Plane: X-15-1 Date: 8/21/68
Flight: 1-79-139 E.S.: 0725
Pilot: William H. Dana Taxi: 0737
B-52: #003 T.O.: 0752
L/P: J. Russel Launch: 0905
NASA 1: John Manke Land: 0915

15 minutes to launch
B-52: Bill, 15 minutes now on my clock. 
NASA 1: OK, that's good enough, we'll update you a little later. 
Dana: I'm already in precool, John.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. And we're still having trouble on Ely, 279.9. 
Dana: What's the trouble? 
NASA 1: Guess you just aren't hearing us. 
Dana: Okay, I checked my MIT pointer vector's, John. Isn't moving, really. 
NASA 1: Okay, Bill, I'm simultaneous again, now at 286.8 out of Edwards and Ely. How do you read, Bill? Do you read NASA l? 
B-52: NASA l's calling you, Bill. 
Dana: I'm not reading. 
NASA 1: Okay, Bill, I'm simultaneous Edwards and Ely, 286.8. How do you read? 
B-52: We read you. He's obviously not reading you. 
NASA 1: Roger, Fitz, understand you're reading us okay. 
B-52: Affirmative, but Bill's not answering, so apparently not reading. 
NASA 1: Okay, Fitz, could you come 2 more degrees right please? 
Dana: I am now, John. 
NASA 1: Okay, Bill, how do you read 286.8? 
Dana: Okay, I read you fine. With squelch disable on. Let me turn squelch disable off. 
NASA 1: Okay. 
B-52: 13 minutes, 13. 
NASA 1: Roger, Fitz, I'll call 13 in about 20 seconds, standby. 
Dana: Okay, I'm reading you with squelch disable on, John. 
NASA 1: Okay, I am reading you loud and clear, Bill. And you can proceed with precision attitudes on. 
Dana: That's affirmative, I've been to MIT pointer vector on. I'm back to precision attitudes. 
NASA 1: Okay, I'll call 13 minutes in just about 10 seconds. 
Dana: Roger. 
Russel: Lube oil temp 100. 
NASA 1: 13 minutes now. And roger, Jack Russell. Fitz, 2 more right. 
Chase: NASA 1, Chase 3 is enroute to station.
NASA 1: You are on X-15 radio, is that affirmative? 
Dana: Affirmative, John. 
NASA 1: Very good. 
Dana: Confirming the BCS. 
NASA 1: Roger. Fitz, 2 more right. 
B-52: Turning 2 right. 
Dana: And I'm ready to cycle 2, Fred, are you ready? 
Chase: I think I am. Flow, flow, flow, flow, flow, flow. Good. 
Dana: Number 2 is off, #l is on. 
Chase: Okay. 
Dana: Here we go. 
Chase: Flow, flow, flow, flow, flow, flow, and you got a little bit of residual out of the right side, Bill. Okay, it's stopped now. 
Dana: I have RAS on, Fred. 
Chase: Okay, it looks good. 
Dana: RAS is off. 
Chase: Okay. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. 
Dana: Did you say 11 minutes, John? 
NASA 1: No, I did not yet, Bill. You have about 20 seconds, standby. Verify both BCS on. 
Dana: That's affirmative, John. I do have both BCS on. 
NASA 1: Roger, thank you. 
B-52: 11 minutes, we call now. You'll have to turn at 1020? 
NASA 1: Roger, that's 11 minutes and we'd like to have you turn at 10 minutes. At 1020, Fitz, 1020. And Bill, I'm going to go 279.9 out of Ely for that check. 
Dana: Okay, John, I have precool off and Chase 3's calling you. 
NASA 1: Okay, Chase 3, read you loud and clear. Understand on station. OK, Bill, how do you read Ely, 279.9? 
Dana: Read you weak but clear, with squelch disable on, John. 
NASA 1: Okay, and I'm reading you loud and clear and I'm going back simultaneous, 286.8. 
Dana: Rog. 
NASA 1: Okay, Bill, I'm simultaneous, 286.8 Edwards and Ely. How do you read? 
Dana: About 5 by 4, John.
NASA 1: Okay, I'm reading you beautifully today. 
Dana: Roger. 
B-52: 10 minutes, starting turn now. 
NASA 1: Roger, 10 minutes. 
Dana: Okay, John, I have APU cooling switch to normal. Both blowers are blowers LN2. Pressure cooling lever is on. And cabin source is 3600. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. Chase 4, NASA 1, are you airborne? 
