Plane: X-15-2 Date: 6/25/64
Flight: 2-32-55 T.O.: 0850
Pilot: Maj. R. Rushworth Launch: 0935
B-52: #003 Land: 0944
Pilot: Lt/Col Fulton Total: :09
NASA 1:   B-52 Land: 0958

11 minutes to launch
B-52: 11 minutes and update at 10. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Rushworth: Precool is off.
NASA 1: Call that 10 minutes. 
B-52: Rog, understand. 
Rushworth: Cooling switch is normal. 
Russel: LN2 off. 
Rushworth: Both blowers are on. Pressure cooling is on. Altitude is 44,000 feet. 
B-52: Showing 46,500 here, Bob. 
Rushworth: OK, all my gages are good. Inertial gages, cabin source is 34. 
Russel: Doppler velocity is the same. 
Rushworth: Helium shutoff valve is open. 
B-52: 9 minutes. 
Rushworth: #2.
NASA 1: Fitz, you can start your turn at 8 minutes.
B-52: Roger. 
Rushworth: Flaps. 
Chase: OK.
Rushworth: Controls and hydraulics are 35, #2 is 34. Generator #1 is 190 and #2 is 190. Flaps going back up. 
Chase: OK. 
NASA 1: Engine reset, Bob? 
Rushworth: Engine reset. Move the controls. 
Chase: It's starting to turn, Bob. 
Rushworth: Flap circuit breakers are checked. Mixing chambers are in a cycle, -30 and -35. .......... and a are +2° and I have about 1/2-3/4° left sideslip. 
Russel: Doppler in memory. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Rushworth: Auxiliary cabin pressure switch is on. My velocity has come up now to 800 fps. 
Russel: Topoff to 760. 
B-52: 7 minutes. 
Rushworth: Platform going internal. Fire extinguisher auto. Alt SAS is armed. 
Russel: Lube oil temp 95°. 
Rushworth: Got my SAS check. Good SAS check. Pitch high, roll low, yaw high. ASAS is on. #1 is little above 26. 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
Rushworth: #2 is 24. Blood pressure going on. How is my horizontal stabilizer position show on ..........? 
Chase: Looks good, looks like you may have 1/2° nose left. About on the line, looks good. .
NASA 1: Track is looking good, Fitz
Russel: Range and cross range drifting slowly peg to peg. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 5 minutes. 
Rushworth: X-15 pressure about 2900. I'm on X-15 oxygen. Cabin altitude 35,500. 
Russel: Topoff is complete. 
NASA 1: Roger, give us a velocity reading, Jack? 
Russel: Velocity 760. 
NASA 1: What's yours reading, Bob? 
Rushworth: 600. About 670 now. 
NASA 1: 003, roll out 233°. 
B-52: 233°.
NASA 1: We'll call the 4 minute point. 4 minutes now. 
B-52: Roger. 
Rushworth: Data on - calibrate. Tank handle to pressurize. LOX to 50, .......... to 47. 2 jettison switches to jettison. .......... 
Chase: Looks good. 
Rushworth: Back to pressurize. Data off. Intercom switch is off, how do you read on radio, Jack? 
NASA 1: 5 square, Bob, how me? 
Rushworth: 5 square. My attitudes look good, velocity 650. 
Russel: 785 here. 
Rushworth: APU bearing 100 each side. 
B-52: 3 minutes. 
NASA 1: Jack Russell, give us range and cross range. 
Russel: Range and cross range conditions same, slow oscillations back and forth plus scales. 
B-52: How .......... to your sideslip? 
Rushworth: Very good, Fitz. 
B-52: We'll use that then. 
Rushworth: Just about a needle width off. Get My APU bearings at 100 each side, Jack?
NASA 1: Roger.
Rushworth: Data on, tape on - calibrate. 
B-52: 2 minutes. 
Rushworth: Got a good check on the ball nose. a is 2°, b is about 2 needle widths to the left or 1/2°. Little more if you can, Fitz. 
B-52: I haven't set it up yet. How does it look now? 
.......... : .......... 1 minute to launch heading. 
Rushworth: Igniter ready light is on. Precool. Igniter idle. Pump inlets are reading 50. .......... 
NASA 1: Everything looks good down here, Bob. 
Rushworth: Pump. Manifolds good at 350, 60. Ready to launch - 3, 2, 1 , go. 
Chase: Good light. 
NASA 1: Got a good light, Bob. Track is good, coming up on profile. Should be up on theta. Standby for speed brakes. On track, on profile. Come just a little left, Bob. 
Rushworth: Roger. 
NASA 1: And standby for pushover. Looking good, profile and heading good. Just a little right of course. 75,000 now, profile is good. Coming up on 80, and standby for shutdown, Bob. Shutdown and pull your brakes in, Bob. 
