






X-15-1 #670

Major Knight

William Dana








B-52 Lnd:






B-52 : 15 minutes to launch, now. 003 
NASA 1:  NASA 1, Roger 
Knight:  Roger, Precool is On, Bill 
NASA 1:  Roger, Pete 
Knight:  OK. MIT Pointers are functioning We're back to precision attitude ON and both BCS's coming On 
NASA 1:  Roger, Pete 
Knight: And I'll go ahead with the Bcs check, Bill 
NASA 1:  OK 
Knight:  You ready Jeff 
Chase:  Affirm Pete. Go ahead
Knight:  .....
Chase:  Flow, flow, flow, flow, flow 
Knight:  OK. #1 is Off 
Chase:  Flow, flow, flow, flow, flow, flow 
Knight: 0K Jeff #2 coming On #2 Off #1 On #2 Off 
B-52 : 13 minutes to launch, now. 003 
NASA 1: NASA 1, Roger 
Knight:  OK, Ready Jeff 
Chase:  All set, flow, flow, flow, flow, flow, flow 
Knight:  OK. Both back On and any leaks? 
Chase:  Negative leak 
Knight:  OK. RAS coming On 
Chase:  No flow 
Knight:  OK. RAS coming Off 
NASA 1:  NASA 1, Roger 
Knight:  OK Bill and BCS looks good 
NASA 1:  Rog, Pete 
Dustin:  Lube oil 105 
NASA 1:  NASA 1, Roger 
Chase:  We've got a bogie at about 12 o'clock That's just a little lower then you 
Chase:  I don't see him 
Chase  He's at about your one 1230 
Chase:  I got him well below 
Chase:  OK. Good show 
B-52:  l1 minutes to launch, now. 003 
NASA 1: NASA 1, Roger on that
Knight: How do you read Bill? 
NASA 1: Say again, Pete 
Knight:  How do you read?
NASA l:  Reading you pretty garbled, Pete Do you want to try X-15 radio?
Knight: OK. I am on radio. How do you read on radio, Bill 
NASA 1: You are loud and clear Pete, and did you get your precool off? 
Knight:  Rog. Pre-cool's off at ll minutes 
NASA l:  OK. We leave the use B-52's call until 9 minutes. NASA 1 will call 9 minutes when that comes up We're at about 10.5 now 
B-52: Roger, I have 10 minutes at this time 
NASA l: Roger 
Knight: APU Cooling Switch to Normal 
NASA l:  Roger 
Knight:  Both blowers are blowers LN2 Pressure cooling coming ON. Cabin Source is 3700. How do you read, Bill? 
NASA l: Roger, loud and clear on 3700 And 008 let's come 5° left 
B-52: Understand, 5° left, 340 
NASA l:  Roger, and NASA 1 will call 9 minutes in about 45 seconds 
Dustin:  X-15 LN2 Off 
NASA 1:  NASA 1, Roger
B-52:  23,000
NASA l: NASA 1, Roger. And calling 9 minutes now, NASA 1
Knight ............helium shutoff valve Open. Ready to start the APU's
NASA l:  Go
Knight:  #2 coming On
NASA l:  OK Pete you can start #l
Knight:  Rog, #l. OK all APU's ON. Electrical powers checked. Controls and flaps. Flaps coming down Jeff?
Chase:  Go ahead. Left and right coming
NASA l:  Roger, 8 minutes now
Knight:  Rog, coming up
B-52: Starting turn, 8 minutes
Knight:  And I got the engine reset, Bill
NASA 1: Roger Pete, Did you get your flap circuit breakers?
Knight: Circuit breakers are In
NASA 1:  Roger
Chase:  Flaps up
Knight: Flaps up, Rog. Inertial gages look good. I got 45,000. 08 ......
NASA 1: Rog, Pete
Knight:  IFDS Power Switch to internal. ......light reset. Attitudes look good
NASA 1:  Roger
B-52:  7 minutes, now
NASA 1:  NASA 1, we concur
Knight:  The mixing chambers #l is -40, #2 is -40 a +4°. b about 1° needle left. Auxiliary cabin pressure switch On. Fire extinguisher Auto
NASA 1: NASA 1, Roger. And 003 say your Mach number, Please
B-52: Roger, Mach is 79
NASA 1:  Roger
B-52:  6 minute call, 6 minute now
NASA 1:  NASA 1, Roger
Knight:  How's the .... look, Bill?
NASA 1:  Looks OK
