Plane: X-15-2 Date: 7/21/66
Flight: 2-46-83 T.O.: 1109
Pilot: Maj. W. Knight Launch: 1201
B-52: #003 Land: 1210
L/P: J. Russell Total: :09
NASA 1: W. H. Dana B-52 Land: 1230

12 minutes to launch
Knight: Both BCS on. Data off. 
B-52: 11 minutes. 
Knight: Precool is off, Bill. 
NASA 1: 003, come 2° right. Roger on the precool, Pete. 
B-52: 2° right. 10 minute warning. 035°. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Knight: APU cooling switch is normal. Both blowers BLN2. Pressure cooling lever is on. Inertial gages look good, 35,000. little over. 800 feet per second, zero H dot. Cabin source is 3400. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Knight: Attitudes look real good and I got a 034 heading. 
NASA 1: 034. 
Knight: Roger. 
Russel: Doppler velocity 802. 
NASA 1: Roger. We will call the 9 minute point in about 30 seconds. Come 2° more right, 003. 
B-52: Say again how many right? 
NASA 1: 2° right. 
B-52: Roger, 2° right. 
NASA 1: 9 minutes now. 
Knight: Roger. Helium shutoff valve is open. Are we cleared to start the APU's? #2 first. 
NASA 1: Cleared to start, Pete. 
Knight: #2 coming on. Hydraulics coming up. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Knight: Ready for #1? 
NASA 1: Rog, clear to start #l, Pete. 
Knight: #l is coming on. Hydraulics coming up, looks good. 
NASA 1: Roger.
Knight: Generators reset, hydraulics look good. Engine reset. Electrical power looks good, 200 on both. Controls and flaps coming down, Chase 1. 
Chase: Roger, coming down. 
Knight: Rog, coming up. 
Chase: Roger. 
B-52: NASA 1, are you going to call 8 minutes? 
NASA 1: 8 minutes now, start your turn. 
B-52: Roger, starting turn. 
Knight: Mixing chambers, #1 is -35 to -40 and #2 is -45 or -50. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Knight: a is +2-1/2° and b is needle and a half left. 
NASA 1: Say again your a, Pete. 
Knight: 2° now. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 7 minutes. 
Knight: Aux cabin pressure switch is on. Platform to internal. Fire extinguisher is auto. Alternate SAS is armed. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Russel: Lube oil temp 105. 
Knight: I'm gong to go ahead with the SAS check, Bill. 
NASA 1: Go ahead, Pete. 
Knight: SAS check is complete. We're on Hi Lo Hi. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Chase: Rudder slightly turned to the right. 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
Knight: Rog, got the BCS on ....... OK ........ 
Chase: Looks good on the launch. 
B-52: 5 minute warning. 
Knight: X-15 oxygen is 2800 and I'm on X-15 oxygen. Cabin altitude is 36,000. 
Russel: Lox topoff is complete. 
Knight: How do you read, NASA l? 
NASA 1: You're loud and clear, Pete. 
Knight: OK. 
Russel: Range +l and cross range -1. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Russel: Stable platform in specs. 
B-52: NASA 1, are you calling 4 minutes? 
NASA 1: Roll out now on 217 and 4 minutes now. 
B-52: Roger, 217 and 4 minutes. 
Knight: Data on, calibrate. Tank handle going to pressurize. Lox and ammonia in jettison. Ready for jettison check, Bruce? 
Chase: Rog.
NASA 1: 4 minutes now. 
Knight: Get the jettison check, Bruce? 
Chase: That's affirmative. 
Knight: Rog. All 3 jettisoned. Data is off. Intercom off, on radio, how do you read, Bill? 
NASA 1: Read you loud and clear, Pete. 
Knight: Rog. Velocity is about 750, little less. Altitude 45. H dot is zero. APU bearings, 100 on #1 and 80 on #2. Experiment door pressure 1950. Push to test experiment. 
Russel: Doppler velocity 276. 
Knight: Experiment looks good here. How do you read, Bill? 
NASA 1: Loud and clear, Pete. 
Knight: OK. 
B-52: 3 minutes now. 
NASA 1: Roger on the 3 minutes. 
