FLIGHT NO: 1-72-125 DATE OF REPORT: 6/19/67

PILOT: Maj. Mike Adams DATE OF FLIGHT: 6/15/67



PURPOSE OF FLIGHT: 1. Pilot Altitude Buildup

2. Horizon Scanner Checkout

3. Horizontal Stabilizer Alpha

4. IRIG Timer

5. WTR Experiment Checkout

I. Discussion of Previous Operations

A. As reported on the last flight the WTR Experiment was found to have popped two power circuit breakers and shorted out two power diodes during the flight. Inspection following the flight found a floating screw in the IR Radiometer, which was removed. The Field Effect Transistor in the IR Radiometer was replaced as was six diodes in the frequency converter after which the system checked out satisfactorily on the ground. II. Configuration Changes A. The motor-generator was unplugged for flight. III. Preflight Events A. The motor-generator overheat problem referenced in the last report was reviewed and the orifice size was increased. However, on flight attempt l-A-122 of May 25, 1967 there was no movement of the inertial pitch axis displays. Also the motor-generator again overheated. A broken wire was found in the pitch axis display system.

B. Due to the motor-generator overheat it was decided not to turn on the M.G. until 15 minutes prior to launch in an attempt to hold the temperature within limits. This was done on flight attempt l-A-123 of June 1, 1967 and the inertial system worked for approximately five minutes and then failed at APU generator reset. Back on the ground the motor-generator was found to have failed. It was replaced and the new one was found no better during the APU Run. It was then decided to fly without the motor-generator.

C. Following pilot entry on June 8, 1967, the yaw SAS switch would not engage and the flight was canceled. Checks uncovered a shorted diode in the SAS case which was removed. More checks found a faulty pitch malfunction circuit module that was replaced.

D. On flight attempt l-A-124 the flight was aborted at 15 seconds to launch when the pilot's radio transmitter failed to operate. Checks found a transistor in the microphone amplifier loose which was corrected.

IV. Flight Events A. Flight 1-72-125 was made on Thursday, June 15, 1967. Servicing was normal except for a ruptured blowout disc in the stick-kicker. It was decided to go with the system inoperative. The flight was accomplished according to the Flight Plan with no apparent problems. During the postflight inspection the WTR Experiment was found to have blown a fuse in the frequency converter at engine shutdown so the video recorder ran only part of the time. Checks of this system are continuing.
Approved by: Prepared by:

Perry V. Row Meryl DeGeer

X-15 Senior Project Engineer X-15 Project Engineer