Plane: X-15-1 Date: 8/6/65
Flight: 1-56-93 T.O.: 0851
Pilot: Milt Thompson Launch: 0942
B-52: #008 Land: 0951
L/P: S. Butchart Total: :09
NASA 1: Jack McKay B-52 Land: 1036

12 minutes to launch
B-52: 13 minutes. Must be a .......... air up here today? 11 minutes.
Thompson: Precool off. 
B-52: 10 minutes. Give me a call, Milt. 
Thompson: Yes. APU cooling switch normal. Both blowers BLN2. Pressure cooling off. Inertial gages, 18 on Velocity, 44-1/2 on altitude. Zero on H dot, attitudes look good. Cabin source 3500. Helium shutoff valve is open. 
B-52: Have 29° heading, Milt. 
Thompson: That's what I got. 
B-52: 29 1/4. 9 minute. 
Thompson: OK. #2 APU coming on. I got hydraulics. How is it down there, NASA 1, OK to start #1? 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: On, he says on. 
NASA 1: Say again. 
Thompson: OK, #l is on. Got pressure. 
B-52: Does the time look good to start the turn at 8 minutes? 
NASA 1: Affirm. 
Thompson: Reset generator. Engine reset. Hydraulics look good. Electrical looks good. Controls and flaps. 
B-52: 8 minutes, starting turn. 
Thompson: Flaps starting down. 
Chase: Flaps are working. 
Thompson: Coming back up.
Chase: Flaps are up, Milt. You're trim. 
Thompson: What's the .......... reading? 
Chase: You're trim. 
Thompson: OK. Got about 2-1/2 of a and about 1° left b.
B-52: 7 minutes. 
Thompson: Aux cabin pressure switch is on. IFDS switch going neutral. 
B-52: Did you say launch heading 214° or 215° this morning?
NASA 1: 214. 
Thompson: OK, I got a gross experiment both on now. Fire extinguisher auto. 
B-52: 6 minutes. Get the 6 minutes, Milt? 
Thompson: Affirm. SAS check is complete. Blood pressure and I got hi-lo-hi on SAS. Horizontal stabilizer position is zero. 
B-52: Just passed 5 minutes. 
Thompson: X-15 oxygen, I got 2500. Cabin altitude about 3550. 
B-52: NASA 1, are you going to call 4 minutes? 
NASA 1: Roger. 4 minutes now. 
Thompson: All set Butch? 
Butchart: Roger. 
Thompson: Tank handle going pressurize. 
B-52: I'm on heading 214° now. 
Thompson: OK, I got 212. Pressures, 47 on both, on jettison. 
Chase: Jettison. 
Thompson: Back to pressurize. All 3 jettison switches are jettison. 
NASA 1: Fitz, turn to 218°. 
B-52: Roger. 
Thompson: Intercom switch off. How do you read on X-15 radio? 
NASA 1: 5 square. 008, turn to 218° heading. 
B-52: Rog, 218 now. 3 minutes. 
NASA 1: Affirm. 
Thompson: OK, Butch, I got 730 on velocity and 44,000 on altitude, zero on H dot. +60 on both bearings. Fitz, at 2 minutes, hold it real steady on rate of climb so I can turn my altitude on with zero Hdot. 
B-52: Roger. 
NASA 1: 008, give us 200°. 
B-52: Roger 220°. 20° now. 2 minutes. 
Thompson: Data on. Tape to 15. IFDS altitude coming on. Push to test ball nose.
NASA 1: We'll call the 1 minute point. 
Thompson: Altitude ball nose test looks good, got 1-1/2 to a and 1° left b
NASA 1: 1 minute. 
B-52: 1 minute, turning back 214°. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Thompson: OK, no head bumper. Prime. Precool on. Igniter ready light. Igniter idle. Pump. OK, looks good here, how about there? 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Thompson: NASA 1, OK? 
NASA 1: OK, go ahead. 
.......... : NASA 5 Mobile .......... 
NASA 1: Got a good light, Milt. OK, you're on heading, have you coming up on profile. Standby for theta now, Milt. 
Thompson: OK, my clock didn't start. 
NASA 1: OK, we'll give you the times. Standby for pushover now. Standby for speed brakes now. How do you read NASA l?
Thompson: Affirm. 
NASA 1: You have your speed brakes? 
Thompson: Affirm. 
