35 or 38 and #2 is 48. 
NASA 1: Rog, Pete.
Knight: And the camera .......... is coming on. Camera check. And I got a green blinking light. a is 3° and b is about 1° needle left. Aux cabin pressure switch is on. 
B-52: Did you get the 7 minutes, Pete? 
Knight: Rog. Platform is on internal. Fire extinguisher is auto. Alternate SAS is off. How do you read, Bill? 
NASA 1: Loud and clear, Pete. 
Knight: I think I will go ahead with the SAS check. 
NASA 1: Rog. We're coming up on 6 minutes in about 10 seconds. 
B-52: That checks. 
Knight: OK, SAS check is complete. All handles on Hi Hi Hi. Horizontal stabilizer position, Chase l? 
Chase: .......... 
Knight: OK, the light is still blinking, Bill. 
NASA 1: Roger, understand the camera light is still blinking. 
Knight: OK, it's stopped now. 
NASA 1: Very good. 
Knight: I'm on setting "G." 
NASA 1: Setting G (George). Roger. NASA 1 will call 4 minutes. 
B-52: Roger, coming up on 5 minutes now. 
NASA 1: Roger, this will be a short minute, Charlie. 
B-52: Roger. 
Knight: X-15 oxygen pressure is 2700, going to X-15. 
NASA 1: Rog, Pete. 
Knight: Cabin altitude is 3600. 
NASA 1: Rog, and did you check your horizontal stabilizer position? 
Knight: Rog, Chase 1 verified. 
NASA 1: Rog. 4 minutes now. 
Peterson: Hold off on the Lox topoff, Pete, I'm not done yet. 
Knight: Rog, holding off. 
B-52: Rolling out 172. 
NASA 1: Roger. We've had the 4 minute warning, Pete. 
Knight: Rog, I'm waiting for the topoff. 
Peterson: Got the .......... going now, topoff is complete. 
Knight: Rog, going to pressurize. Lox and ammonia jettison, ready for jettison check? 
Chase: .......... 
Knight: Rog. All 3 switches to jettison. 
NASA 1: 008, come 2° left.
B-52: Roger, 2° left. 
Knight: Intercom off, Bill, how do you read me on X-15 radio? 
NASA 1: Loud and clear, Pete. We will call this 3 minutes, it will be another short minute into 2. 
Knight: .......... about 700 fps now. H dot is zero. Altitude is 4500. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Knight: APU bearings are 100+ and about 60 right, #1 and #2. 
NASA 1: Rog, Pete, and the winds are down to 10 knots, we plan on a 18 landing. 
Knight: Say again, Bill? 
NASA 1: The winds are down to 10 knots, we plan landing on runway 18. 
Knight: Roger, plan 18? 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Knight: How do you read, Bill? 
NASA 1: Loud and clear, Pete, we plan on landing runway 18. 
Knight: Say again, we're planning on runway 18? 
B-52: The winds are down, we plan a 18 landing, and we are to call this 2 minutes. 
Knight: OK, going to test ball nose. Ball nose a is 2°, b is 1° needle left. 
NASA 1: Rog, Pete, how do you read now? 
Knight: 5 square, give me a countdown for 1 minute. 
NASA 1: Will do. 
Peterson: Stable platform in specs. 
NASA 1: Rog, Pete, standby for countdown. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, hack. 
Knight: Rog, I got it. Data on, tape on, calibrate. Going to prime. 
Chase: Good prime. 
Knight: Precool and igniter idle are on. I got an igniter ready light. 
NASA 1: Rog, Pete. 
Peterson: Stable platform to inertial. 
Knight: Rog, pump coming up. 
Chase: Roger ....... 
Knight: Manifolds look good. Igniter looks good, ready to launch. 
NASA 1: Looks good here, Pete. 
Knight: Rog, 3, 2, 1, launch. 
Chase: Got a good light. 
NASA 1: OK, Pete, watch your a. Check your throttle. Your heading looks good. Standby for theta. Heading and profile look very good, Pete. Standby for pushover. Coming up on 70,000 feet now.
