Plane: X-15-2 Date: 5/8/62
Flight: 2-22-40 E.S.:  
Pilot: Major R. Rushworth Taxi:  
B-52: #008 T.O.: 0907
L/P:   Launch: 1000
NASA 1:   Land: 1010
    Total: :10
    B-52 Land: 1025

12 minutes to launch
B-52: 11 minutes, 40 seconds to launch. 
Rushworth: Affirm. 
Neil: Bob, do you have precool off? 
Rushworth: Off. 
Neil: More information on inertial system, we predict you will have velocities and the error probably will not be in excess of 100 fps at the time period you're interested in inertial velocity. 
Rushworth: OK. 
B-52: All stations, 10 minutes to launch. 
Rushworth: APU cooling switch normal. Both blowers BLN2. Pressure cooling on. Attitude gages look good. Cabin source pressure is 3050. Helium shutoff valve switch on. 
Neil: Russel, set in 85 East. 
Russel: Roger. 
B-52: 9 minutes. 
Rushworth: Hyd temp -70 on the left, -60 on #2. Data going on now. 
Neil: Mark it, Russel. 
Russel: Rog. 
Rushworth: #2 APU going on. 
Neil: Set in 113 north, Russel. 
Russel: Rog. 
Rushworth: #1 APU coming on. Both running a little over 4000.
Neil: Mark it, Russel. 
Rushworth: Hyd pressure is 34 on 1 and 35 on 2. 
B-52: 8 minutes.
Rushworth: Just shut the data off and elec. power is - 
B-52: NASA, want me to go ahead and turn at the 7 minute point?
Neil: Reset the engine, Bob. 
Rushworth: Reset the engine, get; 200 volts on each side. Mixing chambers now little -40 on both. 
Neil: Jack, turn at 7 minutes and 20 seconds. 
B-52: Rog, starting to turn now. 7 minutes, verify, Bob. 
Rushworth: Rog, 7 minutes. I 'm through item 33. Oscillograph is on. Cabin pressure switch is on. 
Russel: .......... is in position. 
Rushworth: Platform going to internal. Fire extinguisher auto. ASAS is armed. 
Neil: Roger. Vibration recorders on? 
Rushworth: Don't have any, Neil. 
Neil: Rog. 
Rushworth: SAS gains are set at 5-5-5. Yar is off. 
B-52: 6 minutes, verify, Bob. 
Rushworth: Affirm. Going to check the end of trim for abort (?) Check fin (?) OK .......... gains and setting at 8 ......... You can check the stabilizer........... any time .......... 
Chase: Rog, looks good. 
B-52: 5 minutes, verify, Bob. 
Rushworth: 5 minutes. Cabin pressure is 35. Oxygen is 25, going to ...... On X-15 02. 
Russel: Topoff is complete. 
Rushworth: OK. Ventral is armed. Are we going to move the launch point in a few miles? No one wants to talk to me. 
B-52: NASA-1, Bob wants to know if you're going to move the launch point a bit. 
Neil: Yes. 
B-52: 4 minutes and verify launch point please. 
Rushworth: OK, Jack, I got 4 minutes. Data is on. Tank handle to pressurize. Tank coming up. LOX coming up. Fuel coming up. Both emergency pressure lights went out. Action on # l and #2 gage, they're reading 50 pounds. .......... 46 on the.......... Jettison switches are on - ready to jettison, Danny? 
Chase: All set. Jettison both. 
Rushworth: Jettison .......... 
Chase: On both. 
Rushworth: Data off. Intercom switch is off. How do you read me on radio? 
Neil: Read you loud and clear, how me? 
Rushworth: Loud and clear. 
B-52: 3 minutes. Heading 218°. 
Rushworth: Inertial velocity at this point is 700. Altitude is still holding 44,000. APU bearing temps #1 is 70 and #2 is 90. 
Neil: OK, Bob, how do you read NASA-1 on 275.9 only? 
Rushworth: Read you loud and clear. 
Neil: OK. 
B-52: NASA, we'll be dropping about 1500 feet low and about .8 to .81 Mach number. 
Neil: OK, that's an indicated speed or what? 
B-52: Indicated will be around 225 to 230. 
Neil: Good. 
B-52: Get that, Bob? 
Rushworth: Yes, time? 
B-52: Coming up on 2 minutes to launch, right now, Bob. 
