Plane: X-15-1 Date: 4/26/68
Flight: 1-76-134 E.S.: 1025
Pilot: Maj. Knight Taxi: 1034
B-52: #008 T.O.: 1049
L/P: A. Dustin Launch: 1151
NASA 1: William Dana Land: 1201

15 minutes to launch
B-52: 08, calling 15 minutes to launch. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Knight: Precool is on, Bill. 
NASA 1: OK, Pete. 
Tower: Chase 4, you're outside .......... 
Chase: Chase 4. 
Chase: NASA 1, 811, you have chase 2 and 3 both on station, is that correct? 
Chase: Chase 2, affirm. 
NASA 1: And Pete, NASA 1 will call 13 minutes in 1 minute. 
Knight: Rog. 
Chase: Bill, do you already have chase 3 on station? 
NASA 1: Standby 1, Fitz. Chase 3, NASA 1, are you on station? 
Chase: Affirmative, Chase 2 on station. 
NASA 1: Rog, Fitz, all the chases are where they should be. 
Chase: OK, I'll join with Chase 4. 
NASA 1: Roger. Why don't you fly right over the boundary of the SOA. 
Chase: .......... 
NASA 1: NASA 1 is calling 13 minutes now. 
Knight: Rog, Bill, you ready for a BCS check now? 
NASA 1: Roger, Pete. 
Knight: OK, both BCS's on and I am .......... 
Dustin: Lube oil 110. 
Knight: OK, John, #l off. And ready for #2. Cycling. 
Chase: Flow, flow, flow, flow, flow. 
Knight: OK, #l on. Bill, a master caution is blinking every time I turn on BCS system but I can't figure out what it is. 
NASA 1: OK, I meant to mention that to you, Pete. 
Knight: OK. Now #2 off, cycling #l. 
Chase: Flow, flow, flow, flow, flow, flow, flow, flow. 
Knight: OK, both BCS's on .......... on. 
Chase: Pete, got a little residual coming out of the top of the wing. 
Knight: OK. 
Chase: OK, lets leave it that way for a minute, there's still a little coming out both wings. 
Knight: OK, switch is on. Roll, Yaw, BA coming up and coming out. OK, RAS is off. Precool is coming off, and how's the roll look?
Chase: OK, we still have some coming out of the top of both wings. 
Knight: OK. 
B-52: 08, 11 minute warning. 
Chase: Flow, flow. It's stopped, its very light now. Looks like the left wing's stopped. Just a little on the right, just leave it here. It will stop, Pete. 
NASA 1: Vince says that's fairly routine, Pete. 
Knight: Roger. 
NASA 1: And did you get your precool off, Pete? 
Knight: Precool's off, Bill. 
NASA 1: OK, we're about 30 seconds past 11 minutes. Check your hydraulic switch on and we'll catch your Ely radio check, Pete. 
Knight: OK, hydraulics are on. And, I'm on radio, Bill, how do you read? 
NASA 1: Loud and clear. How do you read Edwards only 286.8? 
Knight: 4 square, Bill. 
NASA 1: Edwards only 279.9. 
Knight: I didn't hear that too well, Bill. 
NASA 1: OK, Pete, how do you read Ely 286.8? 
Knight: 5 square, Bill. And I got APU cooling switch normal. Both blowers are blowers LN2. 
NASA 1: Pete, how do you read Ely only 279.9? 
Knight: .......... 
NASA 1: Rog. 
B-52: 9 minutes. 
Knight: .......... 
Chase: NASA 811, what's your position? 
Chase: 5 miles over Chase 4. 
NASA 1: Pete, how do you read 279.9, Ely only? Pete, how do you read simultaneous? NASA 1 here, Pete, how do you read simultaneous? 
Knight: OK, Bill, read you 5 square now. APU's? 
NASA 1: Yeah, go ahead, Pete. And, 08, start your turn. 
Knight: Rog, #2 coming on. 
B-52: 008 in the turn. 
NASA 1: #1, #2 looks good, Pete. 