Chase: Roger, airborne, northbound. 
NASA 1: Roger, thank you. 
B-52: NASA 1, 03. Looks like the weather's going to be good. There's clouds to the East and North but it looks like the Railroad Valley area is going to be good. 
NASA 1: Okay, real good, and everything looks good down here so far. 
B-52: Chase 2, on final get closer in. We're 9 minutes now. 
NASA 1: Okay, Fitz. 
Dana: Ready for #2, John? 
NASA 1: Yes, ready for #2, and verify helium shutoff valve open. 
Dana: Helium shutoff valve is open. 
NASA 1: Roger, ready for 2. 
Dana: And #l is coming on. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. 
Chase: Chase 3, 45,000. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Dana: Okay, both generators are reset. Engine is reset. Hydraulic pressure is 3450, #2. Make that 3350, #2 and 3400, #1. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. 
Dana: Electrics look good. 
B-52: 8 minutes, Bill. 
Dana: Roger, 8 minutes. Flaps are coming down. 
Chase: Okay, coming down. 
Dana: Inertials look good. Attitudes look good. 
Chase: Flaps are down. 
Dana: Flaps coming up. IFDS to internal, John. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. 
Chase: Flaps are up, now. 
Dana: Okay, and flap circuit breakers are checked in. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. 
Dana: Malfunction light is reset and the attitudes look good, John. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill, and what's your a please. 
Dana: My a's reading 5.5, John. 
NASA 1: Roger, 5.5. 
Dana: That's affirmative. b is l° needle left. 
NASA 1: We'll get an a check when you rollout. 
Dana: Okay. 
NASA 1: And 003, you can ease up on the turn just a little bit. Shallow it out. 
B-52: Shallowing it out a little bit. 7 minutes. 
NASA 1: Okay, we're about 20 seconds early on that, I'll call 7. 
Dana: Mixing chambers, John. #l is -40, #2 is -45. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill and let's call this 7 minutes, now. 
Dana: Okay, a's reading 6.5 now, John. Sounds a tad high. 
NASA 1: It is a tad high. 
Dana: Okay. 
Russel: Lube oil temp 95. 
NASA 1: Roger, and what's your b, Bill? 
Dana: b is l° needle left. Fire extinguisher is on.
NASA 1: Okay, verify aux cabin pressure on. 
Dana: Affirm, John, it's on. Pick up the SAS check now? 
NASA 1: Okay, Bill. 
B-52: Want us to rollout launch heading, John? 
NASA 1: Roger, 182 Fitz, 182. 
B-52: Roger, it's 6 minutes by our clock. 
Dana: Roger, 1 got the 6 minutes and we're in the SAS check and I verify hi-low-hi gain, John. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill, hi-low-hi. 
Dana: And you ready for roll BCS check, Fred? 
Chase: Rog, left, right. 
Dana: And how's the slab look? 
Chase: Slab looks good, it's neutral. 
Dana: That's how I want it. 
NASA 1: Bill, push-to-test ball nose. 
B-52: Just past 5 minutes, Bill. 
Dana: I got 5 minutes. We push-to-test. And I am now reading 5°, 4.5° a, John. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. 
Russel: Lox topoff complete. 
Dana: X-15 oxygen now reading 26 and going to X-15 oxygen. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. Bill, will you push-to-test one more time please? 
Dana: Experiment pressure is 21. Door pressure is 17. 
B-52: John, standby for your call of 4 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roger, 4 minutes now, and 2° left. And push-to-test, Bill..
B-52: 2 left. 
Dana: Push-to-test ball nose and I'm reading 4.5, John. And we're going jettison check here. Tank handle's going to pressurize. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. Okay, let's go make a 10 minute turn at this particular point, Bill. Ten minute turn, and Fitz, you can start it right now. 
B-52: You say turn right? 
NASA 1: Yes sir, turn right for 10 minute turn. Bill, I don't like this ball nose down here. 
Dana: Okay, John. Are we going to jettison check? We now have 3 switches in jettison. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill, understand, and go ahead and stay with your radio just like it is right now. And what's the B-52 speed right now? 
B-52: We're indicating 213 knots at 45. .78 Mach at the moment. 
NASA 1: Bill, what's the LOX tank pressure? 
Dana: LOX tank is 4.6, John. 
NASA 1: Roger 4.6. 
B-52: John, we are running about 8 knots lower on airspeed than normal, which I hope to make up on the 1 minute in the flight descent. 
