FLIGHT 2-43-75 Pilot - Rushworth


A. Comment briefly on prelaunch performance of the following systems:
  1. Pressure suit - No problem.

2. Radios - No problem.

3. APU - No problem.

4. Damper system - No problem.

5. Ball nose (a, b) - No problem.

6. Launch space positioning - Everything was good.

7. Unforeseen incidents - No unforeseen incidents except we suspected, and did get, a loss in velocity.

II. LAUNCH AND BOOST PHASE A. Comment on (1) airplane stability, (2) controllability, and (3) validity of simulation during the following portions of the flight profile.
  1. Recovery from launch - Was not abnormal, although I thought the roll was a little more sensitive than what I had expected. At this point I think perhaps roll was sensitive because I now have yar. That's probably where I'm getting that little faster reaction. I'm getting an input from the rudder on yar. a. Controllability pilot rating -

q 3 , f 3 , y 1 1/2 .

2. Rotation to a » 12 degrees - a. Controllability pilot rating -

q 2 1/2 , f 2 1/2 , y 1 1/2 .

3. Climb at q » 32 degrees - a. Controllability pilot rating -

q 2 1/2 , f 2 1/2 , y 1 1/2 .

4. Recovery from tank jettison - a. Controllability pilot rating -

q 2 1/2 , f 2 , y 1 1/2 .

5. Unforeseen problem areas - No unforeseen problems at all, although as I pulled on up to maximum angle of attack, full back stick in this turn, I got into a little pitching oscillation and I'll rate that as:

q 3 , f 2 , y 1 1/2 .

"Where was this again, Bob?" As I started my turn, and I came full back on the trim, started down hill, between 8 and 10 degrees angle of attack, I got into a little pitching oscillation in my turn.

6. Comments on ventral on - I don't have any comments either way, I would hardly say it was noticeable, it wasn't unfamiliar at all. The controllability all the way through the flight was very normal, perhaps a little bit better in roll due to sideslip because of the yar that's in there. "Better than what?" Better than the clean airplane. "With the ventral off you mean?" Yes, of course I was flying around most of the time at 10 and 12 degrees angle of attack throughout the turn and then just as I was going subsonic I pushed it back over to between 5 and 8 degrees angle of attack and I didn't even get any buffet anywhere along the line. Everything looked real good.