Knight: Generators are reset. Engine reset. Hydraulic pressures look good. 
Chase: #l out here. 
Knight: Flaps coming down, John. 
Chase: Yep, starting down, Pete. 
Knight: Flaps coming up. 
Chase: Flaps coming up. 
Knight: OK, Bill, inertial gages look good. Attitudes look good.
NASA 1: OK, Pete. 
B-52: About 7 minutes .......... Pete. 
Knight: How many minutes, Ted? 
B-52: 7 minutes, a half a minute ago. 
Knight: Mixing chambers -40, -45. a +2°. b is a degree needle left. Aux cabin pressure switch is on. Fire extinguisher going to auto. Going ahead with the SAS check. 
Dustin: Lube oil 100. 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
NASA 1: NASA 1, roger. 
Chase: And the weather's clear, NASA 1. 
Knight: And the SAS check looks good, Bill. 
NASA 1: OK, Pete, confirm pressure cooling lever on. 
Knight: Pressure cooling is on. 
NASA 1: Roger. Everything looks good, Pete. 
Knight: And we're back on high, low, high. Roll BCS, John? 
Chase: They work, Pete. 
Knight: OK, stabilizer position. 
NASA 1: Looks good, Pete. And, 008, steepen your turn, please. 
B-52: Roger, steepening up. 
Knight: X-15 oxygen 2,600, Bill. And I am on X-15 oxygen. 
NASA 1: Mighty fine, Pete. 
Knight: Cabin altitude is 36,000. 
NASA 1: NASA 1 will call 4 minutes in about a minute and a half. 
B-52: Call out heading for 08. 
NASA 1: Roll out 203. 
B-52: Roger. 
Knight: Radio check, Bill. 
NASA 1: How do you read, Pete, simultaneous? 
Knight: Rog, 5 square. 
NASA 1: Very good. 
B-52: 08 steady now 203. 
NASA 1: Rog, looks good. About 4 1/2 minutes to launch now. 
Knight: Did you call 4 minutes, Bill? 
NASA 1: I will call when the time comes, Pete. 
Knight: Say again, Bill. 
NASA 1: About 20 seconds until the magic 4. 
Knight: You will call 4 minutes, Bill? 
NASA 1: That's affirmative, Pete. 670, NASA 1 calling 4 minutes now. 
Knight: Rog, 4 minutes now. Topoff complete. Going to pressurize. Takes her up to about 45, Bill. Going to jettison. Jettison check with the peroxide .......... 
NASA 1: OK, Pete. 
Knight: All 3 switches in jettison. Intercom is off. We're on radio. MIT pointer vector is MIT. 
NASA 1: Did you get precision attitudes back on? 
Knight: Rog. 
B-52: 3 minutes. 
Knight: OK, we're back on precision attitudes. Tape is coming on. IFDS malfunction is good. IFDS Gages are good. 
NASA 1: 008, come 3° left. 
B-52: Roger, left 200. 
Knight: APU bearing temperatures are 40 and 40. 
NASA 1: Rog, Pete. 
B-52: Heading 200 now. 
NASA 1: Rog, heading looks good. 
B-52: 2 minute warning. 
Knight: OK data on. Calibrate. IFDS altitude is on. Push to test ball nose. Ball nose looks good. 1 1/2° a. b is 1° needle left. Window shades up. You'll call 1 minute, Bill? 
NASA 1: That's affirmative, Pete. How's your precision heading look, Pete? 
Knight: Very good. 
NASA 1: And NASA 1, calling 1 minute now. 
Knight: Rog, I got it, 1 minute now. 
B-52: Master switch on, rolling launch heading, 08. 
Knight: Pump. Prime. Igniter ready light. Precool. Igniter on. Pump's coming on. 
NASA 1: Looks good here, Pete. 
Knight: Looks good here. 3,2, 1, launch. 
NASA 1: Check your a. Check your throttle. Check your heading. Standby for speed brakes. 
Knight: Speed brakes. 
NASA 1: Check your Q, Pete.
Knight: Q is about 900. 
