Plane: X-15-1 Date: 11/4/65
Flight: 1-62-103 T.O.: 0822
Pilot: Bill Dana Launch: 0911
B-52: #008 Land: 0920
L/P: Russell Total: :09
NASA 1: Lt/Col. Rushworth B-52 Land: 0940

12 minutes to launch
B-52: 11 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roger. Precool off, Bill, and we'll update the time. 10 minutes in 20 seconds. 
B-52: 10 minutes. 
NASA 1: Did you get precool off, Bill? 
Dana: Roger, precool is off. APU cooling switch is normal. Both blowers BLN2. Pressure cooling coming on. Inertial height is 45,000. Velocity is 840. Vertical velocity is zero. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 020 mag. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Dana: X-15 cabin source is 3300. 
B-52: 9 minutes. 
Dana: Helium shutoff valve open. Are you ready for APU start? 
NASA 1: Roger, go ahead with #2. 
Chase: #2 is starting. 
NASA 1: OK to start #l, Bill. 
Chase: It's starting. Surfaces are zero. 
Dana: Generators are on. Hydraulic pressure #1, 3550 and #2 is 3500. Engine reset. Electrical looks good. 
B-52: 8 minutes, starting turn. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Dana: Mixing chamber temps, #1 is -40, #2 is -50. 
Chase: Flaps coming down. Flaps down. 
Dana: Flap switch up. 
Chase: Flaps coming up. Flaps are up. 
Dana: a is reading 1°, b is 2 needle widths left. 
NASA 1: Roger, check your flap circuit breakers. 
Dana: Roger, flap circuit breakers are in. Auxiliary cabin pressure is on. Fire extinguisher is auto.
NASA 1: Roger. Go ahead with your SAS check. 
B-52: Just passed 7 minutes. 
Russel: Lube oil temp 95. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Chase 1: The cloud coverage is pretty well solid now. 
NASA 1: Roger, when we get to the 4 minute point, look at the lake, Don. 
Chase 1: Roger. 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
Dana: SAS check complete. Hi-lo-hi gain. Horizontal stabilizer position indicating zero. 
Chase: And check zero. 
NASA 1: ASAS on? 
Dana: Affirmative, ASAS is on. 
Russel: Lox topoff is complete 
.......... : (garbled) 
Dana: Tank handle pressurize. 
NASA 1: Bill, the radio was real garbled, if you made the oxygen calls, confirm it. 
Dana: Roger, Bob, oxygen calls were made. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Dana: Tank pressure is 48 on ammonia, 48 on Lox. 
B-52: 5 minutes. 
Dana: (garbled) Back to pressurize. 3 switches to jettison. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Chase: And a jettison check outside. 
Dana: Intercom off. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill, how do you read me on radio? 
Dana: Loud and clear, how me? 
NASA 1: Read you loud and clear. We did not get your cabin altitude, what is that now? 
Dana: Cabin altitude is 38,000. After I went to radio, I only read about three words from you until just now. 
NASA 1: Roger, how do you read me now? 
Dana: Read you loud and clear, Bob. 
NASA 1: Roger, we're coming up on 4 minutes in 5 seconds. 
Dana: Roger. Are you ready for a tape on? 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Chase: Can't see Hidden Hills, Bob. 
NASA 1: Roger, that was 4 minutes, check it again at 2 minutes. 
Chase: Roger. 
Dana: Data on. IFDS to internal. 
NASA 1: 008, come 2° right. 
B-52: 2° right.
NASA 1: And a malfunction light just reset. 
NASA 1: Roger. Chase 3, how's the visibility looking NE towards Hidden Hills, from your position? 
Chase 3: NE looks good from here. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Chase 4: Confirm it. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 3 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Dana: Inertial velocity 720. Altitude 44,500. Attitudes look good. APU bearing temps, #1 is 65, #2 is 50. 
NASA 1: Roger. 008, 2 more degrees right. 
B-52: 2° right. 
Chase: This stuff is very thin. 
NASA 1: Roger, understand. We'll continue on down, give us a call at the 1 minute point if you have a chance to see Hidden Hills. 
Chase: Roger. 
B-52: Roger, 2 minutes. 
Dana: IFDS altitude on. Ball nose test complete. a is about 2°, b 2 needle widths to the left. 
NASA 1: Roger. We'll call 1 minute. 
B-52: Rog. 
Chase 1: Can't see Hidden Hills yet. 
NASA 1: Roger, understand. 
Chase: It's clear at Silver Lake. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Chase 2: Have Hidden Hills now. 
NASA 1: Roger. 10 seconds to 1 minute. 1 minute now. 
