Plane: X-15-2 Date: 6/22/65
Flight: 2-39-70 T.O.: 0858
Pilot: Jack McKay Launch: 0944
B-52: #008 Land: 0954
L/P: Butchart Total: :10
NASA 1: Joe Engle B-52 Land: 1015

13 minutes to launch
B-52: 13 minutes. 
McKay: 13 minutes. 
B-52: Level at 45,000. 11 minutes. 
McKay: 11 minutes. Precool switch coming off. 
NASA 1: Roger, Jack, and 008, we'll update to 10 minutes in about 30 seconds. 
B-52: Roger. 
NASA 1: 10 minutes now. 
B-52: Roger. 
McKay: 10 minutes. APU cooling switch normal. 
B-52: Heading 032, Jack. 
McKay: 031 in here, Fitz. Blowers and BLN2. Pressure cooling is on. 45,000 on altitude. Reading about 800 fps on velocity. Cabin source 3500. 
NASA 1: Roger, Jack. 
B-52: 9 minutes. 
McKay: Helium shutoff valve going open. 
McKay: #2 APU coming on. 
NASA 1: Approach Control, we'd appreciate as few calls as possible from here on until launch. 
Approach: Roger. 
B-52: NASA 1, are we cleared to turn at 8 minutes? 
McKay: Pressures coming up. #l coming on. 
B-52: Are we cleared to turn at 8 minutes? 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 8 minutes. 
McKay: Got hydraulics and b check. Generators reset. Engine reset. Hydraulic reading about 3500. Electric about 180. Flaps coming down, Chase.
Chase: Roger. Flaps coming down. 
McKay: Coming up. 
Chase: Roger, flaps are up. 
McKay: Check flap circuit breakers. Mixing chambers reading both #1 and #2 are -40. a +3-l/2 and b 3° left. Aux cabin pressure switch on now. 
NASA 1: Jack, what's your a again please? 
McKay: a is 3° left. Have we approached 7 minute point? 
B-52: Just passed 7 minute point. 
McKay: Roger. Aux cabin pressure switch on. Platform internal. Fire extinguisher auto. Alternate SAS armed. Going to SAS check. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
McKay: OK, re-engage SAS. Alternate SAS armed. Blood pressure on. 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
McKay: Hi lo hi. Horizontal stabilizer.......... reading about 3000 on X-15 O2. 
NASA 1: Roger. 008, tighten turn little bit. 
B-52: Roger. 
McKay: X-15 O2. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
McKay: Cabin altimeter is 3650. 36,500. 
B-52: 5 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roger. Jack, push to test ball nose please. Verify your theta reading when you get it done. 
McKay: Reading about 2°. 
NASA 1: Roger, 2°. 
B-52: 4 minutes. 
McKay: 4 minutes. Data on, calibrate. 
NASA 1: 008, we'll call 4 minutes right now. 
B-52: Roger. 
Butchart: Topoff complete, Jack. 
McKay: Tank handle pressurize. 
NASA 1: 008, 216 on heading. 
B-52: Roger, 216. 
McKay: Ammonia about 46, Lox is 50. 2 jettison switches jettison. Data off. How do you read me on X-15 radio, Joe? 
NASA 1: Roger, 5 by. Butch, give us doppler velocity please.
Butchart: Velocity reading about 500 fps. 
NASA 1: 008, 2° more right, 218°. 
B-52: Roger. 
McKay: Attitudes are OK. 
B-52: Just passed 3 minutes. 
McKay: 3 minutes. APU bearing temperatures, 100 on both. Startracker source pressure is 2000. Push to test and I got a reading on the ......... 
NASA 1: Very good. What are you reading on velocity, Butchart? 
Butchart: About 725. 
McKay: Roger, I'm reading about 850. 
NASA 1: 008, come right to 220° and we'll roll you out, call l minute from NASA 1. 
B-52: 220 and just passed 2 minutes. 
McKay: Data on, calibrate. Tape on. Push to test ball nose. a is reading about 2-l/2° positive. b is l-l/2° right. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
McKay: Head bumper. 
NASA 1: Roger, very good. 
McKay: Reading about 61 pounds on launch pressure. 
NASA 1: OK. 
McKay: Everything looks good. 
NASA 1: Roger. l minute now. 
B-52: Roger. 
McKay: l minute. Prime switch prime. Igniter ready light. Precool switch precool. Igniter idle. How does it look, Don? 
Chase: Looks good. 
McKay: Pump idle coming on now. Manifolds about 250. 
NASA 1: Good igniter here, Jack. 