B-52:  Pete you get 6 minute call?
Knight: Rog, Ted. I am going to the SAS check and SAS check is complete Bill. Looks good here
NASA 1:  OK. Verify hi-low-hi
Knight:  Hi-low-hi
Dustin:  Lube oil 95
NASA 1:  Roger, Al
Knight:  How about another roll BCS check, Ted
Chase:  Roger, Bill. Flow, flow
Knight:  OK and the stabilizer
Chase:  Check right, check left shortly
B-52:  5 .minutes now
Knight:  X-15 oxygen 1500 and we are on X-15 oxygen
NASA 1:  Rog, Pete
Chase:  Trim OK on both sides. OK
Knight: Cabin altitude is 36,000 Bill. Door pressure #2 is 15 .#l is 2100
NASA 1: NASA 1, Roger .003, rollout heading 171
B-52: 171
NASA 1: That's affirmative. NASA 1 will call 4 minutes in about 30 seconds 
Chase:  Chase give me a heading passing check would you please. I'm not sure of my heading indicator. 
B-52: Chase 1, 160 now 
Chase: Thank you 
Knight:  What heading you want, Jeff 
Chase:  171 is what he wanted. I am lagging him by a couple of seconds. We'll check it later 
Knight:  OK. I got 176 
B-52: I am rolling out 171 right now 
Chase: Chase 1 confirm 
Knight:  Confirms what? 
NASA 1:  NASA 1 calling 4 minutes now 
Knight:  OK, Bill Top-off complete 
Dustin:  Top-off complete 
Knight:  Going to pressurize and got 177° 
B-52:  171 
Knight: 37 and 47 look good. Lox and ammonia in jettison. Peroxide in Stop jettison. Intercom is Off 
NASA 1: How do you rate? 
Knight:  Showing about 176° 
B-52:  Showing 172°, Pete 
NASA 1:  Rog, lets come left 3° 
B-52:  Left 3 
NASA 1:  3 minutes now, and Pete confirm your precision heading 
Knight:  Precision heading looks good as far as the ball is concerned.. I'm just off heading for launch. IFDS malfunction light is out. IFDS gages 45,000. Zero h-dot. 800 feet per second velocity. APU bearing is 50 and 48. 
NASA 1: OK Pete things look good here. 003 come 3° left 
B-52:  3 left, 166 
NASA 1: Roger, Pete's heading looks good to us Ted 
Knight:  That heading looks good Ted 
B-52:  OK ........ 
NASA 1:  We have 2 minutes 10 seconds to launch 
Knight:  Data coming on Bill and tape on 
B-52:  2 minutes 
NASA 1: Roger on the 2 minutes. Roger on the data, Pete 
Knight : And tape is On. Calibrate. IFDS altitude is on
NASA 1:  003 lets come 3° left until 1 minute
B-52:  3 left?
NASA 1:  That's affirmative. Until the 1 minute point.
B-52:  Say again
NASA 1:  3° left until we call 1 minute
Knight:  Precision heading looks good Bill
NASA 1:  Rog, Pete
Knight:  Push to test ball nose. a 3°. b 1° needle left. Window shade is up
NASA 1: Roger and NASA 1 will call 1 minute. Pete, NASA 1 calls 1 minute now.
B-52:  Launch master armed, I am going back to 16 .....45 seconds
Knight: OK, prime. Igniter ready light. Precool is ON. Igniter is On
B-52: 15 seconds
Knight:  Igniter looks good here
NASA 1:  Looks good here, Pete.
B-52:  5 seconds
Knight:  Say when launch
NASA 1:  Check your a .Check your heading. Standby for Theta. Track looks good, Pete. 85,000 now. Profile looks good, Pete.. 100,000 now. Standby for shutdown.
Knight:  .......shutdown, Bill
NASA 1:  OK, Pete. Lets go to zero a. RAS On. Engine master Off. Track looks good, Pete. Up on 200,000 now. And your experiment will be cleared to extend at the proper altitude Pete
Knight:  Clear to extend experiment
NASA 1:  Roger, you are clear to extend it. We have rough radar but it looks like 240 now
Knight:  Extending experiment Bill