Rushworth: Brakes coming in. 
NASA 1: Roger, coming about 82,000. You're looking good. And you're about 4 miles to right of course. We have you at 4100 fps, Bob. Very good. Check your H-dot, you're coming down. There's 80,000. Ease it up just a little, Bob. 
Rushworth: Rog. 
NASA 1: 3900 on velocity. We still have you coming down hill, Bob. 75, ease it up. There's 37 on velocity. And you're 5 miles right of course. You can come 5° left and you're heading right for north edge of Cuddeback. 3400 fps. you have lots of energy. OK, you're leveling off very nicely, Bob. 
Rushworth: Roger. 
NASA 1: You're about Mach 3 now. We have your speed brakes out. OK, you can start downhill now, Bob, do you have the field in site? 
Rushworth: Not yet, Jack. 
NASA 1: OK, you're right over north edge of Cuddeback. We have you about 71,000. 260O on velocity. 
Rushworth: Roger. 
NASA 1: You're coming through 70,000 now. You can start a slight left turn now, Bob. 
Rushworth: .......... 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Rushworth: That thing .......... turned off .......... I was a bit out of trim in roll. 
NASA 1: There's Mach 2. And we have you at 62,000 and we have your brakes in. You're very nice on energy. Bring it around to the left. OK, there's 19 on velocity. 
Rushworth: Roger. Some speed brakes. 
NASA 1: Rog. Check your dampers on, Bob. 
Rushworth: Roger, getting a pulse here, Jack. 
NASA 1: 16 on velocity, watch your angle of attack on that turn. 
Rushworth: OK. 
NASA 1: You're at 55,000. 
Rushworth: I've got 59. 
NASA 1: Engine reset, Bob, and go to jettison anytime. 
Rushworth: Say again, Jack. 
NASA 1: Engine reset and jettison anytime. 
Rushworth: Going to jettison. 
NASA 1: OK, pull your brakes in. You're 1.2 on Mach and watch your angle-of-attack. 
Chase: Go ahead and jettison anytime, Bob. I'm jettisoning, over California City, going south. 
Chase: Have you in a minute. 
Rushworth: OK. At this point I'm going to let go "hands off" and see roll off. 
Chase: Rog. 
Rushworth: 10° per second to the left. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Rushworth: It's in the roll damper. 
NASA 1: 0K, there's 39,000. Good buffet at 10°. 4 knots (?)
NASA 1: OK, Bob, you got dampers back on?
Rushworth: Change transmitters, Jack, I can't read that one.
Chase: Wants you to check dampers back on. 
Rushworth: Dampers on and ASAS on. 
NASA 1: OK, how do you read this transmitter? 
Rushworth: I show 26,000. Little bit out of position. 
NASA 1: We have you about 25,000. Read NASA 1, Bob? 
Rushworth: Read you a little better now, Jack. 
NASA 1: OK. Check your circuit breakers. 
Rushworth: What's your position, Bob? 
Chase: Coming up on your right wing. 
Rushworth: OK, give me a good airspeed check. 
Chase: Rog. 
NASA 1: What's your altitude, Bob? 
Chase: Check you at 32, Bob. 
Rushworth: OK, 290 .......... (lot of static on tape) Got an awful high angle of attack ....... 280 knots. 8°. 
Chase: .......... 
Rushworth: Going to pressurize. 
NASA 1: Recheck your flap and squat circuit breakers, Bob. 
Rushworth: They're checked. 
Chase: .......... 
NASA 1: Engine master off, Bob? 
Rushworth: Master off. Speed brakes little bit, Russ. 
Chase: Rog. 
NASA 1: And we like to have pitch maneuver on touchdown, Bob. 
Rushworth: Rog. 
NASA 1: We have 20° of brakes, Bob. 
Rushworth: Yep! Brakes coming in now. Flaps, Russ. 
Chase: Rog, flaps coming down. 
Rushworth: Gear. 
Chase: 2 good ones and nose gear is down and locked, 3 good ones. 5 feet now, right there. 
Rushworth: That one comes down a little harder than the other two. 
NASA 1: Real good flight. 
Rushworth: Ball heading 188. Inertial altitude 60,000 feet. Rate of climb 150-160. Velocity about 300. Oxygen pressure 21. Flaps going up. Speed brakes are in. Push to test ball nose. Data going off. Hydraulic pressures, #1 is 35, #2 is 3350. Peroxide tank pressure just about 550. APU bearing temp, #1 is 90 and #2 is 70. No peroxide low lights. Mixing chambers, #1 -30 and #2 -35. Engine helium source, FOX zero, #1 and #2 1250. APU source #1 is 26, #2 is 27. Cabin source 1800. Star tracker zero (?)