Plane: X-15-1 Date: 9/22/65
Flight: 1-59-98 T.O.: 1007
Pilot: R. Rushworth Launch: 1059
B-52: #003 Land: 1110
L/P: J. Russell Total: :11
NASA 1: Capt. Knight B-52 Land: 1138

12 minutes to launch
NASA 1: 10 minutes now. 
B-52: Roger, 10. Reading about 031 at the moment. 
NASA 1: Roger, that's good. 
Rushworth: APU cooling switch normal. Both blowers are on. Pressure cooling going on. Inertial gages are looking good, I got 44 and 5,000. 800 fps and a slight descent right now. My attitudes are looking good. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Russel: I'm reading 794 fps. 
Rushworth: Roger. Cabin source is 2900. 
B-52: 9 minutes. 
Rushworth: Helium shutoff valve is open. #2 is going on. Pressure looks good. 
NASA 1: Rog, #2 is good. 
Rushworth: #l is going on. 
NASA 1: Rog, start #1. 
Rushworth: #1 is on. Jack Russell, can you check my flaps coming down? My voltage is good. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Russel: I can see the left side coming down. 
Rushworth: Flaps are going back up. Hydraulics, #1 and #2 are 35. Voltage is good. 
Russel: Coming back up, looks good, zero. 
Rushworth: Roger. Engine reset. Controls and flaps are checked. Check flap circuit breakers. 
NASA 1: Engine reset? 
B-52: Starting turn, just passed 8 minutes, 15 seconds ago. 
Rushworth: Roger. At the present time I have 3° a and 2° b. Mixing chamber temps, #1 is -40 and #2 is -45. .......... 
NASA 1: Want to give us another a check, Bob? 
Rushworth: a at the moment is 3°. 
NASA 1: Roger, 3°.
B-52: 6-1/2 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Rushworth: Aux cabin pressure switch is on. Fire extinguisher going auto. 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Rushworth: Roger, I have the SAS check and IFDS is on. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Rushworth: Horizontal stabilizer position is zero. 
B-52: 5 minutes. 
Rushworth: X-15 oxygen is 24. I'm on X-15 oxygen. Cabin is reading 36,500. 
NASA 1: 003, NASA 1 will update at 4 minutes. 
B-52: 4 minutes, reading 214. 
Rushworth: Pressurize. Data on and calibrate. 3 jettison switches are on. 
NASA 1: 003, 4 minutes now. 
B-52: 4 minutes. 
NASA 1: 2° right, 003. 
Rushworth: .......... is 48, LOX is 48. Ready for jettison check? 
Chase: Roger, Bob, go ahead. 
Rushworth: Roger. 
Chase: Jettisoning looks good. 
Rushworth: Jettison is off. 3 jettison switches to jettison. Data off. 
B-52: Roger, 216. 
NASA 1: Make it 218°. 
B-52: Roger, 218°. 
Rushworth: Tape is on. 
B-52: 3 minutes. 
Rushworth: Data is on. IFDS to internal. You have a malfunction ........ 
NASA 1: Roger. 003, 4° right. 
B-52: Roger, 222°. 
Rushworth: I'm showing 43 ±, almost 44,000 feet. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Rushworth: IFDS .......... H dot, 750 velocity. APU bearing temps, #1 is .........., #2 is 750. 
NASA 1: OK, Bob. 
Rushworth: Looks like we're going to launch a couple thousand .......... 
NASA 1: Rog, we got it here. 
B-52: 2 minutes. 
Rushworth: IFDS altitude on. Ball nose calibrate. a is just short of 2°, b is just short of 2°.
NOTE: (Page #3 of transcript is missing)
NASA 1: Roger. 48 now, Bob. 
Rushworth: Roger, 475 now. 
NASA 1: Roger. Your track looks real good. 46 and about 500 q. 
Rushworth: Roger. Little below profile, Pete? 
NASA 1: Little below, roger. 44 on velocity. 
Rushworth: Roger. Get that little zing in pitch again! 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Rushworth: Right through here. 
