Plane: X-15-2 Date: 7/1/66
Flight: 2-45-81 T.O.: 1012
Pilot: R. Rushworth Launch: 1102
B-52: #008 Land: 1107
L/P: J. Russell Total: :05
NASA 1: J. McKay B-52 Land: 1155

13 minutes to launch
B-52: 13 minutes to launch. 
NASA 1: Roger. Looks like you're going up the old track for good, Fitz. 
B-52: The old climb reads not so good though, we're 43,700 now, might be 500-600 feet below at launch time, going to be pretty close. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Rushworth: Little warm up here today. 
B-52: She likes to climb better with the out-rigger down. 
NASA 1: Bob, your latest report on your Mud Lake winds now are southeast at 15-20. 
Rushworth: Southeast at 15-20, Roger. 
Russel: Normal topoff cycle is complete, going to manual feed here to see if I can get a level flow. 
NASA 1: Roger, sounds good, Jack. Do not topoff the external tank. 
Russel: Roger. Looks like a long flume coming out of it every 10-15 seconds. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Russel: Don't know if there's any liquid in it, but its a good round vapor. 
NASA 1: Sounds like its topping its own self up there. 
Russel: Sounds like it. 
B-52: 11 minutes to launch about 10 seconds ago. 
Rushworth: Precools are off. 
NASA 1: Fitz, come 2° right. 
B-52: 2° right to 002. 10 minutes to launch, heading 002, Bob. 
Rushworth: Roger. APU cooling switch going normal. 
Russel: LN2 switch off. 
Rushworth: Both blowers BLN2. Pressure cooling is on. My inertial gages are 41,000 and 900 ft/sec, zero rate of climb. Attitudes look good. 
Russel: Reading 836 in the B-52. 
Rushworth: OK. 
B-52: You're right about the rate of climb, Bob. 
Rushworth: Cabin source is 32. 
B-52: 9 minutes, how does the time look, NASA? 
Rushworth: #2 APU is on. 
Russel: Rog, got exhaust. 
Rushworth: Ready for #l, Jack.
NASA 1: OK, Bob. 
B-52: NASA 1, time still look good? 
NASA 1: Roger, we'll call 8 minutes. When you get a chance, Bob, give us auxiliary source pressure. 
Rushworth: Auxiliary source pressure 2250. Generators are reset and the engine is reset. 3500 on #1, 3400 on #2. Flaps going down. ...... 
Chase: Flaps are going down. 
Rushworth: Flaps going up. 
NASA 1: Let's call 8 minutes now. 
Rushworth: Roger, 8 minutes. 
B-52: 8 minutes, starting the turn. 
Rushworth: Controls are set. 
B-52: Rog, they look good. 
Rushworth: Flap circuit breakers are in and I have 1 ........ needle left and I have 3° angle of attack. Mixing chambers, #1 is -40 and #2 is -45. 
NASA 1: Russell, set in 220 North. 
Russel: 220? 
NASA 1: Affirmative. 
Russel: Is that what you got, Fitz? 
B-52: Affirmative. 
NASA 1: Mark it, Jack. 
B-52: Mark it, he says. 
Russel: Roger. 
B-52: Did you get the mark, Jack? 
Russel: Negative, they're tracking a long ways off. 
Rushworth: Aux cabin pressure switch is on. 
NASA 1: Jack, set in 30 West. 
Russel: 30 West, Roger. 
NASA 1: Mark it, Jack. 
Russel: Mark. 
B-52: Just passed 6 minutes there, Bob. 
Rushworth: Understand 6 minutes. I've completed my SAS check, its all right. I'm not going to internal on the platform. Jack Russell, are you satisfied with that? 
Russel: Roger. 
Rushworth: OK, I'm internal in the platform. Fire extinguisher auto. The SAS check is complete, all gains are ........ is on and ASAS is on. 
B-52: NASA, you'll call 5 minutes, is that correct? 
NASA 1: Affirmative. 
Russel: NASA 1, good solid overflow on internal at 180 gallons remaining cruise. 
NASA 1: Thank you. 
Russel: Good trim on drop tanks.
NASA 1: 5 minutes now. 
B-52: 5 minutes. 
Rushworth: O2 is 26. I'm on X-15. Cabin altitude is 36,500. Topoff is complete. 
Russel: Roger. 
B-52: Want us to roll out on launch heading, NASA l? 
NASA 1: Roll out on 183 now, Fitz. 
B-52: Roger, roll out 183. 
NASA 1: 4-l/2 minutes now. 
Russel: Topoff is all complete. 
Rushworth: Roger. Topoff is complete. 
B-52: Roll out 183. 
NASA 1: 4 minutes now. 
B-52: Roger. 
