Plane: X-15-1 Date: 3/1/68
Flight: 1-74-129 T.O.: 1034
Pilot: William H. Dana Launch: 1129
B-52: #008 Land: 1137
L/P: A. F. Dustin Total: :08
NASA 1: John A. Manke B-52 Land: 1215

15 minutes to launch
Dana: Precool switch is Precool, John. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. 2° left, Joe. 
B-52: Rog, 2° left. 
Chase: NASA, Approach Control to press launch time. 
NASA 1: Roger, about 14 minutes, Approach Control. 
B-52: In 14 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Chase: Roger, thank you. 
B-52: 13 minutes to launch. 
Dana: OK, both BCS switches are on. Prime. 
NASA 1: 2° right, Joe. 
B-52: 2° right. 
Dana: And #l BCS off. We're going to cycle #2, Ted. 
Chase: Prime, set .......... right, right wing. 
Dana: Left lifter off. 
Chase: Rog. And right wing. 
Dana: Rog, Ted. #2 off, #l on. 
Chase: Good roll, good roll. 
Dana: And BCS switch is on. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill, and Joe Cotton, we don't know where Indian Springs helicopter is and we don't know his number but maybe you can give him a call and see if we can get a position on him. 
B-52: Roger. Hobart 1, 008, you're about 10 minutes out of Indian Springs now. 
Copter: .......... 
B-52: Rog, 10 minutes out of Hidden Hills and you'll be on station at launch time. Did you get that, NASA l? 
NASA 1: Roger, Joe, thank you much. 
B-52: Roger. No sweat. 
Dustin: Lube oil 115. 
B-52: OK, 450 .......... 
NASA 1: 2° right, Joe, and let's call it 11 minutes now. 
B-52: Roger 11 minutes. Just 10 seconds before 17. 
Dana: Precool is off, John. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. 
Dana: And hydraulic gage switch is checked on. 
NASA 1: Roger.
Chase: NASA 1, Rover, looks good here at Edwards weather. 
NASA 1: Roger, was that Rover? 
Chase: Roger. 
NASA 1: OK. 
Ap/Ctl: Rover, Approach Control, squawk ident, say altitude. 
B-52: Rover's at 300. 
Chase: Squawk ident, Rover. 
NASA 1: Start your turn now, Joe. 10 minutes. 
B-52: 10 minutes now. 
Dana: Roger. OK, John, APU cooling switch to normal. Both blowers are BLN2. Pressure cooling switch is on. Cabin source is 3400. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill, go ahead. 
B-52: 1 minute. 
Dana: 2's coming on. Ready to start #l. #l APU on. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill, and did you get the helium shutoff valve open? 
Dana: That's affirmative, John, the helium shutoff valve is open. 
NASA 1: OK. Both APU's look good here, Bill. 
Dana: 0K, the generators reset. The engine is reset. Hydraulics are both reading 33. And flaps coming down. Electrics look good. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Chase: Two flaps coming. Center .......... squawks standby. 
NASA 1: Approach, we'd like to have the frequency cleared now, please. 
Dana: Flaps coming up now, Ted. Flap circuit breakers are in. 
Chase: Both flaps are up. 
NASA 1: OK. 
B-52: 8 minutes. 
Dana: Read 740 on velocity, Hdot is zero. Altitude is 44,000, John. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. 
B-52: 45. 
Dana: Attitudes look good. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Dana: Going internal. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Dana: And malfunction lights are reset. And the inertials are reading the same.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. Tighten your bank just a little, Joe. 
B-52: 7 minutes. 
Dana: Mixing chamber #1 is -40, #2 is -47. a is reading 2 3/4, b 1 1/2 needle left. Aux cabin pressure coming on. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. 
Dana: Fire extinguisher is auto. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Dustin: Lube oil 110. 
NASA 1: Roger. Roll out 229, Joe. 
B-52: 229. 
Dana: OK. High, high, high gain, John. Going monitor. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Chase: OK, we passed it. 
NASA 1: Very good. 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
Dana: And working check good. 
NASA 1: Roger. 2° right, Joe. 
B-52: 231. 
Dana: We have high low, high gain. All lights are out. Pitch-roll ASAS is rearmed, John. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill, understand. 
Dana: You want to try another roll BCS check, Ted? 
Chase: Negative, unless you do. 
Dana: I do. 
Chase: Rog. 
