October 26, 1965

MEMORANDUM for Chief, Research Division X-15 Project Office

Subject: Preliminary evaluation of X-15 flight 1-60-99

Flight 1-60-99 was flown on September 30, 1965, by Capt. W. Knight. The launch lake was Hidden Hills and the launch heading was 212° magnetic.

The flight had three research purposes, they were:

1. Pilot checkout

2. Singer Infrared Scanner

3. Tip-Pod accelerometer

Flight Summary

Postlaunch - The profile was exceptionally good on this flight. A maximum velocity of 4,050 ft/sec, and a maximum altitude of 74,000 feet were attained during the flight.

This flight was planned and executed for the purpose of pilot checkout. The I.R. Scanner was retained on-board for this flight, however, no effort was made to provide the experimenter with a constant V/h ratio. The accelerometer was retained in the L.H. wing tip-pod monitoring subsonic buffet.


All objectives for this flight were accomplished. The profile was good. The energy matched the simulator throughout the profile and the pilot was able to perform the roll and yaw maneuver as planned.

The I.R. Scanner functioned very well during the flight and data were obtained.

Vibration data were monitored during the subsonic buffet periods.

Paul L. Chenoweth

Research Division

X-15 Project Engineer