Rushworth: OK. Data on. Pushing to test ball nose. Ball nose looks good. Cine camera on pulse. Head bumper coming down. Time, Jack. 
B-52: 1 minute to launch. Arm switch, check light checks. 
Rushworth: There went the prime. Action on the gages. Igniter ready light is on. 
Neil: Launch position looks OK from NASA-1. 
B-52: 40 seconds. 
Rushworth: Precool is on. Igniter idle on. LOX pump bearing is 2. 
B-52: OK. 20 seconds. 10 seconds. 
Rushworth: Pump idle. .......... back on again. Manifold pressures are up. H2 (?) is up. And launch! 
Chase: You got a light, Bob. 
Rushworth: .......... from the climb angle. 
Neil: Course looks good, Bob. 
Rushworth: OK. 
Neil: 30 seconds. Trajectory looks good. 38, 39, pushover. 
Rushworth: 0K, pushing over. 
Neil: Looks like you might be a little steep. 
Rushworth: Too high .......... miles. 
Neil: 65,000 now. Course is good. OK, you 're coming low now. 65, 68,000, 69, 70 seconds. Coming up through 71,000 now. Check your throttle back and your speed brakes. 
Rushworth: OK, I can't see my speed brakes. 
Neil: And you're still running 10w now at about 70,000. 
Chase: .......... heading .......... 
Rushworth: OK, I'm burned out. 
Neil: OK, you're down to 67,000 now. 
Rushworth: Going into the turn. 
Neil: OK, into the turn now. Keep your nose up a little. 
Rushworth: Rog, in the turn. Speed brakes going out. My altitude now, Neil? 
Neil: OK, you can pull your brakes in any time, you're north of Three Sisters. 
Rushworth: ASAS is on and a pulse. I'm indicating 215 right now. 2 on the .......... 
Neil: Check your brakes in, Bob. 
Rushworth: My brakes are in. 
Neil: OK, we have 60,000 coming up on Cuddeback. 
Rushworth: OK. Coming through 1.7. My inertial reading is 2000 fps .......... 
Neil: OK, have the field in sight? 
Rushworth: Yes I do. Seem like kind of a short turning time. I have 46,000 feet. Platform reading 45,000. Snap, crackle, and pop.
Neil: Say again. 
Rushworth: The engine just snaps, crackles, and pops! 
Neil: Yes, noisy airplane.
Chase: What's your position? 
Rushworth: About 15 miles north of Boron mine .......... 42,000 and 95. 
Chase: Rog, I have you if I can get to you.
Rushworth: OK, and I can go to LOX jettison?
Chase: Rog.
Rushworth: Jettison now. I'm 34,000, .8 and 280 knots. You just went over my head.
Chase: .......... 8 o'clock.
Rushworth: Something just went over my top.
Chase: The one that left a contrail? 
Rushworth: I'm 30,000 feet on high key now. 1 mile out. 
Tower: Altimeter 2996. 
Rushworth: Thank you. 
Chase: .......... 
Rushworth: Haven't heard from you in a long while, Neil. 24,000 right now. 
Chase: I'm on your right wing. 
Rushworth: Going to have to bend it around here - tight ....... 20,000 and pressurize. 
Neil: Rog. 
Rushworth: Little speed brakes now. 
Neil: Check your ventral. 
Rushworth: Roger. Ventral armed. Kind of warm in here. Did it clear us? 
Chase: Clear now, you can drop it. Good drop. 
Rushworth: Flaps. 
Chase: Gear .......... good nose gear. 10 feet - 5, 1 - Oh, nice. 
Rushworth: OK, I'm grinding to a halt. 
Neil: Rog. 
Rushworth: Landed a little low. Flaps going up. Speed brakes are open. Going through their cycle. Data off, went through all those checks. Hyd press is 34 on #2 and 3250 on #1. Peroxide tank pressure 560. No rudder in the kick (?) APU bearing temp is 65 on both. Peroxide low lights did come on. Mixing chamber temps 40 on both. Engine helium source about zero on the #1 and #2 is 1500. APU source pressure is #1 26, and #2 28. Cabin source is 18. 3-axis ball heading is 178°. Inertial height 10,000 feet. Rate of climb is zero, velocity is 200 ft/sec. X-15 02 pressure is 1900 pounds. Close speed brakes if they are ready. Stable platform is going off. APU switches are off. Pressure cooling off.