Flight No.: 2-C-80 Scheduled Date : June 14, 1966

Pilot: Lt. Col. Robert Rushworth
Purpose : 1. External tank propellant system Checkout (W. Albrecht)

2. B-52 launch condition check (J. Armstrong)

3. External tank instrumentation check (P. Harney)

4. Alternate pitot-static system check (D. Webb)
Ground Track: As indicated on attached map

  Procedure:   1. The B-52 will make a normal takeoff and perform two climbing turns in the local area to achieve 40,000 feet at North Base in approximately 25 minutes. The time to the simulated launch point from this point will be 16 minutes and MAG heading of 066°.

2. The B-52 will proceed along the planned track while climbing to 45,000 feet. If 220 Kts IAS cannot be achieved at 45,000 feet, the B-52 will descend to that altitude where 220 Kts can be maintained. At the simulated launch point the B-52 and X-15 pilot will record IAS, Mach and altitude.

3. The X-15 pilot will obtain 10-second data bursts at: before takeoff, 15,000 feet, 25,000 feet, 35,000 feet, and 45,000 feet.

4. The flight will proceed according to the X-15-2 flight checklist to the minus 5 second point. After the simulated launch point is reached, "stop prime" and proceed with the no launch checklist.

5. LOX and NH3 jettison (H2O2 in "stop" jettison) will proceed with external tank switch in "external" for 40 seconds, then select "internal" for 10 seconds and return to "external." Remain in "external" until external fox depletion, then select internal for completion of jettison. B-52 should be nose-high-attitude at completion of jettison.

6. LOX and NH3 jettison complete - jettison H2O2. Stop H2O2 jettison at 700 psi helium source.

7. X-15 pilot will actuate the alternate pitot system after the "no launch" sequence has been completed. IAS comparisons will be made between standard and alternate systems during return to base.

8. LOX and NH3 remain in jettison position until below 20,000 feet.


Flight No.: 2-45-81 Scheduled Date : June 15, 1966

Pilot: Lt. Col. R. Rushworth

Purpose : 1. Aircraft handling characteristics with full external tanks (Robinson)

2. External tank separation characteristics (Bryant)

3. Martin ablative test (Watts)

4. Maurer Camera Checkout (Welsh)

5. Local Flow Conditions in Ramjet area (Nugent)

6. Evaluation of alternate pitot-static system (Webb)

7. Canopy hook loads

Launch: MUD Lake on magnetic heading of 180°, SAS Hi-Hi-Hi (8-6-8), Yar ON, ASAS Armed, BCS "OFF," RAS "OFF," Tank Eject "ARMED," Propellant Flow "EXTERNAL," Ventral ON.

Launch point coordinates: 37° 58 N; 116° 48' W.

Instrumentation Engineer - Paul Harney
 No.   Time  Alt  V a  q   Event
1. 0 45 790 2 145 Launch, start increasing a and light engine at 75% T. Increase to 100% T. Rotate at 12° a until q = 35°. Qmax = 600 psf, NZmax = 1.8g.
2. 42 48 1600 12 540 q = 35°. Maintain q = 35°.
3. 60 62 2000 6 390 External tank depletion. Pushover to 5° a, select "Internal."
4. 66 68 2100 5 340 Eject external tanks. Maintain zero g after trim change.
5. 111 99 4500 0 350 Extend speed brakes to 35°. Increase to a = 6° (0.4 g) to maintain H = 100,000 ft.
6. 132 100 6000 6 610 Shutdown. Maintain 6° a until H-dot = -300 fps. Camera settings as per NASA 1.
7. 142 98 5900 6 610 H-dot = -300 fps. Increase to a = 10° (Nz » 1.0g). Maintain H-dot » -250 fps.
8. 188 87 4600 8 650 Target #1 - Maintain q and f within ±8°. Camera setting "H."
9. 213 81 3900 8 600 Target #2 - Maintain q and f within ±8°. Camera setting "G."
10. 225 79 3600 8 570 Retract speed brakes.
11. 240 76 3300 6 530 50 N.M. Decrease to »a (H-dot » -300 fps).
12. 300 64 2600 5 600 Abeam Cuddeback, decrease to H-dot » -500 fps. Vector to High Key, speed brakes as required. Jettison remaining propellants. Extend alternate pitot tube.
13.           High Key - check flap and "squat" circuit breakers in. Check ventral armed. Engine master "OFF."
14.           Final approach - jettison ventral.
15.           Before APU shutdown, cycle flaps, set stabilizer trim to zero, data off.