NASA 1: Coming up on 80,000 now. You're just a little left of course. On profile. Standby for 90,000 now. We have you parallel to the course, just to the left. Your profile is looking good. Shutdown. Bring your speed brakes in, Milt. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: We have you just parallel of profile, just slightly under. 
Thompson: Roger. 
NASA 1: 5150 on velocity, shutdown, Milt. We have 104,000. Right on profile. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: Check your H dot and set up your rate of descent. Check your ang of attack. We have you about 3 miles left of course, you're looking very good right now. 49 on velocity. Just above profile, Milt. We have you at 100,000 feet, you can start bringing it down just a little. Check your Hdot.
Thompson: OK, Jack. 
NASA 1: 47 on velocity. Have you coming down very nicely, Milt. You're paralleling the profile very nicely. Slightly above, but very good. Check your rate of descent, pull it up just a little. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: 90,000 now. 44 on velocity. When you can, pull 3° to the right, Milt. 
Thompson: Rog. 
NASA 1: We have you coming down through the profile now, check your rate of descent, just slightly. Mach 4, energy is looking very good. Have you little behind on energy, just like the simulator, Milt. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: You're on profile, very nicely, keep up your rate of descent what you have now. Field is straight ahead, you can come right another 5° if you like. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: You're doing 80,000 now, going just slightly above profile. 36 on velocity. Standby for 50 mile point, Milt. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: You're on profile. Come right another 3°. You're coming up on the 50 mile point now. Check your ASAS and dampers. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: Mach 3, Milt. Coming down under the profile just a little, you can bring it up. Point 8 on the Mach number. Have you just under energy, you have plenty. 2-1/2 on velocity. What is your dynamic pressure? 
Thompson: It's about 500. 
NASA 1: That's what we're reading. OK, you're abeam Cuddeback. The field is straight ahead. Why don't you turn right just a little. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: 22 on the Mach number. You can pull your dampers back on here. 
Thompson: OK, they're on. 
NASA 1: OK. 
Thompson: Want the speed brakes yet? 
NASA 1: Neg, not yet. Keep your speed brakes in. 
Thompson: Yes, they're in. You want engine master off?
NASA 1: Roger. Hold your jettison. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: 17 on velocity. Have you about l6 north yet. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: Do you have the field in sight? 
Thompson: Yes, its under the nose. 
Chase 4: Tally ho! Jettison anytime, Milt. 
Thompson: OK, going jettison. 
Chase: Roger. 
Thompson: OK, what's my altitude, Jack? 
NASA 1: Just under 50,000. 13 on Mach and transfer over to your pressure altimeter. 
Thompson: OK. How far north am I? 
NASA 1: Coming up on the highway. 
Thompson: Say again? 
Chase: Right over North Base right now. 
Thompson: OK. 
Chase: 111. 
NASA 1: Coming subsonic, watch your angle of attack. 
Thompson: Rog. 
NASA 1: You're directly over the highway now, Milt. 
Thompson: Rog. 
NASA 1: Keep bringing it around. 
Chase: I have you about 39,000, Milt. 
Thompson: OK. 
Chase: 33,000 now. 
Thompson: Did you say 30? 
Chase: 33,000. 
Thompson: OK, coming out with the speed brakes. 
Chase: Rog. 20,000 now. 370, Milt. 
Thompson: Rog. 
Chase: 14,000. 
Thompson: Rog. 
Chase: 10,000 and about 330. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: Milt, check your flap and squat circuit breakers. 
Thompson: They're in, Jack. 
Chase: About 350 indicating now.
Thompson: OK. 
Chase: Got your flaps? 
Thompson: Flaps. 
Chase: Flaps are coming. There's 300.
Thompson: Gear.
Chase: Roger. 2 good ones, nose is coming. Nose is down, good. 5 feet, 3, 2, 1, beauty! Real nice, Milt. 
Thompson: "By God," Ron, we did it!! 
NASA 1: Ron is laying on the floor, he's in a dead faint right now! 
Thompson: 3 axis ball heading is 180. Inertial height 2000 below zero. Inertial climb is zero. X-15 oxygen is 1800. Hydraulic pressures 3400. H2O2 tanks 560. APU bearing +60 on both. No low lights. Mixing chamber -40 .......... Inertial velocity reading 25 fps. Fox zero, #1 and #2 are zero. APU source 2600 on #1 and 2700 on #2. Cabin source 1600.