NASA 1: Standby for theta. Profile is good. Let's come 2° right, Pete. Profile is still good. You're coming through 80,000 now. Profile's good, track is good. through thousand now. Profile is .......... Standby for shutdown, Pete. 
Knight: Shutdown, Bill. 
NASA 1: OK, speed brakes in, Pete. 
Knight: Speed brakes in. 
NASA 1: a zero. And we have you through 150. RAS on, Pete. 
Knight: RAS is on. 
NASA 1: Profile looks good, Pete. Real good. Profile is very good, Pete. You're going very slightly high. We'll have an altitude call for you shortly. Have you over the top at about 208, Pete. Check your attitudes. Very nice profile, Pete. You'll be just a little long but its not going to be significant. You'll be very slightly left of track but that's also insignificant. Nice profile, Pete. Have you back through 180, Pete. Have you back through 170, Pete. Check your a
Knight: It's coming up. 
NASA 1: Very good profile, Pete. You'll be just a little bit long. Pete, we have you through 130. Check your G. RAS off. 
Knight: RAS off. 
NASA 1: Good head. Have you back through 100,000, Pete. Back through 90,000. Standby for pushover and speed brakes, Pete. Have you inside 50 miles, Pete. Lets get speed brakes out. You're at 4.4 and come right to a heading of 230, Pete. 
Knight: Full speed brakes? 
NASA 1: OK, we have you at Mach 4. Full brake. Pete, we have you 10 north of Cuddeback. Keep her coming around, heading 240. 
NASA 1: Your Hdot is very good, Pete. We have you almost abeam Cuddeback now at 70,000. Your velocity is 3.3. Hdot is good. We have you at Mach 3, Pete. 20 miles from Edwards. Your altitude is 65,000. Your energy looks good, your heading looks good. You have Edwards in sight? 
Knight: Rog, I got it. Jerry, you want to jettison? 
Chase: Roger, Pete. 
Knight: Say again. 
Chase: Go ahead. 
NASA 1: Have you at 2.4 Mach number, Pete. 15 miles from Edwards. Will you turn engine master off when you have time? 
Knight: Engine master off. 
NASA 1: Have you at Mach, 2 Pete. 60,000 feet. Still showing some speed brakes out. You can bring them in as you desire. 
Knight: Rog, they're coming in now. 
NASA 1: We have you at 1.8 Mach number, Pete. About 55,000. You're still about 10 north of Edwards. 1.7 Mach number, Pete. 
Knight: You got me, Jerry? 
Chase: I got you, Pete. 
Knight: Speed brakes are closed. 
NASA 1: You can get your window shade down when you want it down. 
Knight: Window shade down, flaps. Temperatures look good. Landing SAS and the stick kicker. 
NASA 1: Mighty fine, Pete. We're showing you at 40,000 now. You're Mach number 1.5 by our gages. 
Knight: Rog, how we going, Jerry? 
Chase: OK, I am a little bit ahead of you. Fitz is coming in behind you. 
NASA 1: Have you at 1.2 Mach number, Pete. Check your a
Knight: a 8°. 
NASA 1: Good head, coming subsonic, Pete. Have you 2 or 3 miles north of the highway about 38,000, Pete. Plenty of energy. 
Knight: Rog .......... 
Chase: .......... 
NASA 1: OK, Pete, we have you abeam North Base about 33, 34,000. 
Knight: Rog.
Chase: I have 32, Pete. I got you 26. Fine 21. About 350 knots. 13,000. 
Knight: OK, coming around. 
Chase: Brakes are in now. 
Knight: Rog, we're leaving them in. 
Chase: Coming down. Nose gear down, extended, Pete. 10, 5, 3, 2, 1, you're down, Pete. 
NASA 1: That was a beauty, Pete. When you have time, let's go pressurize. 
Knight: Gage readings. Hydraulics are 32 and 32. APU tanks - 550. Fox is zero 1 and 2 is zero. Cabin source is 1900. APU source 23 and 400. APU bearing 60 and 60. Mixing chambers are -40 and -40.