Plane: X-15-2 Date: 5/18/66
Flight: 2-44-79 T.O.: 0933
Pilot: R. Rushworth Launch: 1023
B-52: #003 Land: 1033
L/P: J. Russell Total: :10
NASA 1: J. McKay B-52 Land: 1100

13 minutes to launch
B-52: Just past 13 minutes. 
NASA 1: We'll update it. Roger, let's call 13 minutes now. 
B-52: Roger, 13 minutes now. 
Russel: The .......... looks good visually. 
NASA 1: Roger, thank you, Jack. 003, come 2° left. 
B-52: 2° left. Level at 45,000 feet. 
Russel: Do you have BCS checked out yet? 
Rushworth: Negative. Precool is on, isn't it? 
Russel: 3 is. 
B-52: 11 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roger, and we got the precool, Bob. 
Rushworth: APU cooling switch to normal. Both blowers and BLN2 on. Pressure cooling is on. My gages look good. 45,000 feet, about 800 fps. Little less than zero rate of climb. 
NASA 1: Roger. 003, come 2° more left. 
Rushworth: 3150. 
B-52: Roger, 2° left. 
Russel: Doppler velocity 760. 
Rushworth: Am I a minute ahead on this, Jack? 
B-52: Coming down the line. 
Rushworth: APU cooling switch is normal. Blowers and BLN2 are on. Pressure cooling is on. Pressures are good. I'll wait for the 9 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roger, we'll call the 9 minutes. 
B-52: Mag heading of 351. 
Rushworth: ........... 
B-52: NASA 1, you didn't call 9 yet, did you? 
NASA 1: Negative, just a few seconds. Let's call 9 minutes now. 
Rushworth: Roger. #2 APU on. Helium shutoff valve switch is open. 
Chase: #2 side is OK. 
Rushworth: .......... on the board, Jack?
NASA 1: Roger. Go ahead, Bob, #1. 
Rushworth: #l coming on. 
Chase: #l on. 
Rushworth: Generators are on........... volts. 
NASA 1: 003, your 8 minute turn is looking good. 
Rushworth: Hydraulic pressure 3500. Electrical system .......... now. 
Chase: Rog .......... Flaps coming down. 
Rushworth: Flaps going up. 
Chase: Flaps coming up. 
Rushworth: All the SAS stayed on the line. 
NASA 1: Engine reset, Bob? 
Rushworth: Engine is reset. .......... 
NASA 1: 003, you may start your turn now. 
B-52: Roger, just passed 8 minutes. 
Rushworth: a is short of 3, b is 1-1/2 needle width left. What's .......... position now? 
Chase: Roger, looks .......... now. 
Russel: Lube oil temp 90°. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 7 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Rushworth: Aux cabin pressure switch is on. Platform going internal. Fire extinguisher is auto. ASAS is armed. Ready for the SAS check, Don? 
Chase: Roger. There's no change in the ammonia jettison. 
Rushworth: My SAS check is complete. 
NASA 1: Say again, Bob? 
Chase: Trim is zero. 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
Rushworth: My SAS check is complete. ASAS is on. I have Hi Hi Hi. 
B-52: 5 minutes. 
Rushworth: .......... is 26 and ammonia .......... On X-15 oxygen. 
Russel: Topoff is complete. 
Rushworth: Cabin altitude is 36,500. Topoff is complete, Jack? 
Russel: Roger, Bob. Stable platform in specs. 
Rushworth: Rog. How do you read us, Jack?
NASA 1: 5 square. 
Rushworth: Roger. 
B-52: Jack, are you going to call 4 minutes and the launch heading is 172, is that correct? 
NASA 1: That's affirmative. 4 minutes now and roll out on 170. 
B-52: Roger, roll out 170. 
Rushworth: Data is on, calibrate. Tank handle to pressurize. Lox 51 .......... still 47. 3 jettison switches in jettison. Data is off. Intercom switch off, on X-15 radio, how do you read, Jack? 
NASA 1: 5 square, Bob. 
Rushworth: Roger. Inertial velocity reading a little over 700. Attitudes are good. APU bearing temperatures are +90 and +80. 
NASA 1: 003, come 2° left. 
B-52: Roger, 2° left. 
Russel: Doppler velocity is 777. 
Rushworth: Testing the ball nose. Going to test on the ...... on a and 1 needle width left. 
B-52: Just passed 2 minutes, 15 seconds ago, Bob. 
NASA 1: 1 minute now. Roll to your launch heading. 
Rushworth: Data on. Tape on. Calibrate. Prime. Precool and igniter. Ignition ready switch is on. Igniter idle is off. 
