Plane: X-15-2 Date: 8/29/62
Flight: 2-28-48 T.O.: 0950
Pilot: Major Rushworth Launch: 1036
B-52: #008 Land: 1045
Pilot: Major Fulton Total: :09
NASA 1:   B-52 Land: 1100

12 minutes to launch
NASA 1: Bob we would like you to reaffirm that you're going to do no in-flight jettison check. 
Rushworth: Affirmative. 
NASA 1: Butch, we'd like to have you not lock the G pot until after the 3 minute point. 
Butchart: It's been unlocked all through the turn. 
NASA 1: That's affirmative. 
Butchart: You still want the azimuth to go inertial before the turn now? 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 11 minutes. 
Rushworth: Precool going off. .......... 
NASA 1: Roger. Russell, lets go back to 037 now. 
B-52: 037. 10 minutes. 
NASA 1: Time is good. 
Rushworth: APU cooling switch is normal. Blowers and BLN2. Pressure cooling is on. Inertial looks good right now. Attitudes look good. I'm reading 45 and 200 ......... 
B-52: Heading 037. 
Rushworth: Cabin source is 3650. 
B-52: Your heading check with ours, Bob, 037? 
Rushworth: Looks good. 
Butchart: Got poor reading on my doppler velocity .......... 
Rushworth: Mine's about that too. 
B-52: 9 minutes. 
NASA 1: Butch, did you verify LN2 off? 
Butchart: I turned it off when Bob secured his. 
Rushworth: Helium shutoff valve switch is on. Hydraulic temperature check, -70 on #1 and -40 on #2. Data coming on. APU's on, #l going on. Getting kick off in yaw, on now. #2 is reading 34 and #1 is 33. Generators are on, 200 volts on each side. Engine reset, data is off. Mixing chambers are -40 on each side. Cycle the controls. 
Butchart: X-15 power is off. Engine oscillograph on. No vibration recorders. Aux cabin pressure switch. I'll try this lock pressure. 
B-52: 7 minutes, starting turn. 
Rushworth: I'm ready to go platform internal. Fire extinguisher auto and ASAS is armed. Ready for the SAS check. 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
Rushworth: SAS check went out. Pitch did not trip ball. .......... engine reset fourth time .......... on worked, and then I went on to monitor and it checked out OK, pitch .......... off before hold. ASAS re-armed. Flight gains are set 8-6-8. Hor stab position at zero. Time now? 
B-52: 5-1/2. 
NASA 1: Is ASAS re-armed, Bob? 
Rushworth: ASAS is re-armed. Light is off. Oxygen pressure is 26. Cabin is 35-1/2. Cabin source is 3600. X-15 oxygen. 
B-52: 5 minutes. 
Rushworth: Ventral is armed. 
NASA 1: Let's decrease the turn a little bit, Russ. Shallow it out a little bit. 
B-52: Roger. 
Rushworth: Coming up on 4 minutes, Butch, topoff complete? 
Butchart: Topoff is complete, Bob. 
Rushworth: Data is on, calibrate. Tank handle going to pressure now. Light going out. LOX 50, ammonia 50. Tank, pump .......... 50. Ball .......... 590. FOX source 3550 on #1 and 32 on #2, looks good. Data off and intercom switch off. Radio check, how do you read? 
NASA 1: Loud and clear, how me? 
Rushworth: Loud and clear. 45,000 inertial velocity and my .......... Butch? 
Butchart: 3 minutes. 
B-52: One dropped off quite a bit too, Bob. 
NASA 1: Bob, are you ready for 2 minutes now? 
Butchart: I'm all set, I got the G pot to lock. 
B-52: 1 minute, 55 seconds now. 
NASA 1: That sounds good.
Rushworth: APU is fading. Data coming on. Push to test ball nose, looks good. I got 1° sideslip .......get 10° on alpha. Cine camera pulse, bumper is OK. Sideslip looks like about 1° left, it's jumping between 1 and 2°. 
NASA 1: We got the same thing, Bob. 
Rushworth: Prime, ignition ready light on. LOX pump bearing is 16. 
B-52: 40 seconds. 
Rushworth: Precool is on, igniter idle is on. Pump now, pressures good ........... 3-2-1 Launch! 
Chase: Good light. 
Rushworth: Got a little buffet at 15°. 
NASA 1: Track looks good, Bob. Check your altitude now. 30, 31, 32, pushover. Just a tad high. Course is good. Still a little high, 70,000. Profile looks good now. Throttle back, just a tad low now. Into your turn, just a little low now. You're about 81, 83. Speed looks good at 48. Fuel is good. Got you at 84,000 now, just a little fast. Got burnout, looked real good, Bob. 
Rushworth: .......... pulse. 
NASA 1: Rog, and recommend you do your turn first before the pulses. 
Rushworth: Got the base in sight. 
NASA 1: Heading will be about 220. Going high, Bob, 94. 
Rushworth: Going to .......... pulse here. Yaw damper off, ASAS is off .......... 
NASA 1: Rog, track is good. Speed is 38 now. 
Rushworth: Going pushover, tell me where I'm at. 
NASA 1: Rog, you'll be high and fast coming in. 
Rushworth: Cine pulse again. 
NASA 1: Ground track is very good. Coming by 3200 at Cuddeback here, still got plenty of energy. Probably swing right, Bob, and come in across north base. Got you down about 26 now. What are you reading on q? 
Rushworth: I'm showing to 65,000 feet, heading about 245. 
NASA 1: That's what we got. 
Rushworth: Buffeting nicely.
NASA 1: Got your yaw damper back on? 
Rushworth: .......... off the ASAS came on again. 
NASA 1: OK. 
Rushworth: I'm right over north base now, Mach 1. Indicating 260 and I'll push it over ........... Pressure altitude 45. Ready to go to jettison when you are. 
Chase: Rog, jettison. 
NASA 1: Could push to test at your convenience, Bob. 
Rushworth: I know. 
Chase: I got you, Bob. 
Rushworth: OK. Going left turn here, look like I'm all done jettisoning? 
Chase: You're all done. 
Rushworth: Bill, I don't think the trouble was in the seal, I felt a little suit inflation and looked at the gage and it was holding 18. Reading about 23-1/2. How about jettison? 
Chase: .......... jettisoned, you're below 20, you can pressurize. Coming up on 15. 
Rushworth: Going to use just a little speed brakes here. Getting some buffet from somewhere, might be in the speed brakes, going to pull them in and see. 
Chase: Looks like your speed brakes were vibrating a little. Got the jettison there, got the ventral armed? 
Rushworth: Ventral is armed. 
Chase: OK, I got a little over 300 at about 6,000. Punch it too on the ventral. It's gone. 
Rushworth: Flaps. 
Chase: Flaps, flaps are coming down. 
Rushworth: Gears. 
Chase: Nose gear is down. About 10 feet, 3, 2, you're down. 
Rushworth: And she's grinding to a stop. FOX source is essentially zero. #1 and #2 is 1700. Control is 590. Everything else zero. Hydraulic temp +50 and a +50. .......... is -50 and -35. APU source is 27 on #1 and 28 on #2. APU bearing 70 and 60. Cabin is 2200. Hyd looking good, 3350 on #2 and 3200 on #1. Oxygen source is 2000. 94 seconds on the clock.