NASA 1: Okay, I think we're going to have to pick that up earlier if we can to get a verification on that ball nose, Ted. The ball nose is just too far off from our standpoint here and I don't know, I don't have a good enough feel for it to say whether a few knots is the difference. 
B-52: I can pick up some speed right here in the turn if you like? 
NASA 1: Yeah, I'd like that very much. I think we ought to get our speed up and even lose a tad altitude here just to get a check on this ball nose. 
B-52: Okay, I'11 go to my indicated .82 Mach which is the launch speed. 
NASA 1: Okay. 
Dana: We're picking up page 14, John, no need to reset the engine, igniter idle is off. Precool is off. Data and tape were never on. We're back on B-52 oxygen. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill, understand. 
B-52: .82 Mach. 
NASA 1: Get your a
Dana: Do you want a, .John? It's reading 3.5 now but we're not in a steady state. 
NASA 1: Okay, we'll wait till we get level. 
B-52: The .......... is .......... in this turn. 
NASA 1: Say again, 003. 
B-52: When we roll out of this turn, then you can check it. 
NASA 1: Okay. 
B-52: Turn to a down wind position, John. 
NASA 1: Okay, good show, and you can just keep your turn right on going. It's looking real good. 
Dana: And, John, Fox reads 33, #1 and #2, or 3,000. 
NASA 1: Okay, Bill, and we'll pick this thing up at 11 minutes here. This will be about 12 1/2 to 13 minutes now. 
Dana: Roger, John. 
NASA 1: We can use a heading of about 004, Fitz, and this will be about the 11 minute point now. 
B-52: Roger, we'll be rolling out here shortly. 
NASA 1: And Bill, I'd like you to give us a good reading on your a at that particular time. But let's get our speed and Mach up first. 
B-52: Okay, he's leveling off now. Picking up speed. We'll call you on speed in about another 15, 20 seconds. 
NASA 1: Very good. 
Dana: And precool is, and has been off, John. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. 
B-52: We're at .81 now. Picking up very slightly. We're at our launch speed right now. 
NASA 1: Okay, Bill, what a
B-52: I'm at speed, John. 
NASA 1: Okay, and Bill Dana, what a do you read? 
Dana: 3.0, John. 
NASA 1: 3.0? 
Dana: Affirmative. 
NASA 1: 10 minutes, start your turn, Fitz. 
B-52: Okay, starting turn now, just past 10 minutes. Decreasing speed, get back to my altitude. 
Dana: And we have APU cooling switch at normal, John. Both blowers are blowers LN2. Pressure cooling lever is on and cabin source is 3,000. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. 
B-52: 9 minutes by the clock. 
NASA 1: Roger, 9 minutes. 
Dana: Helium shutoff valve open. APU's are on. Generators are reset. Reset the engine. Hydraulics are 3,300, #l and #2. Electrics look good. Controls and flaps. Flaps have already been checked, John. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. 
B-52: Okay Bill, 8 minutes now. 
Dana: Inertials look good. Attitudes look good. Going internal. 
NASA 1: Okay, we'd like you to get your speed as soon as you can to get an a check on the straight away. I know that's going to be a little bit of a problem but do what you can on it. 
B-52: Okay, we'll pick it up on the straight away. About 5 minutes. 
NASA 1: Yeah, that's good. 
B-52: May cost us 5 or 6 hundred feet, John, but I'm sure you understand. 
NASA 1: Yes sir. Tighten your turn a little please. 
B-52: Okay, just passed 7 minutes. 
NASA 1: Rog, and tighten the turn please. 
B-52: Roger, tightening turn. 
Dana: Mixing chambers #l, -40, #2, -50. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. 
Dana: a reading 5.0. b reading l° needle left. 
NASA 1: Okay, Bill. 
Dana: Aux cabin pressure is still on. Fire extinguisher is still in auto. Check is complete and we have hi-low-hi gain. Want to check the BCS one more time, Fred? 
Chase: Okay, right roll, roll. 
Dana: .......... 
Chase: Fitz, can you call off Mach when I say I'm on speed? 
B-52: Okay, at about 6 minutes, we'll be rolling out shortly. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. Roll out on launch heading. 
B-52: l83, roger. We're at .821 Mach number now. That's about launch speed now. 
Dana: Okay, I'm reading 3.0 a
NASA 1: 6 minutes now. 
Dana: How many?
NASA 1: 6 minutes. 
Dana: Roger, 6. 
