Flight No.: 2-C-58 Scheduled Date : November 4, 1964

Pilot: John B. McKay

Purpose : Landing Gear Door Modification checkout after Cold Soak

Ground Track: As indicated on attached map


1. B-52 will make a normal takeoff and climbout to arrive at northwest edge of Rosamond Lake at approximately 30,000 feet. This will be 44 minutes to X-15 gear drop. B-52 will continue climb to 45,000 feet.

2. Flight will proceed according to modified X-15-2 Flight Check List. (Check List changes will be covered at Crew Briefing.)

3. At 4 minutes to gear drop, B-52 will begin descent to 30,000 feet. X-15 gear drop will be made at 30,000 feet with 250 KTS CAS.

4. After X-15 gear drop, proceed with modified Alternate Plan (No launch), B-52 vector to the downwind leg for landing.


Flight No.: 2-35-60 Scheduled Date : November 5, 1964

Pilot: John B. McKay

Purpose : To obtain data for the following programs:

1. Landing gear door modification checkout - (Dick Rosecrans)

2. Stability and control evaluation - (Glenn Robinson)

3. Star Tracker partial functional checkout - (Lovic Thomas)

Instrumentation Engineer - Paul Harney

Launch: Hidden Hills #2 on magnetic heading 235°, SAS Hi-Lo-Hi (8-4-8), ASAS Armed, heading vernier "Standby," both BCS "OFF," RAS "OFF."

Launch point coordinates: 35° 58 N; 115° 39 W.
 No.   Time  Alt  V a  q   Event
1. 0 45 790 0 145 Launch, light engine, increase to 100%T. Rotate at 10° a (» 1.8g) until q = 20°.
2. 20 46 1700 10 630 q = 20°. Maintain q = 20°.
3. 30 50 2000 5 760 Extend speed brakes to 35°.
4. 52 64 2850 4 760 Pushover to zero g. (H-dot » 800 fps).
5. 80 80 4500 0 880 Shut down, retract speed brakes, increase a to » 4° to maintain 80,000 ft.
6. 88 80 4350 4 820 Roll to » 60° left bank, increase a to » 8° (g = 2.0). Maintain g = 2.0 and H = 80,000 ft.
7. 106 80 4000 9 700 Roll level (heading » 220°). Maintain H = 80,000 ft. Star Tracker switch to "Exp. On."
8. 119 80 3800 5 620 Disengage ASAS, pitch damper "OFF," perform pitch pulse. Pitch damper "Hi."
9. 130 80 3600 5 570 Set up rate of descent of » 250 fps.
10. 150 75 3400 5 650 Yaw and roll dampers "OFF," perform rudder pulse. Roll "Lo," Yaw "Hi."
11. 167 71 3200 5 680 Pitch damper "OFF," perform pitch pulse. Pitch damper "Hi."
12. 182 68 3000 5 700 Cuddeback, extend speed brakes to 35°, increase rate of descent to » 400 fps.
13. 195 62 2600 3 700 Yaw and roll dampers "OFF," perform rudder pulse. Roll "Lo," Yaw "Hi."
14. 209 57 2200 3 630 Pitch damper "OFF," perform pitch pulse. Pitch damper "Hi," Arm ASAS, vector to High Key, speed brakes as required.
15.           High Key - check flap and "squat" circuit breakers in.
16.           Before APU shutdown, cycle flaps, set stabilizer trim to zero, data off.


1. q vernier will be set at 20°, a crosspointer will null at 0°.

2. Emergency Lakes: Silver and Cuddeback.

3. Flight duration: Approximately 8 min.

4. Flight plan based on 58,700# thrust - engine #108

Total burn time at 100% = 83 sec.

Launch weight = 34,600#, burnout weight = 16,450#

(300# allowed for in-flight jettison check)

Ground Rules for No Launch: 1. Radio, Radar, or TM Malfunction.

2. Malfunction of any SAS channel.

3. Malfunction of inertial platform.

4. Total ball nose failure.

Alternate Situations After Launch:

Failure Action
1. Radio or Radar   Proceed as planned.
2. Total Pitch Damper   Proceed as planned. Manipulate roll and yaw dampers at pilot's discretion.
3. Total Yaw Damper   Proceed as planned except pushover to 2° a at 52 sec. instead of zero g.
4. Total Roll Damper   Same as 3 except turn yaw damper "off." Manipulate pitch damper at pilot's discretion.
5. Attitude Failure   Use 4 1/2° a in place of 20° q at 22 sec.
6. Ball Nose   Rotate at 1.8g instead of 10° a. Do not disengage dampers.
7. Delayed engine light   Pushover to zero g at H = 63,000 ft. (H-dot » 850 fps).

8. Inadvertent engine shutdown

0 - 30 sec Hidden Hills

30 - 57 sec Silver (2000 fps)

57 - 64 sec Cuddeback (3000 fps)

64 - Up sec Edwards (3400 fps)