Plane: X-15-1 Date: 8/25/65
Flight: 1-57-96 T.O.:  
Pilot: Milt Thompson Launch: 0905
B-52: #003 Land: 1003
L/P: J. Russell Total: :09
NASA 1: Joe Engle B-52 Land: 1038

12 minutes to launch
Thompson: Both BCS on, data off. 
B-52: 11 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roger. Milt, we're going to want data on for the jettison check and also, Bill says we're short on tape so we'll turn it on at the 1 minute point instead of the 2 minute point and I'll remind you when it's time. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: 003, 2° more right please. 
B-52: Rog, 2°. 10 minutes. 
NASA 1: Rog, looks good. 
Thompson: APU cooling switch to normal. Both blowers BLN2. Pressure cooling on. 
Russel: LN2 off. 
Thompson: I've got 840 on velocity. 44,000 on altitude. Zero on H dot. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Russel: 828 velocity. 
Thompson: Rog. Attitudes are good. Cabin source is 3310. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
.......... : 32-1/2°. 
Thompson: Roger, I got 30-1/2°. 
B-52: Just passed 9 minutes, 10 seconds ago. 
Thompson: Helium shutoff valve is open. #2 coming on. 
B-52: Does 8 minutes look good for turn, NASA 1? 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Thompson: I got good indications on #2, OK to start #1? 
NASA 1: OK, nozzle pressure here, start #1. 
Thompson: OK, #1 started. Resetting generators. Engine reset. Hydraulic pressures both about 35. 
B-52: 8 minutes, starting turn. 
Thompson: Reading about 190 and 200. Moving controls. 
Chase: Roger. 
Thompson: Flaps coming down.
Chase: OK. 
Thompson: Coming back up. 
Chase: OK. 
Thompson: Mixing chambers, -40 and -50. a is about 2-1/2°, b about 1/2° left. 
NASA 1: OK. 
B-52: 7 minutes. 
Thompson: Pressure switch is on. IFDS going internal. 
NASA 1: How does internal instruments look, Milt? 
Thompson: OK, we got a computer .......... and a computer light, but they punch out and everything looks good. 
NASA 1: OK. 
Thompson: Fire extinguisher going auto. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
Thompson: OK, starting SAS check. 
Russel: Lube oil temp is 100°. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Thompson: SAS check complete. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Thompson: Got a hi lo hi. Roll BCS check, Bob, are you in position? 
Chase: Rog, go ahead. 
B-52: 5 minutes. 
Chase: Good. Surfaces are zero. 
Russel: Lox topoff is complete, waiting for 4. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Thompson: OK, on X-15 oxygen at 2600. Cabin altitude about 37. 
NASA 1: Very good. We'll call the 4 minute point, be about 40 seconds. 4 minutes now. 
Russel: Topoff complete. 
Thompson: OK, data coming on. Tank handle going pressurize. I got a computer malfunction light when I turn data on. 
NASA 1: Did it reset? 
Thompson: Affirm. 
NASA 1: OK. 
Thompson: Going to jettison. 
Chase: Jettison. 
Thompson: Back to pressurize, data off. 3 jettison switches to jettison. Intercom going off. And how do you read me? 
NASA 1: 5 by, Milt, and did your indicators move at all when you reset or did you notice? 
Thompson: APU's are still working OK. 
NASA 1: OK. 
Thompson: I got 700 on velocity, 44 on altitude and I'm getting a normal dither on H dot. 
NASA 1: Rog. 003, come 2° right. 
B-52: 2°. 3 minutes. 
Thompson: APU bearings are +60 on both. .......... b about 2° left. 
NASA 1: Roger. On the 2 minute point, don't turn on the tape, we'll turn it on at 1 minute. 
Thompson: Right. Bob, are my stabilizers zero? 
Chase: Affirmative. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: Come 2° more right. 
B-52: 2° right. 2 minutes. 
Thompson: OK, data coming on. Ball nose push to test. Looks OK. Got about 1-1/2° a and 1/2° of b. No head bumper. 
NASA 1: Roger. Will call 1 minute point. 
B-52: Roger, understand. 
NASA 1: Got IFDS altitude on, Milt? 
Thompson: Affirm, will turn it on at 1 minute. 
NASA 1: 1 minute now. How do you read, Milt? 
Thompson: OK. Who said that? 
NASA 1: Are you reading NASA l? 