Rushworth: Data on and calibrate. Tank handle to pressure. 
Russel: Roger, your vents look good out here. 
Rushworth: 3 jettison switches to jettison. I saw .......... on fuel and 47. Ready for jettison check? 
Chase: Roger. 
Rushworth: Jettison off. 
Chase: It's stopped. 
Rushworth: Data is off. 
NASA 1: OK here, Bob. Come 2° right, Fitz. 
B-52: 2° right. Looks good, Bob. 
Rushworth: And I'm on X-15 radio. 
NASA 1: 5 square here. 
Rushworth: Roger. 
B-52: Just passed 3 minutes, Bob. 
Rushworth: Roger. I have 44,800 fps, heading looks good. 
Russel: B-52 has 676 fps. 
Rushworth: APU bearing temps, #1 is 110, #2 is 95. External tank ejection on. External tank data is on. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Russel: Stable platform in specs. 
Rushworth: Test the ball nose. 3/4° b and 2° a
B-52: Just passed 2 minutes, Bob. 
Rushworth: Roger. 
B-52: NASA 1, you'll call 1? 
NASA 1: Affirmative. We have 1 minute now, and roll to launch heading. 
B-52: Roger, 1 minute.
Rushworth: Try another transmitter, Jack. 
Chase: He called 1 minute. 
Rushworth: Roger, I got that. 
NASA 1: How do you read now, Bob? 
Rushworth: That's much better. Prime. Ignition ready light is on. Precool is on. Igniter idle is on. 
NASA 1: Let's add about 5 seconds, Bob. 
Rushworth: Understand add 5 seconds. Pump. 
Chase: OK, Fox looks good. 
Rushworth: I have good readings here, Jack. 
NASA 1: Looks good here, Bob. 
Rushworth: Say something, Jack. 
NASA 1: Looks good here, Bob. 
Rushworth: Very good. 
NASA 1: We have no flow on ammonia, Bob. 
Rushworth: Roger, understand. What else to do for them. 
NASA 1: Shutdown. Tanks off, Bob. 
Chase: Tank off. 
Rushworth: OK, tanks are away. I got to shut engine down. I'm going into Mud. 
Chase: Right. 
NASA 1: Understand going into Mud, Bob. 
Rushworth: Roger. 
NASA 1: Winds at Mud are southeast at 12 at the present time. 
Rushworth: Roger. 
NASA 1: Let's turn around. 
Chase: I got you at 38, Bob. 
Rushworth: Roger. 
NASA 1: Let's keep it turning, Bob, you're 38. 
Rushworth: Roger, got it in site, Jack. Give me an indication on jettison. 
Chase: Looks like you're jettisoning good now but I'm not quite close enough. 
Rushworth: Roger. Where's the 104? 
Chase: Right behind you at 38. 
Rushworth: Roger. .......... 
Chase: Speed, Bob? 
Rushworth: Pretty good. 
NASA 1: Keep turning, Bob, you're losing a little altitude. 
Rushworth: Am I over the lakebed? 
Chase: Roger, at 35.
Rushworth: I think I better land to the east. 
Chase: OK. 
NASA 1: Jettison peroxide, Bob. 
Rushworth: I can't hear McKay. 
NASA 1: Jettison everything. 
Chase: Jettison everything, Bob. 
Rushworth: Jettisoning everything. 
Chase: Rog, looks like your jettison is real good, Bob. 
Rushworth: Let me know when its beginning to thin out. 
Chase: Rog. 
Chase 2: I'm on the right side and I got the aircraft in site. 
NASA 1: Bob, check your flap and squat circuit breakers. 
Rushworth: OK, ASAS is disengaged. 
NASA 1: Got your ventral armed and engine master off. 
Rushworth: Master's off. 
Chase: Engine master off, ventral arm off. 
Rushworth: Looks like Lox is about done. 
NASA 1: Bob, stop jettisoning peroxide. 
Rushworth: OK. 
Chase: .......... Pete, you got me? 
Rushworth: I'm going to have to swing around here hard. 
Chase: Rog, bring it around. 25,000, Bob. 
Rushworth: OK, I'm going to use speed brakes, you might go outside of me. 
NASA 1: Remember your ventral, Bob. 
Chase: 22,000. 
NASA 1: Bob, check #l APU. 
Rushworth: It's going. 
Chase: Rog, and get your ventral. 
Rushworth: Rog, the ventral. 
Chase: It's off. 
Rushworth: Speed brakes. 
Chase: 8,000 (no transmissions coming through) 
Chase 2: NASA 1. 
NASA 1: Roger, Chase 2. 
Chase 2: Airplane has landed, everything OK, real good shape. 
NASA 1: Roger, and ask all concerned to check their mics.