NASA 1:  Mighty fine, Pete. We got Edwards radar and it looks good
NASA 1: The profile looks very good Pete. Pete we have you over the top at 248. Check your attitudes Pete we have you back through 240,000. Experiment down. Pete we have you back through 220. Check your light. Pete we have you back through 200,000, check your a. Check pitch RAS Off. Pete, we're not reading you. If you are reading us there will be no heading change at 50 miles. Your heading should take you straight to Edwards. You are right on profile. Your energy should be right on the money Your a looks good Pete. Pete we have you through 130,000. Check your "g." RAS Off, Pete. Profile is good. We have you back through 110. Have you through 100, Pete. 90,000. Standby for h-dot, Pete. OK. Let's get a little more "g" on it, Pete. OK, your rotation looks very nice, Pete. OK, have you come level at 73, Pete. 73,000. Your distance from Edward is 70 miles. Your Mach number is Mach 4, Pete. You're level at 74,000. Your heading for Edwards is good, Pete. You have a good heading for Edwards.
Knight: Bill I still can't read you 
Chase: Heading is good, Pete
NASA 1: OK. Your Mach number is 3.7, Pete. Your distance is 60 miles. Your heading to Edwards is good. Your Mach number 3.5. Your altitude is 78,000. We have you at 50 miles, Pete. Your altitude is 78,000, 3.4 Mach number, Pete.
Knight: Say again, Bill
NASA 1: 3.4 Mach number, Pete. 3.3 Mach number, Pete. You are 15 to Cuddeback, Pete. Your altitude is 78. Pete, lets come left to heading 160 to Edwards. You are 5 north of Cuddeback. Your altitude is 72,000. Your Mach number is 2.9, Pete.
Knight:  OK Bill. Got it and I'd like the heading 
NASA 1:  OK, Pete, and you can use speed brakes at your discretion. We have you abeam Cuddeback at 70,000, Pete. Your Mach number is 2.8, Pete. We have you at 20 miles from Edwards, Pete. Your altitude is 66,000 on the radar
Knight:  OK and jettison on your ........ Jerry
Chase:  OK you can go jettison, Pete 
Knight:  OK going to jettison 
NASA 1:  OK, Pete, we have you at 60,000 on the radar. 10 miles North of Edwards. Your Mach number is 2.4, Pete. H-dot looks good, Pete. You can lower your window shade if you haven't done so already. 
Knight: Rog, it is lowered. Flaps and stick kick ....... 
NASA 1: We have you 5 North of North Base. Northwest of North Base. Your Mach is 1.5 Pete. You are 46,000 
Knight:  Got me Jerry? 
Chase:  No I don't have you, Pete 
Knight:  I am above over the center lake. West of Main Base 
Chase:  Alright, so am I 
NASA 1: Radar shows you 5 west of North Base at 43,000, Pete. You're 1.2 Mach number. Watch your a Pete. 
Knight:  Turning left, right over the Main base runway, Jerry. 
Chase:  OK, Pete 
Knight: About 38,000. About 30,000. Coming up on the downwind right over the Main base, Jerry 
Chase:  I should be right behind you, Pete, but I don't have you yet.
Chase: 3 O'clock low Jerry, 3 o'clock low 
Knight:  Got me, Gerry? 
Chase:  Yeah I got you 
Knight:  About 20,000, Bill 
Chase:  You got him 
Chase:  Yeah, I got him 
Knight:  Altitude 
Chase:  Right now you are about 19,500. About 17,000 
Knight:  Speedbrakes 
Chase:  Rog, be sure you got your 3 skid On. Coming down. 5, 4, 2, 1, you are down

Gage readings:

X-15 oxygen pressure 1500

Hydraulics 33

Apu tanks 560

Fox Source 0

Cabin Source 1000

APU Source 2200 1 and 2 = 15

APU Bearing 60, 60

Mixing chambers -40 and -45