NASA 1: 42 now. About 700 on q and to the left of track. Mach 4. 
Rushworth: Roger at 48,000. .......... 
NASA 1: Roger. And the track looks good, Bob. About 600 q. 
Rushworth: It's the strangest little feeling! 
NASA 1: Roger. 35 now. 
Rushworth: 50, 50 miles, that right? 
NASA 1: No, we'll call 50 miles, Bob. 
Rushworth: 475 on q. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Rushworth: 76,000 and 3.1. 
NASA 1: Roger. And you're 50 miles at 2.8. 
Rushworth: Roger. Doing a sideslip. On computer data now. 
NASA 1: Roger. And you seem to be drifting a little more to the right of track now. 
Rushworth: .......... coming down, speed brakes out. 
NASA 1: Correction, to the left of track. 25. 
Rushworth: Roger. I'm a little behind in my profile. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Chase: .......... 
Rushworth: I'm a little behind on my profile. 
Chase: Roger. 
NASA 1: And you want to hold the altitude a little bit and we'll call you at Cuddeback. 
Rushworth: Roger. I got 60,000.
NASA 1: Roger. 
Rushworth: Speed brakes in. 
NASA 1: Rog, they're in and you're Cuddeback now. 
Rushworth: Roger. 
Chase: I'm coming, just high key now. 
Rushworth: Roger. 
NASA 1: And you better turn just a little bit to the right, Bob, about 5°, you're to the left of track. 
Rushworth: 500# q, 57,000, Mach 2 when I did that pulse. Dampers back on. 
NASA 1: Roger. 1.8, Bob and a little bit more to the right. 
Rushworth: OK, got it, Pete. 
NASA 1: And ASAS back on. 
Rushworth: ASAS is on. 
NASA 1: 15 now. 
Rushworth: Roger 15. 
NASA 1: Should be heading right for North Base right now. 
Rushworth: Roger. 5° angle of attack right now. 
NASA 1: Roger. 12 now. And 1 now. 
Rushworth: Thank you. 25,000 feet at 105. Ready for jettison? 
Chase: Rog, ready Bob. 
Rushworth: Going jettison now. Just went subsonic. 
NASA 1: Roger. And your squat switches and circuit breakers, Bob. 
Chase: .......... 
Rushworth: Roger, my flap circuit breakers are in. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Rushworth: Squat circuit breakers are engaged. Got 7-1/2° angle of attack, and 1-1/2 g's, and I'm getting that buffet again. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Rushworth: OK, I'm down to, little slower in speed. 300 knots, I got a 320 on 4. I got 10° angle of attack, almost 2 g's ....... 
NASA 1: Roger. Got you at 30,000. 
Chase: 24,500. 
Rushworth: Say again? 
Chase: We're about 22,000 right now. 
Rushworth: I'm showing 21 right now. 
Chase: Roger ....... 
Rushworth: Roger, 300 knots. 
Chase: I'm showing about 310.
NASA 1: 14,000 and 300. 
Rushworth: Roger. Have to use a little speed brakes I guess. 
Chase: OK. Showing 310. Coming through 10,000 now. 
Rushworth: Roger. Better get some speed brakes, finally got them! 
Chase: Roger. 7,000 now. Showing 330. 310 now, Bob. 
Rushworth: Roger. Flaps. 
Chase: Flaps are coming. 
Rushworth: Gear. 
Chase: Roger, 270. Two good ones, nose is down. 3 good ones. 10 feet, 5, 3, 2, beauty! 
Rushworth: Clock is reading 82 seconds. I overshot to 5200 fps. Inertial height is just above zero. H dot is -10. Inertial velocity came to zero when we did. Fox source is zero, tanks are zero. Pump inlet zero. #2 is zero. Peroxide is 560. APU sources, #1 is 25, #2 is 26. Hydraulics are 30. Cabin source is 1450. #1 and #2 APU bearings, -45 and -50. Mixing chambers, #1 APU is floating around, looks a +50, #2 is +60. X-15 oxygen is 2000.