B-52: Want to back off on speed or you want to hold it? 
NASA 1: Want to hold it for about another 30 seconds. 
B-52: Roger. 
NASA 1: 2° left, and you're still reading 3° a, is that right. Bill? 
Dana: Yeah, maybe 2 l/2 or 2 3/4. Looks good now, John. 
NASA 1: Okay, do you like a now, Bill? 
Dana: Affirmative. 
NASA 1: Okay. Chase, check the horizontal stabilizer position. 
Chase: I just checked, .John. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: You satisfied with the a
NASA 1: Yeah, we're satisfied with the a
B-52: Roger, roll her out here and then pick up the speed just a little more prior to launch. 
NASA 1: Okay, 2 more degrees left, Fitz. 
B-52: 2 left, 5 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roger, 5. Okay, Bill, go to X-15 oxygen and read the pressures please. 
Dana: Okay, we have 2,500. We're on X-15 oxygen, John. Cabin altitude is 36. Cabin pressure is 2,100. Door pressure 16. John, are you going to want another jettison check? 
NASA 1: Negative on the jettison check. Verify aux cabin pressure switch. 
Dana: Aux cabin pressure is on, John. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. 2 more degrees left, Fitz. 
B-52: 4° left, standby for your call on 4. 
NASA 1: Roger, 4 minutes now, 4 minutes. 
Dana: Roger, 4. Tank handle is in pressurize. Oh goodness, John, I'm reading 63 on LOX tank pressure. 
NASA 1: Roger, understand. I want APU source pressures. 
Dana: APU source is 2,650, #1 and #2. My ammonia tank is reading niner. 
NASA 1: Okay, Vince says okay on the LOX tank, Bill. You are 3 jettison switches in jettison, is that affirm? 
Dana: Say again, John. 
NASA 1: You have 3 jettison switches in jettison? 
Dana: Affirmative, John. We're still in radio and squelch disable is on. 
NASA 1: Okay, and I'm sure reading you good. 
B-52: 3 minutes, Bill, 3. 
Dana: Okay, Fitz. No IFDS malfunction. Zero vertical velocity, 650 flight path velocity and inertial altitude is 44,000. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill, and check precision attitude on. 
Dana: Yeah, it's on, John. Precision attitude is operating, 178 on the heading. 
NASA 1: Rog, that is correct. And APU bearings, Bill. 
Dana: 40, #1 and #2. 
NASA 1: Very good, Bill. Okay, Bill, 2 minutes now, 2 minutes. 
B-52: You going to call l, John? 
NASA 1: That's affirmative. 
Dana: Data on, tape on, calibrate. Pitch attitude on. Precision heading is working correctly. It indicates coming in about 5° to the right to be on launch heading. 
NASA 1: We'll turn right at the l minute point, Bill. 
Dana: Okay, John, push-to-test ball nose. a reading 3°. b reading l° needle left. The window shades up. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. Okay, l minute now, l minute and turn to launch heading. 
B-52: Engine master on, turn to launch heading. 
Dana: Prime switch is to prime. We got igniter ready light. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. 
Dana: Precool. Igniter switch. Everything looks good, John. 
NASA 1: Looks good here, Bill. 
Dana: 5 seconds. 
Chase: Looks like you got a good light, Bill. 
NASA 1: Okay, Bill, good light. Check your a., heading and throttle. 
Dana: Good call, John. 
NASA 1: Okay, so far your track looks good. We got you coming up on the profile now. Coming up on profile real nice now, Bill. Standby for theta. Boy, that track looks beautiful. Real nice track. Excellent profile so far, looks real nice. Good track and real good profile, Bill. Got you right on theta, just looking beautiful. Okay, Bill, I got you coming up on 90,000 feet now. Beautiful track and an outstanding profile. Okay, Bill, I have you coming up on 120,000 feet now. Okay, Bill, standby for shutdown. Okay, Bill, we got the shutdown. 4950 on velocity. a to zero and RAS on, Bill. You're right on the profile. 
Dana: RAS is on. 
NASA 1: Roger, the experiment looks good from this point, Bill. I'11 give you a call at 200,000 and we'll want the experiment up at 235. 200 now, right on the profile, right on the track, Bill. 
Dana: Okay, John. 
NASA 1: Okay, Bill, we've got you at 235,000 now. Experiment up and we got you going just a little bit high. 
Dana: Okay. 
NASA 1: Okay, Bill, everything is looking real good down here. Okay, Bill, I got your peak altitude at 264, 000. 