Chase: I have Hidden Hills. 
NASA 1: Roger, 50 seconds. 
Dana: Roger. Prime switch to prime. Igniter ready light. Precool switch to precool. Igniter on. I'm going to launch 10 seconds late, Bob, so that my clock will be a backup for my engine clock. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Dana: Pump idle. Everything looks good, launch light on. 
NASA 1: Looks good here, Bill. 
Dana: OK, Bob, we're going to go. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 release!
Chase: Light. 
NASA 1: Go to reset and prime, Bill. Throttle off and reset, prime. Get an ignition ready light. And bring the throttle on. 
Dana: Got a good light, Bob. 
NASA 1: Very good. Bring it on up on angle of attack. 
Dana: a looks good. 
NASA 1: Bring it on up and hold 10°. You can go as high as 2.5 g's right here. Little higher on angle of attack. You should be seeing theta now. We're a little bit low on altitude. Showing 40,000. Track is real good. You're coming up on the profile. 50,000 now. Track and profile are real good, Bill. 
Dana: Roger, Bob. 
NASA 1: Coming up on 60,000 feet and we'll want you to start the pushover now. Right over to zero. Push to zero g. Very good. Standby for speed brakes. There's 70,000 now. Very good on speed brakes. OK, hold zero g and you'll be coming level shortly, watch your H dot. Just a little bit high, showing about 75,000 now. Very good, now watch your H dot, hold the nose up. You're level. Standby for shutdown. Coming up on shutdown now. Very good, Bill. Speed brakes in. Just slightly high, real good profile, real good track. Very good, you're right on. Track and profile are real good, you're right on. We're going to end up with a little bit extra energy, that's all. 
Dana: OK, Bob. 
NASA 1: We're real close, I don't think its going to cause any problem. That's the 50 mile point. Should see about 3200 now. 
Dana: I'm indicating 34, Bob. 
NASA 1: OK, we're a little bit hot. Pilot Knob coming up now. Right on the track and profile, Bill. Engine master off and we can use about 20° speed brakes.
Dana: Roger, master off, going to 20°. 
NASA 1: Roger, you're right on the profile, Bill. Showing about Mach 3. 
Dana: Affirm. 
NASA 1: Roger. Right now over Cuddeback and you should have about 28. 
Dana: Roger, full brakes, Bob. 
NASA 1: Roger. Chase 3, he's right on track and profile. OK, Bill, the lakebed is about 11 o'clock. 
Dana: Have it! 
NASA 1: Very good. I'll let you make the turn, Bill, looks like about 10 miles north. 
Dana: Looks OK, Bob. 
NASA 1: Bring speed brakes in. 
Dana: Brakes coming in. I have one Chase at 1 o'clock high. 
Chase: I got you, Bill. 
NASA 1: You can go to jettison anytime, Bill. 
Dana: Roger, jettison. 
NASA 1: OK watch that subsonic and that little angle of attack here. 
Dana: OK, flap circuit breakers are in. Landing SAS engaged. 
NASA 1: Very good. Show you about 35,000 feet now. 
Chase: Do you see him, Pete? 
Chase: Got him. 
Chase: Got you at 30,000, Bill. 
Dana: Thank you, Pete, that's what I'm reading and I'm on my barometrics. 
Chase: Got you at 22. 
Dana: That's what I'm reading. 
NASA 1: Feel landing buffet there, Bill? 
Dana: Yes, just a little, Bob, I'm at 10°, little airframe buffet. 
Chase: You might be just a little close in. 
Dana: OK, Pete. 
Chase: 17,000. 10, 000. 
Dana: Back to pressurize, Bob. 
Chase: Looks real good. Right on. 7,000. 
Dana: Rog, that's what I got. Little fast here. 
Chase: Don't forget your flaps when you want them there. 
Dana: Sure thing, Pete. 
Chase: Flaps. 
Dana: Flaps.
Chase: Down. Gear. Gear is down. Coming down nice. 20 feet, 10, 5, 3, 2, there you go! Push. 
NASA 1: Very good Bill, that was a good -- indoctrination wasn't it? 
Dana: That wasn't quite like the simulator, was it? 
NASA 1: You should reset there and got back on the launch! Check your engine master switch and see if it is off. 
Dana: I guess I knocked it on when I extended the gear, I think I had it off during flight. Heading is 190. Inertial height is -6000 feet. Inertial velocity is essentially zero. H dot is zero. X-15 oxygen pressure is 1600. Fox source is zero, #1 and #2 are 200. Control gas is 150. APU sources, #1 and #2 are 2500. Cabin source is 1500.