Flight No.: 1-60-99 Scheduled Date : September 30, 1965

Pilot: Capt. W. Knight

Purpose : 1. Pilot Checkout

2. I. R. Scanner - (P. Chenoweth) Instrumentation Engineer - (Don Yount)

Launch: Hidden Hills on magnetic heading 212°, SAS Hi-Lo-Hi (8-4-8), ASAS Armed, both BCS "OFF," RAS "OFF," b switch to "b." Ventral off.

Launch Point Coordinates: 36° 20' N, 115° 59' W
 No. Time Alt Vel a q  Event
1. 0 45 790 0 145 Launch, light engine at 75% T, decrease to 50% T. Rotate at 10° a until q = 20°.
2. 28 46 1200 10 310 q = 20°. Maintain q = 20°.
3. 74 65 2450 5 525 Pushover to zero g.
4. 90 72 2900 0 550 Extend speed brakes to 35°.
5. 99 74 3200 0 650 Increase a to maintain Hdot = 0.
6. 126 74 4000 4 940 Shutdown (shutdown will be accomplished at 4000 ft/sec or 134 sec. whichever occurs first). Retract speed brakes. Maintain H » 74,000 ft.
7. 143 74 3700 4 800 Perform moderate right and left rolls and rudder pulses. Vector to Pilot Knob.
8. 185 74 3080 4 550 Pilot Knob.
9. 200 74 2900 4 500 Descend at » 400 ft/sec. Vector to High Key.
10. 220 62 2600 3 700 Cuddeback - continue to High Key (Hdot » -400 ft/sec). Engine Master "OFF."
11.           High Key - check flap and "Squat" circuit breakers in. Calibrate.
12.           Before APU shutdown, cycle flaps, set stabilizer trim to zero, data "OFF."


1. q vernier will be set at 20°, a crosspointer will null at 5°.

2. Emergency Lakes: Three Sisters and Cuddeback.

3. Flight Duration: Approximately 9 minutes.

4. Flight plan based on 57,250# thrust engine, 34,100# for 50%.

Total burn time at 50% = 144 sec.

Launch wt. = 33,000#, Burnout wt. = 14,950#.

GROUND RULES FOR NO LAUNCH: 1. Radio, Radar or TM malfunction.

2. Malfunction of any SAS channel.

3. Malfunction of inertial platform.

4. Malfunction of Ball Nose.

1. Radio or Radar   Proceed as planned.
2. Total Pitch Damper   Proceed as planned.
3. Total Yaw Damper   Proceed as planned except pushover to 2° a at 74 sec. instead of 0 g. Do not perform roll and rudder pulse maneuvers.
4. Total Roll Damper   Same as 3 except turn Yaw Damper off.
5. Attitude Failure   Use 5° a in place of 20° q at 28 sec.
6. Ball Nose   Proceed as planned. Use 1.5g at 10 sec. instead of 10° a.
7. Delayed engine light   Pushover to zero g at H = 65,000 ft. (Hdot » 600 fps).
6. Inadvertent engine shutdown:

00 - 72 sec. Delamar

72 - 76 sec. Hidden Hills (2300 fps)

76 - 90 sec. Cuddeback (2400 fps)

90 - Up Edwards (2900 fps)