Plane: X-15-1 Date: 6/29/67
Flight: 1-73-126 T.O.: 1022
Pilot: Major Wm. J. Knight Launch: 1128
B-52: #008 Land: 1137
L/P: J. Russell Total: :09
NASA 1: Major M. Adams B-52 Land: 1200

12 minutes to launch
Knight: Precool on. 
NASA 1: Rog, Pete, read you good that time. 
Knight: OK. BCS is on. Data is on, NASA 1. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Knight: Both BCS off. ...... 
NASA 1: Understand Data is off. 
Knight: Right. Data is off. 
Chase: Getting some residual flow out of right roll on your BCS system too. Getting out of the nose is .......... quite a little bit, getting .......... inlet. 
Knight: OK, how much? 
Russel: It isn't as much as when you give an input but looks like about half off. 
Knight: Rog. 
B-52: 11 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Knight: 0K. Precool off. 
NASA 1: Roger, Pete. 
Chase: You're still getting it ............. 
Knight: OK, as long as it's not too much. 
Chase: It's, well maybe not even a half, maybe about a quarter. 
Knight: Rog, that's good. 
B-52: 10 minutes to launch.
NASA 1: Roger. 
Knight: APU cooling switch to normal. Both blowers to blowers and LN2. Pressure cooling coming on. Cabin source is 3600. 
NASA 1: Roger, Pete. 
B-52: 9 minutes. 
Knight: Helium shutoff valve switch is open. Ready to start APU? 
NASA 1: Roger, Pete. 
Knight: Ready on the APU's, Mike?
NASA 1: Rog. 
Knight: #2 coming on. OK, ready for #l? 
NASA 1: Roger, Pete, go ahead with l. 
Knight: #l coming on. Hydraulics look good. Generator is on. Engine is reset. Electric power looks good. Flaps coming down. 
B-52: 8 minutes. Do you want to call it, NASA l? 
NASA 1: We'll call it. 
Chase: Flaps coming down. 
Knight: Flaps coming up. 
Chase: Flaps up. 
NASA 1: 8 minutes, now. 
Knight: Inertials look good, 45,000, zero H dot, 750 on the velocity and the .......... is 45. 
Chase: .......... 
Knight: Rog, attitudes look good. Precision attitudes look good. 
Chase 1: We can't read NASA l. 
Chase: NASA l, do you read Chase l? 
NASA 1: Rog, and tell him to start his turn, we called 8 minutes. 
Chase: He called 8 minutes, start your turn. 
Knight: OK, IFDS power switch internal. Reset malfunction. The attitudes look good. 
NASA 1: Roger, Pete. 
B-52: Call 7 minutes please? 
NASA 1: Rog we'll give you 7 minutes. 008, 7 minutes now. 
Knight: Temperatures are minus 35 on l and minus 45 on #2, Mike. 
NASA 1: Roger, Pete. 
Knight: Alpha is 3 degrees, beta is l 1/2 needle left. Aux Cabin Pressure is on. Fire extinguisher is Auto. And, were going to the SAS check. 
NASA 1: Roger, Pete. 
Russel: Lube oil temp 110. 
Knight: ASAS check is complete. I'm on high, low, high. BCS, roll, and ASAS is armed. Did you get that, Mike? 
NASA 1: Roger, Pete.
Knight: OK. Roll checks good. 
NASA 1: And NASA 1 copy. 
A/C 934: NASA 1. 
NASA 1: Go ahead. 
A/C 934: Could you advise Sport that I'm reading them on the X-15 radio, evidently they can't read me. 
NASA 1: OK, that's all you need. 
B-52: 5 minutes, Pete. 
Knight: OK, X-15 oxygen. #2800 on the X-15 oxygen. Cabin altitude is 35,000. 
NASA 1: Roger, Pete, and NASA 1 will call 4 minutes. 
Knight: OK. 
Russel: Topoff complete. 
NASA 1: Roger, Jack. 
B-52: Steady on 168°. 
NASA 1: Roger, and calling 4 minutes now. 
B-52: Steady on 168. 
NASA 1: Roger, and we just called 4 minutes. 
Knight: Rog, 4 minutes, going to pressurize. Tanks are steadying out at 45. 
NASA 1: Roger, Pete. 
Knight: Got 3 jettison switches to jettison. I'm on radio, how do you read me? 
NASA 1: Read you 5 square, Pete, how me? 
Knight: OK, 5 square. Going MIT pointer vectors. Seems to be tracking accurately. 
NASA 1: OK, Pete. 
B-52: 3 minutes, Pete. 
Knight: Rog, going to precision attitudes. 
NASA 1: 2 degrees left, 008. 
Knight: Data's on. IFDS Malfunction lights are out. Inertial gages read 45,000 altitude, zero H dot, 850 per second, 35 on the predicted. 
NASA 1: 008, 2 degrees left. 
B-52: Roger, 166°. 
Knight: APU bearings are 55 and 55. 
NASA 1: Roger, Pete. 008, 2 degrees left. 
B-52: Roger, 164°. 2 minutes, Pete. 
Knight: Rog, 2 minutes, IFDS altitude on. Push to test ball nose. Ball nose looks good. I got + 2 degrees alpha, about a needle and a half, needle left. Window shades are up. 
NASA 1: Roger, Pete, I'll give you a one minute call. 
Knight: Rog. 
NASA 1: OK, 1 minute now.
Knight: Rog, 1 minute. 
B-52: Rolling to 168°. 
Knight: Prime. Igniter ready light. Precool on Igniter idle on. 
Chase: .......... look good. 
Knight: Pump's coming on. 
NASA 1: Roger, Pete. Looks good, Pete. 
Knight: Looks good here. 
NASA 1: OK. 
Knight: 3, 2, 1, launch. 
Chase: Good light. 
NASA 1: Rog, Pete, got a good light. Check your alpha. Watch your heading. Track is looking good. Coming up on profile. Stand-by for theta, looking real good. Have you on theta, your track looks good, right on profile. Coming through 60, good profile, you're on track. Beautiful track, Pete. Up to 80,000 check now. Profile's looking real good. Coming up on 104,000 now. 
Knight: Shutdown. 
NASA 1: Understand shutdown, Pete. We've got a Grapevine time here. Chase, we will confirm a Grapevine landing. How do you read, Pete? 
Chase 3: NASA 1, did you say Grapevine? 
NASA 1: That's affirm. How do you read me, Pete? Is anybody reading the X-15? 
Chase 1: Chase 1 does. 
NASA 1: Chase 1, NASA 1, do you read anybody?
Chase 1: I don't read Pete ....... 
Chase 3: Do you have a .......... on him? 
NASA 1: No, we have lost TM. 
Chase 3: I've looked all over Grapevine. 
NASA 1: Chase 3, you can be looking for jettison down around Grapevine. 
Chase 3: Roger, 1, I'm looking. 
NASA 1: OK. Pete, do you read? 
Chase 3: Over Grapevine at 30,000. 
NASA 1: I kind of think he will be coming in from the SE if he comes in there.
Chase 3: OK. 
NASA 1: Chase 1 and 2, keep an eye around Mud. 
Chase 2: Rog, Mike, I'm over Mud, keep an eye peeled. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Chase 2: Pete, do you read? 
Chase 3: Seen or heard anything? 
Chase 2: He's going into Mud. I think he's landing East to West .......... center of Mud and in good shape right now. 
NASA 1: Roger, understand.