Dana: Here we go. 
B-52: 5 minutes. 
Chase: OK, lets roll. 
Dana: Anything over here, Ted? 
Chase: You got left rolls that keep going all the time. 
NASA 1: 2 right, Joe. 
Dana: How now Ted? 
Chase: OK, left rolls stopped almost. 
Dana: OK, now the slab position. 
Chase: Slab right and left, good. 
Dana: OK. X-15 oxygen pressure, John, is reading 2700. We're on X-15 oxygen. Cabin altitude is 36. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. 
Dustin: Topoff complete. 
NASA 1: NASA 1 will call 4 minutes, Joe. 
B-52: Rog. 
NASA 1: OK, Bill, 4 minutes now.
Dana: Tank handle is pressurized. 
NASA 1: 2 right, Joe. 
B-52: 2 right to 235. 
Dana: Tank pressures both reading 45. Stop jettison on peroxide. Tank handle is jettison. Back to pressurize. 
Chase: .......... jettison. 
Dana: Thank you, Ted. We got 3 switches in jettison, John. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. Intercom's on, how do you read? 
Dana: Roger, reading you loud and clear, how me? 
NASA 1: Loud and clear. 
Dana: MIT to pointer vector. Back to precision attitudes. And they look good. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 3 minutes now. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Dana: Tape is on. Data's on, and calibrate, John. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. 
Dana: IFDS malfunction light is out. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Dana: Reading 750 inertial velocity, zero vertical velocity, 44000. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. 
Sport: Chase 4, Sport, how do you read guard?
Dana: #1 is +60, #2 is +50, John. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 2 minutes now. 
NASA 1: Roger, 2 minutes and NASA 1 will call 1 minute. 
Dana: Rog, John, and we got IFDS altitude switch on. Can't check to position heading yet cause we're on a heading of 234. We're pushing to test Ball Nose. 
NASA 1: Roger.
Dana: .......... checks, a reading 2 , b reading 1 1/2 needle left. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Dana: Window shade is up, John. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. And I'll be calling l minute. You can punch your clock then. 
Dana: OK. 
NASA 1: OK, standby for the 1 minute call. 3, 2, 1, hack.
Dana: Got it, John. 
NASA 1: Turn to launch heading. 
Dustin: Launch master on. 
B-52: 45 seconds. 
Dana: Prime. Igniter ready, precool. Igniter switch. Precision heading looks good. we're having you come level here about a 104,000 feet
B-52: 15 seconds, now. 
Dana: Pump. Good. 
NASA 1: Looks good here, Bill. 
Dana: .......... 5 seconds, 2. 
NASA 1: OK, Bill, check you throttle, a and heading. 
Dana: OK, John. 
NASA 1: And standby for theta, Bill. 
Dana: Rog. 
NASA 1: Track is looking good, got you coming up on profile. 
Dana: OK. 
NASA 1: OK, Bill, 2° right when you get a chance. Coming to 50 now. Standby for your pushover. 
Dana: OK, I'm running way high on q. 
NASA 1: 58, 59, pushover. 
Dana: Coming over, John. Looking pretty good now. 
NASA 1: OK, about 2 more right when you get a chance, Bill. Coming up on 70,000 feet now. Standby for shutdown. 
Dana: Rog. 
NASA 1: Your profile's looking very nice now, Bill. OK, Bill, 8° a. OK, we got you about 4.2. Going just a little low on profile, check your a
Dana: Got 9. 
NASA 1: Very good, Bill. Track is beautiful. 
Dana: OK. 
Chase: 5 o'clock, 35. 
NASA 1: OK, 90,000 feet now, Bill. Just a little low on profile, track is good. 
Dana: OK, John. 
NASA 1: And our q profile is looking good, Bill. Everything is looking swell here. 
Dana: Swell, OK. 
NASA 1: Coming up on 100,000 feet now, Bill. 
Dana: OK. 
Chase: 4 o'clock, 25 miles. 
NASA 1: OK, Bill, we're having you come level here about 104,000 feet. 
Dana: OK, John. 
NASA 1: About 3.4 on velocity, we're going to be just a little high on energy, Bill, so we'll probably want to get the brakes out a little earlier. 
Dana: OK, John. 
NASA 1: Your track is just outstanding. You're coming up on 50 miles now, Bill. 
Dana: Rog, John. 
NASA 1: I had you at about 102,000 and about 3.2. 