Knight: Rog, looks good. 
NASA 1: Rog, looks good here, Pete. Heading is very good. Standby for shutdown. 
Knight: Rog, got a little early shutdown. 
NASA 1: Rog. You're coming right down the line, Pete. Don't change a thing. Camera to Fox. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: And come 1° right. Your speed is 5100. Watch your H dot, you're losing a little altitude. Come right 1°. 10 miles to target, Pete. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: 5 miles to target, watch your theta, watch your bank. 
Knight: Looks good. 
NASA 1: Speed is 4600, Pete. Your heading is good. 
Knight: There's the target. 
NASA 1: And you're over the target, affirmative. Your speed is 4400. Your altitude is 86,000. Your heading is good. Camera to E (Easy). And you're coming through Mach 4, Pete, altitude is 84,000. And your heading is right down the track, Pete. And your speed is 3800, altitude is still 84,000. Camera to D (Dog). 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: Camera to C (Charlie), Pete. And you're at 50 miles now, your speed is 3350. Altitude is 83,000. 
Knight: Speed brakes coming out. 
NASA 1: Roger on the speed brakes, Pete. You're just coming through Mach 3, altitude is 77,000. Your heading is outstanding. Speed is 2800, coming through 72,000. We'd like the camera to B (Baker). 
Knight: Roger, Baker. 
NASA 1: Speed brakes in, Pete, you're coming through 2.5. Your altitude is 60,000. 
Knight: Speed brakes coming in. 
NASA 1: Rog, Pete. We have you at 2200 fps, 60,000, and you're just inside Cuddeback. You're 20 miles north. We have you at Mach 2, Pete. 
Knight: OK.
NASA 1: Everything is looking good. You're 12 miles north, coming through 52,000, your energy is very good. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: Camera setting to A (Able). 
Knight: A (Able), pitch dampers back on, ASAS back on. 
NASA 1: Roger, Pete, and will you save peroxide, go to stop jettison on peroxide when you have time. 
Knight: Rog. Stop jettison, ready for jettison, Joe? 
Chase: Rog, ready jettison. 
NASA 1: We have you coming across the highway, Pete, at 48,000 and 1300 fps. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: When you have time, you can turn the engine master off. 
Knight: Engine master off. 
NASA 1: You're at high key, Pete, check squat, flap circuit breakers. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: Arm your ventral, check your ventral circuit breaker. And we have you coming subsonic, monitor your a
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: Extend your alternate pitot tube. 
Knight: Rog. Altitude, Joe? 
NASA 1: We have you coming through 36,000, Pete. 
Knight: Rog. Don't forget the ventral, Joe? 
Chase: Rog. 
Knight: Little buffet at 9° here, Bill. 
NASA 1: Rog, Pete, and we have you through 28,000. 
Chase: There it goes. 
Knight: Say again? 
Chase: Got the chute. 
Knight: What chute? 
Chase: Something came out the ventral. 
Knight: Rog, I didn't do a thing. 
NASA 1: Is the chute sill hanging on the airplane?
Chase: Negative, it's departed. 
NASA 1: Very good. 
Knight: OK, how much altitude? 
Chase: 18, 200 . 
Knight: Rog. Winds, Bill? 
NASA 1: Rog, we have you through 16,000 in the control room, Pete. 
Knight: Winds, Bill? 
NASA 1: Oh, they're out of the SW at 10 knots. 
Knight: Rog. Speed brakes closed. Throwing the ventral.
Chase: OK, they're off.
Knight: Rog, flaps.
Chase: Down. 
Knight: Gear. 
Chase: Down, looks good. 
Knight: Heading is 150, ball looks good. Inertial altitude is zero. H dot is zero. Velocity is zero. Oxygen pressure is 2000. Hydraulic pressures both good, 34 and 35. Peroxide tank pressure good. APU bearing temps, 100 on #1 and about 20 on #2. Peroxide low light is off. Mixing chambers, -40 on #1 and 40 on #2. Engine source pressure is good, #1 & #2 about 1600. APU source 27 and 28. Cabin source 18. No door pressure.