Knight: OK, I didn't hear your 4 minutes. 
NASA 1: Say again, Pete. 
Knight: Rog, disregard. 
NASA 1: 003, come 2° left. 
B-52: 2° left. Calling 2 minutes now. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Knight: Push to test ball nose. Ball nose looks good, reading about 1 to 1-1/2° a
NASA 1: Rog, Pete. 
Chase 2: Launch lake looks good .......... 
B-52: 1 minute and the lake looks good. 
NASA 1: Roger, turn to launch heading. 
Knight: Did you call 1 minute, Bill? 
NASA 1: We just went through 1 minute, Pete, turning to launch heading. 
Knight: Rog. Data is on, tape is on. Calibrate. Prime switch on. Igniter ready light. Precool is on. Igniter idle is on. Pump idle. 
NASA 1: Roger.
Knight: Got igniter ready light. Manifolds look good. .......... look good. 
NASA 1: You got a good engine, Pete. 
Knight: How does it look to you? 
NASA 1: You got a good one, go. 
Knight: Rog, 3, 2, 1, launch. 
NASA 1: OK, we see your a coming up, Pete. Watch your a. Check full throttle, Pete. Track looks good. Standby for theta. Track looks good, your profile looks good. Right hand profile looks good. 70,000 now. 80,000 feet now. 90,000 now. Track and profile look very good. Standby for shutdown. Your track looks good, your profile looks very good. Coming up on 150,000 now, engine master off. 
Knight: Rog, master is off. 
NASA 1: Track and profile look very good. Coming up on 170,000 now. Experiment on, Pete. 
Knight: Experiment on. 
NASA 1: Track and profile look very good. We have you coming over the top at 190,000, Pete. Speed brakes to 20°. 
Knight: Roger. And the doors are closed. 
NASA 1: Very good, Pete, and your profile looks very good. Track looks good. Very good mission, Pete. Show you coming back through 170,000 now. And we want to keep our a up, I see you've got it where you want it. You're looking very good. Show you coming through 140,000 feet now. Coming through 120,000 now. We're just a little long, Pete, you'll have just a little more energy than you planned on. Just a very little more. Coming through 100,000 now. You're looking very good. We have you coming through 80,000. Standby for H dot, Pete. We're coming on H dot, speed brakes in, Pete, and you're in 50 miles. 
Knight: Rog. Speed brakes are in.
NASA 1: Let's start the speed brakes out, Pete. Speed brakes full out. 
Knight: Speed brakes coming full out. 
NASA 1: Very good. We have you coming across Cuddeback at 65,000 and 3.5. Your energy and your H dot look very good. Let's leave the brakes out for a little while. 
Knight: Rog, coming closed. 
NASA 1: Coming through Mach 3, Pete, and your energy looks very good. Edwards is a little off to your left. Do you have it in site? 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: Very good. H dot looks very good. We have you coming through Mach 2 and 50, let's bring the brakes in. 
Knight: Brakes coming in. 
NASA 1: Roger, and I think you're going to want to vector a little bit to the left to North Base. Do you have North Base in site, Pete? 
Knight: I got it! 
NASA 1: Let's bend her to the left. 
Knight: Rog. Chase, are you ready for jettison? 
Chase: Roger, Pete, I have you. 
Knight: Rog. 
Chase: I'm at 35, Pete, you're about 38. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: Coming subsonic, Pete, watch your a
Knight: I got it. 
NASA 1: Let's stop jettisoning on the peroxide. 
Knight: Stop jettison. 
NASA 1: And you can check your flap and squat circuit breaker. 
Knight: Roger. 
Chase: At 30,000. 
Knight: Rog. Little brake, Jerry. 
Chase: Rog. 370.
Knight: .......... at 20. 
Chase: Wilco! 3000. Now about 380. We might be just a little close in. 
Knight: Rog. 
Chase: 13,000. 360. 
Knight: Rog, I got it. Flaps coming. 
Chase: Rog, going down, 2 mains are out, nose gear is down. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 you're down, pull, push-pull correction, sorry about that. Real nice, Pete. .
Knight: Heading 180. Inertial altitude is about 8000'. Climb is little +. Oxygen is about 2000. Everything looks good