Flight No.: 2-48-85 Scheduled Date : August 11, 1966

Pilot: Major William J. Knight
Purpose : 1. Star Tracker Experiment (Welsh)

2. Alternate Pitot Static System (Webb)

3. Base Drag Study (Saltzman)

Launch: Delamar Lake on magnetic heading of 214°

SAS Hi-Lo-Hi (8-4-8), ASAS Armed, Both BCS "ON," RAS "OFF"

Heading Vernier to Standby, Ventral "OFF."

Star Tracker Vernier y = 214°, q = , f =

Launch point coordinates: 37° 18' N; 114° 36' W.

Instrumentation Engineer - Bob Brush
 No.   Time  Alt  V a  q   Event
1. 0 45 790 2 145 Launch, light engine at 75% T. Increase to 100% T. Rotate at a = 11° until q = 37°.
2. 32 53 1950 11 600 q = 37°. Maintain q = 37°.
3. 81.8 135 5020 8 83 Shutdown (burnout may occur). Pushover to a = 0°, heading vernier to ·y.
4. 117 200 4600 0 6 Extend speed brakes to 20°. RAS "ON." Auto cutoff "ON."
5. 134 220 4450 - 2.9 Begin Star Tracker experiment.
6. 162 230 4420 - 2.4 Peak altitude.
7. 191 220 4450 - 2.9 Terminate Star Tracker task. Experiment "OFF," RAS "OFF." Maintain q = 0 until a = 17°.
8. 209 200 4600 - 6 a = 17°, maintain a = 17°-18° during entry (dh = -25°) until H-dot » -800 fps. Heading vernier to "STANDBY."
9. 276 70 3900 14 1020 H-dot » -800 fps. Pushover to a » 3°. Maintain H-dot » -300 fps (Qmax » 1100, NZmax » 4.6g).
10. 307 60 3000 3 1000 Cuddeback, vector to High Key. Speed brakes as required.
11.           High Key - check flap and "squat" circuit breakers in, engine master "Off." Extend alternate pitot static tube.
12.           Before APU shutdown, cycle flaps, set stabilizer trim to zero, data off. Star Tracker to "cage," then "standby."


1. q vernier will be set at 37°, a crosspointer will null at 17°.

2. Emergency Lakes: Hidden Hills and Cuddeback.

3. Flight duration: Approximately 10 min.

4. Flight plan based on 60,600# thrust at 100%. Engine #106

Total burn time at 100% T. = 81.8 sec.

Launch wt. = 35,326 Burnout wt. = 16,754

Inflight jettison check (accounted for in wts. and burn time).

Ground Rules for No Launch: 1. Radio, Radar, or TM Malfunction.

2. Malfunction of any SAS channel.

3. Malfunction of inertial system.

4. Malfunction of ball nose.

5. Malfunction of BCS.

6. Malfunction of Star Tracker.

Alternate Situations After Launch:

Failure Action
1. Radio or Radar   Proceed as planned.
2. Total Pitch Damper

Total Roll damper

(turn Yaw off)

Total Yaw damper

Failure to ASAS




0 - 35 sec.

Pushover to 2° a at 35 sec. Shutdown at 5300 fps. (Hmax » 150).

35 sec. - Shutdown

Pushover to 2° a and reduce to minimum thrust when failure occurs; shutdown at 5300 fps.

After Shutdown

Proceed as planned, reenter at 15° a.

3. Ball Nose (a)



0 - 35 sec.

Pushover to zero g at 35 sec. Shutdown at 5300 fps.

35 sec. - Shutdown

Pushover to zero g and reduce to minimum thrust when failure occurs. Shutdown at 5300 fps.

After Shutdown

Use q = 0 and dh = -25° for reentry; heading vernier to "·y."

4. Attitude (a)



0 - 35 sec.

Use 9° a at 32 sec. in place of 37° q, then proceed with 3(a).

35 sec. - Shutdown

Same as 3(b).

After Shutdown

Proceed as planned. Horizon reference to be used to maintain q and f.

5. Delayed engine lite   Proceed as planned.

6. Inadvertent engine shutdown

0 - 43 sec Delamar

43 - 49 sec _______ (2400 fps)

49 - 68 sec. Hidden Hills (2700 fps)

68 - 72 sec. Cuddeback (3900 fps)

72 - Up sec Edwards (4200 fps)