Plane: X-15-2 Date: 8/3/66
Flight: 2-47-84 T.O.: 0754
Pilot: Maj. W. Knight Launch: 0845
B-52: #008 Land: 0854
L/P: J. Russell Total: :09
NASA 1: W. H. Dana B-52 Land: 0924

12 minutes to launch
Knight: Both BCS on.
B-52: 11 minutes. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Knight: Rog. Precool is off, Bill. 
NASA 1: Rog, Pete. 
B-52: 10 minutes, heading 034. 
Knight: APU cooling is normal. Both blowers BLN2. Pressure cooling coming on. Inertial gages, I got about 12,000 altitude, -100 fps H dot and attitudes look good, heading is 034°. Cabin source is about 3300. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Russel: Reading about 819 on doppler velocity. 
Knight: Rog, I got about 800. 
Russel: Vertical velocity climbs -- 10 scale is a -7. 
NASA 1: Roger. Say again the quantity that is -7, Jack? 
B-52: Just passed 9 minutes. 
Knight: Helium valve is open. Are we cleared to start the APU's, #2 first? Bill, are we ready for #2 APU? 
NASA 1: Rog, Pete, do you have your helium shutoff valve open? 
Knight: Rog, it is open. 
NASA 1: Rog, ready on #2. 
B-52: NASA 1, will you call 8 minutes? 
NASA 1: We'll call it. 
Knight: Rog, I got good hydraulics on #2. Clear for #l? 
NASA 1: Rog, clear on #1. 8 minutes now. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: Start your turn. 
B-52: Roger. 
Knight: Reset the generators. Engine is reset. Hydraulic pressures look good. Electrical power looks good, 200 on both. Flaps coming down, Woody. 
Chase: Rog, coming down, look good. 
Knight: Flaps coming up. 
Chase: Rog, real nice. Flaps look good. 
Knight: OK.
NASA 1: Check your flap circuit breaker. 
Knight: Both circuit breakers are in. 
NASA 1: Rog. We 're already through 8 minutes, Pete, go ahead with page 10. 
Knight: Rog. Mixing chamber temperatures are -40 and about -50 on #2. 
B-52: 7 minutes. 
Knight: a is +2° and b is about 1-3/4° needle left. 
NASA 1: Rog And we're through 7 minutes. 
Knight: Rog. Aux cabin pressure switch is coming on. Ready for platform internal? 
Russel: Yes. 
NASA 1: Rog, Pete. 
Knight: Platform internal. Fire extinguisher is auto. Alternate SAS is off. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Knight: How are we on time, Bill? 
NASA 1: About 6-l/2 minutes, Pete. 
Knight: Rog. I'll go ahead with the SAS check now. 
NASA 1: Go. 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roger. Jack Russell, you called some parameter was reading 7, say what quantity that is? 
Russel: Vertical velocity is now reading -4. 
NASA 1: Roger, vertical velocity now -4. 
Knight: And SAS check is complete, ASAS is armed. Got Hi Lo Hi. 
NASA 1: Roger, Pete. 
Knight: We'll check the roll BCS now. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Knight: And the stabilizer position, Woody? 
Chase: Trim is zero. 
Knight: Rog. Got about 44,000 inertial altitude, just negative on the H dot, about 810 or 812 on the velocity. 
B-52: Just passed 5 minutes. 
Knight: X-15 oxygen about 2800. 
NASA 1: 008, ease off on the turn just a little bit please. 
B-52: Roger. 
NASA 1: We'll call the 4 minute point. 
B-52: Roger. 
Knight: Selected X-15 oxygen. Cabin altitude is 36,000.
Russel: LOX topoff is complete. 
NASA 1: Pete, will you check your face plate heat on. 
Knight: Rog, face plate heat is on low. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Russel: Stable platform in specs, except for vertical velocity. 
NASA 1: Roger, Jack Russell. 008, roll out on 220. 
B-52: Roger, 220. 
NASA 1: Standby for the 4 minute call. 4 minutes now. 
Knight: Rog. Data on, calibrate. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Knight: Tank handle pressurize. 
Russel: NASA 1, vertical velocity zero on ........... 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Russel: And you want me to lock G pot at this time? 
Knight: Tank pressures look good, about 49 on ammonia and 51 on LOX. LOX inlet about 51. Going to jettison, are you ready, Chase l? 
Chase: Ready. Good jettison. 
Knight: Rog. Data coming off. 
Chase: Stop jettisoning. 
Knight: Rog. 3 jettison switches in jettison. 
NASA 1: 008, come 2° right. 
B-52: Roger, 2° right. 