1. q vernier will be set at 35°, a crosspointer will null at 5°.

2. Emergency Lakes: Grapevine and Cuddeback.

3. Flight duration: Approximately 11 min.

4. Flight plan based on 60,600# thrust at 100%. Engine #106

Total burn time at 100% T. = 146 sec.

External = 60 sec. Internal = 86 sec.

Configuration Weight - lbs C.G. %

Launch 52,000 8.7

External Tank depletion 38,620 9.6

Ejected Tanks 2,157

After Tank Ejection 36,462 12.0

Burnout 16,927

Shutdown 20,100

Landing 16,300 6.7

Inflight Jettison Check.

Ground Rules for No Launch: 1. Radio, Radar, or TM Malfunction.

2. Malfunction of any SAS channel.

3. Malfunction of inertial platform.

4. Malfunction of ball nose.

Alternate Situations After Launch:

Alternate profile when external tanks are ejected within 10 seconds after launch:

Rotate at 2g until q = 35°. Maintain a = 35° to 55,000 ft, then pushover to zero g, shutdown at 5200 fps. (Peak alt. = 100-110 K). Failure Action
1. Radio or Radar   Proceed as planned.
2. Total Pitch Damper   Proceed as planned, shutdown at 5200 fps. Do not extend speed brakes until required for terminal energy management.
3. Total Roll Damper   Same as No. 2.
4. Total Yaw Damper   Same as No. 2. Be prepared to dampen expected b oscillation with rudder or disengage roll damper. (ASAS must be unarmed)
5. Yar Damper   Same as #2.
6. Failure to ASAS   Same as #2.
7. Total Damper Failure   At pilot's discretion, eject external tanks within 10 sec. and proceed with alternate profile.
Note: Emergency jettison of the lower ventral should be considered if serious aircraft control problem is encountered (tanks off only)    
8. Attitude failure   Use 7° a instead of 35° q at 42 seconds. Shut down at 5200 fps. Do not extend speed brakes.
9. Inertial Velocity   Shut down at 126 sec. (5500 fps). Retract speed brakes at 4500 fps.
10. Ball Nose failure   Perform rotation by trimming stabilizer to -7° until Nz = 1.8g, then maintain 1.8g until a = 35°. Use 66 sec. for tank ejection with cross checks on IAS (382 Kts). Use 0.5 g for tank ejection. Shut down at 5200 fps. Do not extend speed brakes.
11. External propellant flow failure   Select "INTERNAL," eject tanks, proceed with alternate profile.
12. Premature tank ejection

0 - 6 sec

6 - 53 sec

53 - Up sec

  Eject "Full"

Eject "Partial"

Eject "Empty"

13. Delayed engine lite   After first light attempt, eject external tanks and proceed with alternate profile, pushover at 50,000 ft.

14. Inadvertent engine shutdown

Planned Profile

0 - 45 sec Mud Lake

45 - 102 sec. Grapevine (1660 fps)

102 - 108 sec. Cuddeback (3900 fps)

108 - Up sec Edwards (4300 fps)

Alternate Profile (10 sec. tanks on flight assumed)

0 - 43 sec Mud Lake

43 - 75 sec. Grapevine (2100 fps)

75 - 80 sec. Cuddeback (3900 fps)

80 - Up sec Edwards (4300 fps)