Flight No.: 1-81-141 Pilot: William H. Dana (16-6)

Date: 10-24-68 Flight Time: 00:11:28.3

Launch Lake: Smith Ranch Landing Lake: Edwards

Launch Time: 10:02:47.3 Landing Time: 10:14:15.6

Aborts: None

B-52: 003 Lt/Col. Sturmthal

Sq. Ldr. Miller

Chase: T-38 Lt/Col. Cuthill

F-104 Gary Krier

F-104 Einar Enevoldson (2A)

F-104 Capt. Evenson

F-104 Maj. Hoag

F-104 John Manke (Rover)

Mmax: 5.38

Vmax: 5450

Hmax: 255,000

Qmax: 1168

Engine No.: 103

Burn Time: 83.8 sec. (B.O.)

Thrust - %: 100%

Config.: Standard, Tip-Pods, First flight with foot-snatcher and pod braces.

Purpose: WTR experiment

Results: Good target coordination, WTR extended but lost power. #2 BCS never turned on.