Knight: Intercom off, how do you read on X-15 radio? 
NASA 1: You're loud and clear, Pete, do you have all 3 jettison switches to jettison? 
Knight: All 3 switches are in jettison. 
NASA 1: Roger, and will you run through inertials quick for us? 
Knight: 45,000 on inertial altitude, zero on H dot and about 650 on speed. 
NASA 1: Roger. Come 2° more right, 008. 
B-52: Roger, 2° more right. 
NASA 1: And we're about 2 minutes and 20 seconds now. 
Knight: Roger. APU bearing temps are 100 and about 90 on #2. Door pressure 1900. Push to test on the experiment. 
NASA 1: Rog, Pete. 2 minutes now. 
Knight: Roger. Testing the ball nose. Ball nose looks good. Got about 1-1/2° a and about 1-3/4° left needle on b.
NASA 1: OK, we're in good shape here, Pete, and NASA 1 will count down to 1 minute. 008, come 2° more right and back to launch heading at 1 minute. 
B-52: Roger. 
NASA 1: Standby for 1 minute, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, hack. 
Knight: Roger, I got it. Data is on, tape on. Calibrate. Prime. Prime looks good, precool and igniter idle are on. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Knight: Pump idle is coming on. Igniter ready light. Manifolds look good, 2nd stage igniter. Ready to launch. 
NASA 1: Looks good here, Pete. 
Knight: Rog, 3, 2, 1 launch. 
Chase: Good light. 
NASA 1: Your a looks good, Pete. Check your throttle. And lets try to come 5° right on the heading. Standby for theta. Heading looks good. Coming up on 80,000 now. Pete, come down about 1° on theta. Track looks very good. We can see your theta correction. Standby for shutdown. Track looks very good, profile looks good also, Pete. Coming up on 180,000. Check b zero. Heading vernier to delta psi. 
Knight: Vernier to delta psi. 
NASA 1: Rog. Coming up on 200,000, RAS on, Pete. Track looks very good. Coming up on 220, experiment on. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: Track looks very good, Pete. 
Knight: Experiment is on. 
NASA 1: Rog. Have you over the top at 240,000, Pete. Heading looks very good and profile is good. 
Knight: Rog. Doors closed. 
NASA 1: Rog. You're back through 220, Pete, check your experiment off. RAS off. Speed brakes to 20°. Have you back through 200,000, delta psi to standby. Check your a. OK, let's steady out the a where we want it, Pete. a looks good. Back through 150,000 now. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: Track looks very good, Pete. You're just slightly warm on energy. Just very slightly. Very good track, very good profile. Coming through 70,000 now, Pete, standby for H dot. Good looking H dot, Pete. Let's bring the speed brakes full out, Pete, and keep her coming downhill. 
Knight: Coming down. 
NASA 1: Keep her coming down. We have you over Cuddeback now at 62,000 at 3.3 Mach. Keep her coming down. Do you have the field in site? Have you coming through 2.8. OK, you're coming down hill good now. 
Knight: Give me an altitude? 
NASA 1: Engine master off. 
Knight: Master off. What's my altitude, Bill? 
NASA 1: We have you 52,000 and you're just coming through Mach 2. 
Knight: Rog. 
Chase: Tally ho. 
NASA 1: OK, you can bring your brakes in, Pete, if you like. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: And we have you 10 north now. Coming through 40,000. You can break your H dot now. Chase 4, are you ready for jettison? 
Chase: Roger. I got him. 
NASA 1: Roger, you can go to jettison anytime, Pete. 
Knight: Jettisoning. 
Chase: Still jettisoning, Pete. 
Knight: Altitude, Jerry? 
NASA 1: We have you coming subsonic, Pete, watch your a. We have you over the highway, Pete, about 35,000. 
Chase: 32,000 Pete. Check your flap, squat, stick kicker. .......... extend, master off. 
Knight: Rog, got them off. 
NASA 1: And will you stop jettisoning on peroxide, Pete? 
Knight: Rog, stop jettisoning. Altitude? 
Chase: 25, Pete. 
Knight: Rog. 
Chase: 15, 12, come up a little
Knight: ......... 
Chase: Got it. Nose down. Your main, nose gear is coming out, it's down. 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, push, pull, real good, Pete. 
Knight: Ball looks good, about 174°. Velocity is about 600 fps. Altitude is climbing, +400 fps. X-15 oxygen is about 2000. Hydraulic pressures are all good. Peroxide tank is good. Bearing temperatures, mixing chambers are good. Fox is down to zero. #1 and #2 is about 600. APU's are about 1900 on #1, 2200 on #2. Cabin source is 2000. Door source is about 1600.