Plane: X-15-2 Date: 3/7/61
Flight: 2-13-26 E.S.:  
Pilot: Major Robert M. White Taxi:  
B-52: #008 T.O.:  
L/P: J. Russel Launch:  
NASA 1: S. Butchart Land:  

B-52 Taxi
White: Erection. 
Butchart: You're topping off now, Russ? 
Russel: .......... 
White: Gage readings - prime source 3650, control gas source is 3300, control pressure is 600, .......... is -35, -80 on #1 and -60 on #2 on the hydraulics, mixing chambers +30 and +30, APU source 3750 on #2 and cabin source 3400. 
Butchart: Roger. 
White: SAS is reset. 
B-52: 008 is ready to take the active. 
Russel: LOX topoff is complete. 
White: BCS heaters coming on. 
Russel: Altimeter settings are .......... 
B-52: NASA 1, are stopped on the runway, cross range reads 1.9 miles east, altitude 1300 feet, range 4.9 miles out. 
Butchart: OK, did you go on standby? 
Russel: Roger, standby, systems in specs. I'll drive the meters back to the original settings. 
Butchart: Back to 3.2 and 6 tenths. 
Russel: 6 tenths east and 5.2 south, 2300 feet. 
Butchart: OK, we're all set. 
Russel: Doppler's on transmit. 
B-52: 3-2-1, release. 
Russel: .......... temperature 160. Platform on inertial at brake release, and doppler on transmit. 
Butchart: Good.
White: My ventral is armed, the Master Switch is on reset, precool coming on now. 
Butchart: And you got the blower off, Russ? 
Russel: Roger. 
.......... : What is your indicated air speed, Frank? 
B-52: .... 10,000. 
Butchart: What did they tell you, Bob? 
White: 15° .......... 
Butchart: OK. 
B-52: Roll out straight, heading 190. 15,000, 262, heading 185. 
Russel: Doppler still on memory. Engine lube temperature 110. 
Butchart: OK. 
B-52: 25,000 feet, 259, 18° of bank. 
Butchart: Bob, I think both you and Frank have seen the winds aloft on this sheet here, haven't you? 
White: .......... the blowers are off, Ram Air door open, controls and SAS switches are on. 
Butchart: OK. 
.......... : .......... we didn't hear Face Plate Heat. 
.......... : .......... 
Butchart: Fine. If we can swing the 52 right on around to a heading of about 270 now, if you want. Is this Chuck I'm talking to? 
.......... : .......... 
Butchart: OK.
B-52: .......... feet, 259 .......... 17° bank, .......... 
Butchart: OK. We can get your height and range and cross range reading now while you're still in inertial, Jack. 
Russel: Altitude is 299 .........., cross range 3 miles east, range .......... miles out. 
Butchart: OK. 
Russel: Heading 268. 
Butchart: And you should be in erection now, Jack. 
Russel: In erection.............. 
B-52: .......... 267. 
Butchart: Roger. Russ, the platform is in spec from the ground readout. 
Russel: Doppler normal. 
Butchart: It is normal now. OK.
.......... : .......... 
Butchart: It is just about 10, you can go off now if you want. 
.......... : .......... 
Butchart: OK. OK, Chuck, we can start our right turn around. 
.......... : .......... 
Butchart: Right. 
.......... : Where did you get this range ..........? 
Butchart: Giving you a little trouble? 
.......... : Roger ............ 
Butchart: Well, you can't hack it you know! We've taken the .......... a long time now . 
Chase 3: Airborne. 
Butchart: OK, Pete. Lets roll out on 068. 
Russel: On 068 now. 
Butchart: OK, and soon as you get your altitude set, Russ, I'll give you a range and cross range setting. 
Russel: .......... 
.......... : .......... 
Butchart: OK, Bob. Set in 10 west, Russ, then go to set. 
B-52: .......... next call will be 20 minutes.
Butchart: OK, go mark, Russ. Did you get it all right? OK, and the next one will be 15 north and go to set. 
Russel: Set. 
Chase 2: Airborne. 
B-52: 008 is at 8067 .......... 
Butchart: How does that check with yours, Bob? 
White: .......... 
Butchart: Are you getting anything on that suit, Bob? 
White: .......... 
Butchart: OK. Is your Ram Air Door closed now, Bob? 
White: Roger, Ram Air door closed, blowers only. 
Butchart: OK.
.......... : .......... 
Butchart: Bob, the last lake winds we had were 5 knots from the south. 
McKay: Bob, your present lake winds are N, NE 10 knots. 
White: OK, Windshield N2 off, windshield heat on. 
B-52: 13 minutes. 
Russel: .......... is normal. 
Butchart: OK, and you intend to stay on doppler then? 
Russel: Roger. Altitude check is 28,900. 
.......... : .......... 
.......... : .......... 
Butchart: Bob, the Silver Lake winds have changed, they are from the NW now at 12. 
White: .......... both BCS switches are off .......... precool off. 
Butchart: Roger, and you're in manual topoff, Jack? 
Russel: Roger.
Butch: OK. Bob, is your theta vernier st 30°?
White: Roger.
.......... : .......... 
.......... : ..........