McKay: Launch light. 3, 2, l, launch. 
NASA 1: Good light, Jack. Coming up on a real nicely, watch your a now. Keep it up on a, you're doing real good. Bring your a little bit. l Bring your a up little bit more. Standby for theta. 27, should be on theta now. 
McKay: Theta. 
NASA 1: Roger you're on theta. Profile looks real good. Standby for pushover.
NASA 1: 39, 40, pushover now. Track looks good, profile is real nice. Real nice profile. Coming through 80,000. Standby for pull-up. 65, 66. Bring it on up to 10° now. Track is real good. Real nice profile. Bring up on a. Standby for burnout. 82, 83. OK, very nice profile. Pull up to 19°, Jack. Full back trim. Very nice profile. 120,000 now, turn your RAS on. 
McKay: RAS is on. 
NASA 1: OK. Very nice track. Keep your a up. Coming through 140,000 now, Jack. OK, Mach 5 now and speed brakes to 20°. Very nice profile, you're right on track. Right on track. Very nice profile. Turn your Startracker on. 
McKay: .......... the door .......... 
NASA 1: Rog, Jack, very nice. OK, turn Startracker off now, hit the override switch and bring speed brakes out little bit more. We're showing 15°. OK, set up re-entry, 15° a. We're just little long on the energy but we're in good shape. Track is real nice. 
McKay: OK, going off Startracker. 
NASA 1: OK. 
McKay: Light's out. 
NASA 1: Nice track, coming down through 100,000, RAS off. Got your RAS off? 
McKay: Roger. 
NASA 1: OK. Speed brakes in and turn ASAS off. Watch your H dot now. Have you 42 on velocity and at 80,000. 
McKay: Position? 
NASA 1: Coming up 10 miles north of Cuddeback. 
McKay: How's my energy? 
NASA 1: You're little high on energy. OK, lets bring brakes on out now, we're coming just about over Cuddeback now. Have you 38 over Cuddeback at 70,000, brakes a11 the way out.
McKay: Roger. I'll get this roll with the brakes out. 
NASA 1: OK, lets start on down about 500 fps, Jack. Brakes all the way out, Jack? 
McKay: Roger. 
NASA 1: You're about 10 miles out, do you have the field in site? 
McKay: Yep. 
NASA 1: Keep her coming on down, Jack. 
McKay: I'm getting a peroxide low light. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
McKay: Tell me when to transfer. 
NASA 1: Go ahead and transfer now. You're right over North Base now, Jack. 
McKay: Roger. 
NASA 1: Brakes in and you can start pulling it around. 
McKay: Give me an altitude here. 
NASA 1: We've got you about 46 now. Come left, hard left. 
McKay: Brakes in. 
NASA 1: Lets go stop jettison on peroxide. 
McKay: Jetts are off. 
NASA 1: OK, watch your a now, you're coming subsonic. 
McKay: Roger. 
NASA 1: We have you about over the sled track down there. 
Chase 4: Got him. 
McKay: I can go to jettison anytime. 
Chase: Rog, go to jettison. 
NASA 1: OK, you can turn your engine master off. 
McKay: Engine master's off. Squat circuit breakers. 
NASA 1: OK, pull it on up to 240 till you get the downwind. 
McKay: Roger. 
Chase: 25,000 now, Jack. 
McKay: Roger. 
NASA 1: How do you look for a 18 landing? 
McKay: OK. Have a check on altitude? 
Chase: 24,000, Jack. 
McKay: .......... 
Chase: They'll be OK, Joe. 
NASA 1: Very good. 
Chase: Yes, I think you got plenty, Jack. 
McKay: Altitude? 
Chase: 22. Got you end of runway now, Jack. 
McKay: Rog. 
Chase: And I got 20, going 250. 
McKay: Get an a check here. OK, going around. 
Chase: Roger. 
McKay: About 290 velocity. 
Chase: Rog, that checks. 
McKay: Speed brakes.
Chase: Roger. 
McKay: Flaps. 
Chase: Flaps are going down. Gear. Gear looks good. 10 feet, 4, 3, 2, 1. 
McKay: Roger. 176 on heading. Inertial height 26,000. Climb about 50 fps. O2 pressure about 2100. Hydraulic pressure reading about 35. Startracker pressure 580. APU bearing temps about 90 on #1, 75 on #2. Peroxide low light off. Mixing chamber reading -40 on #1, -30 on #2. Helium source pressures, Fox zero, #1 & #2 are 1500. APU source are 1500 on #1 and 2800 on #2. Cabin source pressure 2100.