Thompson: Yes. 
NASA 1: Get your tape on and we called the 1 minute point, did you get that? 
Thompson: IFDS altitude coming on. 
Chase: You're about 40 seconds now. 
Thompson: Rog. Prime. Prime looks good. Precool on. Igniter idle. I got igniter ready light. Pump. 
NASA 1: OK, good pressures. 
Thompson: OK, looks good here. 
NASA 1: Roger, good here, go ahead, Milt. 
Thompson: OK, 3, 2, 1. 
NASA 1: Good light, Milt. And you should be coming up on a now. Real good a . OK, check your a, Milt, you're looking real good. Track is good. Check your a and standby for theta. Track looks good and you should be on theta now. OK, track is OK. Your profile is looking good. Coming through 70 now. Come about 1 or 2° right, Milt. You're drifting just a little bit. Profile is looking real good. Coming through 90,000 now. We're still drifting little bit to the left, if you can put a right correction in. Profile looks real good, coming through 110 now. Standby for shutdown, Milt. Engine master off. Coming through 150. RAS and auto on. Coming through 170 now, computer b on. Can you read NASA 1? 
Chase: Did you read NASA 1, Milt? 
Thompson: Affirm. 
NASA 1: Real nice profile and you got a real nice track going. Coming up on 200,000. 200,000 now. 
Thompson: OK. ........ Get on another receiver. 
NASA 1: Roger. OK, how do you read now? 
Thompson: OK, still got a lot of ...... 
NASA 1: Roger. You're peaking out now. Real nice profile. Speed brakes to 20° and set your stabilizer. 
Thompson: You're squealing real bad. 
NASA 1: Roger. OK, you read NASA 1 now? 
Thompson: Affirm. 
NASA 1: OK, speed brakes should be out, set your stabilizer. 
Thompson: Got it. 
NASA 1: OK, and get your pitch oscillations. Real nice profile, had you peaking at 216. Check your speed brakes, Milt, little bit more speed brakes. 
Thompson: Got them. 
NASA 1: Very good. Track is real good, we're about 4 miles left of track. Coming down through 190 now, computer b off. 
Thompson: OK.
NASA 1: About 49 on velocity. Coming down to 170. RAS off. Auto cutoff off. Down to 150. Right at 5000 fps through 140. Got Edwards dead ahead. Real nice a, Milt. Coming down through 100,000 now. 48 on velocity. Peaking on 290 now. Start checking H dot. OK, full brakes now. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: Very good. 42 on velocity. About 10 out from Cuddeback. Real good on velocity, go ahead and get your dampers off. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: 37 on velocity. Coming abeam Cuddeback now. Just over the south end of Cuddeback, if you can bring it right to about 10°. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: 32 on velocity and got you about 62,000. 29 on velocity. You're about 15 out from high key. About 5 north of Edwards VOR. 21 on velocity. About 55,000. You're about 10 out from high key now. 
Thompson: Rog. 
NASA 1: And you're heading right for high key. 5 miles out now. 16 on velocity, about 50,000. And, we got your brakes coming in. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: And you're just about over the edge of the lakebed now. 
Thompson: Rog ...... 
NASA 1: 12 on velocity. Watch your a , you're about to come subsonic. 
Thompson: OK. Going to jettison. 
NASA 1: Chase 4, you ready for jettison? 
Chase 4: Rog, jettison and I got you, Milt. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: Coming subsonic right now, Milt, through 40,000. About 30,000 now, check your squat and flap circuit breakers. 
Thompson: OK, they're OK. What's my altitude?
NASA 1: We got you here on radar, about 22. 
Chase: 20,000 now. 16 now, Milt. 
Thompson: Rog. 
Chase: OK starting - Still got a little speed brakes out, there they go. 
Thompson: Yes. Flap. 
Chase: Flaps out. 
Thompson: Gear. 
Chase: Main gear is down. Nose gear is down. 5 feet, coming down, 2, 1, there it is! 
NASA 1: Very nice, Milt. 
Thompson: 3 axis heading 182. -3000 on altitude. X-15 oxygen 1600. Hydraulic pressures both 34. Peroxide tank pressure #1 is l900, #2 is 2400. APU bearings, +60 on both. No low lights. Mixing chamber -40 and -50. Fox is zero, #1 and #2 are zero. Cabin pressure is 1600. Velocity is zero.