Dana: .......... 
NASA 1: Very good, and check your attitudes, Bill. 
Dana: .......... 
NASA 1: Okay, we'll probably retract experiment a little bit early because of time, Bill. We'll be a little bit high on energy as we're coming down. We'll want to get the brakes out a little early. Your heading and track is just outstanding and you'll be right where you planned to be. 
Dana: Okay, John. 
NASA 1: Okay, experiment down, please. 
Dana: Experiment is down. 
NASA 1: And we show the experiment going down. Experiment down, Bill. Okay, Bill, coming through 210,000 now, check your lights, pitch RAS off and standby for a
Dana: Pitch RAS off. 
NASA 1: Have you about 10, 15 miles long. Okay, it's looking real good. You'll be in good shape, a little high on energy. 1 have you at 130,000. Check your G. You can get your RAS off. 
Chase: Chase, can you get in position? Chase 4 is going to be a little bit late? 
NASA 1: Okay, 80,000. 8 miles to Cuddeback. Your --- start a shallow right hand turn. Speed brakes out. You're Mach 4 with 20 to go, Bill. Keep her coming down, Bill. Mach 3.5. Real nice rate of descent. 15 miles from Edwards. 
Dana: Chase 4, you with me? Okay, John. 
NASA 1: Okay, keep her coming down. 2.5 Mach, 10 miles, keep it coming down. 
Dana: Okay, John. 
NASA 1: Okay, Mach 2, 7 miles out. Keep it coming down, Bill, you're leveling here now. 
Chase: Chase 4, take it. I got a compressor stall here. 
NASA 1: 5 miles out, Bill. .5, get your speed brakes in, a couple seconds. 
Dana: Okay, Jerry, on high key. 
Chase: Okay, Bill, I'll try and get rid of you, I got some problems. 
NASA 1: Watch your speed brakes and a now. 
Chase: I'll put her in on South Lake Bed. 
Chase: I got Tally-Ho on you, Bill. 
NASA 1: Watch your brakes, Bill. Got your brakes out and watch your a
Dana: Thank you. 
Chase: Chase 4, you with me? 
Chase: Okay, I got him in sight. You got him? 
Tower: NASA l, this is tower, is he landing South Lake Bed? 
NASA 1: Negative, Tower. Standby. Bill, you still got your brakes out? 
Dana: They are in, John. 
NASA 1: Okay, they're in, Bill, I got you. 
Dana: Buffet again here, I guess we pulled an .......... 
NASA 1: Okay, Bill, show you at 30,000 feet now. Bill, you got all your goodies on the checklist? 
Dana: Yes sir, I got flaps, squat, kicker, 3rd skid. 
NASA 1: Okay, window shade. 
Chase: I didn't hear call on jettison. 
Dana: Engine master off and we're jettison.
Chase: You got him, Wendy? 
Chase: I do. 
NASA 1: Very good, Bill. It's good here, Bill.
Dana: Okay, it's looking good here, John.
Chase: You should be over the numbers on North lakebed, 23 at 20,000 in about 1 minute, in about 15 seconds.
Chase: Okay, Wendy.
Chase: What's your position now, Bill?
Chase: He's almost on downwind, turning base.
Chase: I'm way ahead of you.
Dana: I'm over you a little late, Jerry, or I'll be just outside of it at about 15,000 in 15 seconds.
Chase: I can't be with you, Bill. I got some problems. I'm going to land on runway 23.
Dana: That's mighty fine, Jerry. Land short so we don't get a duplicate prize in case of a tie.
Chase: Rog, I'm with you.
NASA 1: Okay, Bill, you're on your own. Let's get it down here. NASA 1 will remind you now of your flaps and gear. Okay, Bill, you're looking real good.
Dana: That's mighty fine, John. I got 310 knots and it looks real fine.
Chase: A little bit of brake, brakes in.
Dana: Flaps.
NASA 1: Good show, looks good from NASA 1, Bill.
Dana: Right, John.
Chase: About 10 feet, 5, on.
NASA 1: If you want to go to pressurize now, you could.
Dana: Will do, John. Good call. X-15 oxygen pressure is 1700. Hydraulics, #1 and #2, 3300. APU tanks both 550, 560. Fox source is zero. Cabin source is 900. APU source, #1 is 16, #2 is 17.5. APU bearings, #1 is 150, #2 is 130. Mixing chambers, #2 is -25, #1 is -20.