Dana: Over the top, coming down. 
NASA 1: OK, Bill, 20 miles out of Cuddeback. 
Dana: Sounds good, John. 
NASA 1: And you might want to bring it down a little faster, Bill. 
Dana: OK, we'll start her down a little, John. 
NASA 1: And let's standby for the brakes. Let's get the brakes now, Bill. 
Dana: How far from Cuddeback? 
NASA 1: 90,000 feet, 3.1. 
Dana: OK, start her down a little bit. 
NASA 1: Very good and yeah, I got your brakes. Very good, Bill. 
Dana: OK. 
NASA 1: 80,000 now, 3.2, 5 miles from Cuddeback. 
Dana: OK, John. 
NASA 1: OK, I like that rate of descent, Bill. That's a good one. 
Dana: We'll try 1 G. 
NASA 1: OK. Abeam Cuddeback, Bill. You got Edwards? 
Dana: Yes, sir. 
NASA 1: You can come right maybe 4°, Bill. 
Chase: 6 miles. 
Dana: OK. 
NASA 1: You've just gone through Mach 3, coming to 60,000 now. 
Dana: OK. 
NASA 1: And descent maybe just a little steep. You might think about shallowing it just a tad. 
Dana: OK. How far out? 
NASA 1: OK, you're now about 15 miles out. Get your checklist. 
Dana: OK, 1 to 6 down, engine master off, John. 
NASA 1: OK, 50,000 feet, Bill, 2.1 Mach number. It's a good descent. 
Dana: 50,000 feet, roger. 
NASA 1: OK, Bill, that's about 8 miles out, 1.9 Mach number, 45,000. 
Chase: Chase at 11 o'clock, 7 miles. 
NASA 1: Ready to jettison, Pete? 
Chase: Yeah, let's go to jettison. 
Dana: About 5 north at 40,000. 
NASA 1: OK, Bill, you might think about getting the brakes in now.
Dana: They're coming in, John. 
NASA 1: OK, you'll be going subsonic, watch your a and just as well finish up your check list now. 
Dana: OK, I got flap circuit breakers, stick kicker, 3rd skid. 
NASA 1: OK, that will do it. 
Chase: 10 o'clock, 5 miles. 
NASA 1: That High Key is just where you wanted it, Bill. 
Dana: Very good. 
Chase: Chase 4, you got Tally Ho? 
Chase 4: Rog, I got Tally Ho. 
NASA 1: TMR off if you get a chance. 
Dana: TMR's off. 
Chase: 34,000. 
Dana: John, can you think of any emergency dump for my G Suit? 
NASA 1: .......... 
Dana: My G suit went to full inflate, John. Any emergency dump? 
NASA 1: Negative, Bill. 
Dana: OK, it just dumped, John. 
NASA 1: OK, I got you coming through 20,000. 
Dana: Good head. You with me, Pete? 
Chase: Rog, I'm off your right wing, Bill. 
Dana: What are you showing? 
Chase: My altitudes are about 20,000 now. 
Dana: OK. 
Chase: About 15,000. 
Dana: OK, Pete. 
Chase: 330. 
Dana: OK. This G suit is coming in about a G and a half, John. I knew I had gained weight but I didn't think I'd gained that much. 
NASA 1: Yeah, we'll have to check it. 
Chase: That's what you get for quitting smoking. 
Dana: Rog. 
Chase: Looking real good, Bill, I got about 10,000. 
NASA 1: OK, Pete, good call. Reminder for your speed brakes, Bill. 
Dana: Yeah, I got just a little out, John, they're coming in. 
NASA 1: OK. 
Chase: Looking real good about still 300 and about 6,000. 
Dana: OK, Pete. 
Chase: Everything looks good, Bill. 
Dana: Roger. 
Chase: 300, 4,000. 
Dana: Flaps coming down. Gear. 
Chase: Gear's down and locked, Bill, put her down, about 10 feet, 3,2,1, there you go. A beauty, Bill. 
Dana: Engine Time 67.0. X-15 Oxygen Press 1900. Hydraulics, #1 is 32, #2 is 32. Fox Source zero. APU tanks, #1 is 24, #2 is 24.50. Cabin source is 1900. APU source, #1 is 24, #2 is 24.50. APU bearing, #2 is 70, #1 is 70. Mixing chambers, #1 is -42, #2 is -50.