Chase: Looks good outside. 
Rushworth: Tanks. Pump. Manifolds are good. Second stage is good. I'm ready to launch. 3, 2, 1, launch. 
Chase: Good light. 
NASA 1: Looks good down here, Bob. Coming up on profile very nicely and heading is good. Check your a, Bob. There's theta. Standby for pushover, Bob, little steep. 
Rushworth: Roger. 
NASA 1: On heading and profile. Coming up on 65 now. Just a little high on profile.
Rushworth: Roger. My a must be off. 
NASA 1: Coming up on 80,000 now. Track is looking good, heading to the right just a little. Profile is good. 
Rushworth: Got a shutdown on 52+. 
NASA 1: Roger, little over 52 on burnout. Profile and heading are very good, Bob. OK, there's 100,000. Roger, should bring your dampers all the way in now, Bob. Just passing Grapevine. You can ease it up just a little, you're going just a little below profile. About 4800 on velocity. Ease it up just a little bit more, Bob. 
Rushworth: Roger. 
NASA 1: Coming up abeam Race Track now. Got you 4600 on velocity, you're looking very nice. 
Rushworth: OK. Seem to be a little out of trim here laterally, Jack. I'm showing 87, what are you showing? 
NASA 1: Showing about 85 now, Bob. 
Rushworth: OK. 
NASA 1: 4200 on velocity, just passed Panamint. Mach 4, Bob, about 83,000. 600 "q," Bob. 3800 on velocity. 
Rushworth: Roger. Mileage out? 
NASA 1: You're coming up on the 50 mile point in just a few seconds. 
Rushworth: Roger, I'm at 35 now. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Rushworth: I'm holding right needle b about 2°, I'm out of trim inertially. 
NASA 1: Roger, at your discretion you can use your dive brakes. 
Rushworth: Roger, brakes coming out. 
NASA 1: Passed inside the 50 mile point now. 75,000, 3100 on velocity. 
Rushworth: What am I showing for a now? 
NASA 1: You're showing about 4°. 
Rushworth: OK. 
NASA 1: 2800 on velocity. And we have you coming abeam Cuddeback. Brakes in. 
Rushworth: Brakes coming in. 24 at 70,000.
NASA 1: 2200 on velocity. Over Saltdale. Do you have the field in site? 
Rushworth: Roger. Yaw damper off here, I'm going to do a pulse. 
NASA 1: OK. Mach 2, Bob. 
Rushworth: OK, right at Mach 2, I'm going to let go of the stick and watch this roll off. Pretty high in SAS, aren't I, Jack? 
NASA 1: Yes you are. You have about 1800, come on down a little, Bob. About 10 out. 
Rushworth: Roger, I have a chase in site, he's going towards Rosamond. 
NASA 1: You can go to jettison anytime. 
Rushworth: OK. 
NASA 1: And your winds are about 5 knots from the SW. You'll be crossing the highway at 12. Watch your angle of attack. 
Rushworth: Roger. The chase is about 9 o'clock. 
Chase: Got you. 
Chase: I got him. 
Rushworth: Circuit breakers are in. SAS is disengaged. 
NASA 1: Stop jettison on peroxide, Bob. 
Rushworth: Roger. 
NASA 1: Understand you have your circuit breakers and check your ventral arm switch. 
Rushworth: Roger, it is armed and the circuit breakers are in. 
Chase: I'll slow down to 300. 
Rushworth: Thank you. Little speed brakes. 
Chase: Have you 21,000, Bob. 
Rushworth: OK, I got 20 and 335. 
Chase: Remember the ventral's going off when we're across the highway. 
Rushworth: Yep. 
NASA 1: Bob, you can go pressurize if you like. 
Rushworth: Pressurize. Little speed brakes. 
Chase: Got your squat, flap, ventral circuit breakers?
Rushworth: Roger. 
NASA 1: Ventral? 
Rushworth: Not quite yet, Jack. Ventral now. 
Chase: It's clear. Good release.
Rushworth: Flaps. Gear. 
Chase: Hanging out, nose coming down. 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, you're down! 
Rushworth: 3 axis heading is 182. Inertial altitude is about 10,000. Velocity is zero. Rate of climb zero. Oxygen pressure is 2100. Hydraulic pressures is, #l is wiggling a little bit, #2 is reading 34, #1 is 35. Peroxide tank pressures, give them all the way across: Sources are zero, Fox #1 and #2 are 900. Peroxide 560. Mixing chamber temps, -40 and -40. Cabin source 1850. #1 APU source 2550, #2 is 2700. APU bearings, 80 and 60. Control gas is the same.