Plane: X-15-1 Date: 12/10/64
Flight: 1-51-81 T.O.: 1015
Pilot: Capt. Joe Engle Launch: 1110
B-52: #003 Land: 1120
    Total: :10
    B-52 Land: 1148

12 minutes to launch
B-52: We're getting a little leak out the right BCS nose, Jack. 
Engle: Precool off. 
B-52: 10 minutes. 
Engle: APU cooling switch to normal. 
Russel: LN2 off. 
Engle: Both blowers BLN2. Pressure cooling on. 
B-52: Mag heading 027. Attitudes looking good. Inertial velocity reading about 800. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Engle: Cabin source about 3100, Bob. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 9 minutes. 
Engle: Helium shutoff valve coming open. 
B-52: Start turn at 8 minutes? 
NASA 1: Affirmative. 
Engle: Data on. #2 APU coming on. No hydraulics yet, there they go. #1 coming on. 
Chase: #l started. 
Engle: Generators reset. Engine reset. 
B-52: 8 minutes. 
Engle: Both hydraulic pressures about 3500. Electric power looks good. Controls and flap check. Flaps coming down. 
Chase: Flaps coming down. 
Engle: They're up. 
Chase: Up. 
Engle: C/B's are in, data is off. 
NASA 1: Roger, keep going, Joe. 
Engle: Mixing chamber temps, -45 and -50. a and b look good, Bob. a about 1, b just a hair off to the left. 
NASA 1: Roger. 003, new launch heading will be 215. 
B-52: 215, Roger. 7 minutes. 
Engle: Aux cabin pressure switch coming on.
Chase 1: You're dumping fuel, Joe. NASA 1, do you read Chase l? 
NASA 1: Affirmative. 
Chase 1: He's dumping ammonia ...... 
NASA 1: You're not coming through clear, repeat your transmission. 
Chase 1: He's dumping fuel at the present time.
NASA 1: Roger. Go to pressurize, Joe. 
Engle: Roger, going to pressurize. 
NASA 1: Topoff complete? 
Engle: Fire extinguisher to auto. 
Chase: ..... 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
Russel: LOX topoff was in overflow condition when he went to pressurize, looks good. 
NASA 1: Roger, thank you. Joe, we will delete the jettison check. 
Engle: SAS check complete. Hi-lo-hi. Alternate SAS is armed. How's the horizontal stabilizer position? 
Chase: ... zero. 
Engle: Very good. 
NASA 1: We'll call the 5 minute, Charlie. 
B-52: OK. 
NASA 1: And the 4 minutes. 003, you're 5 minutes now, we'll call the 4. 
B-52: Roger 5. 
Engle: X-15 oxygen 2600. Cabin altitude 3550. 
NASA 1: Roger. You got a good SAS check and you got hi-lo-hi? 
Engle: Affirm. 
NASA 1: Did you get my call that we will not do an in-flight jettison? 
Engle: Affirm. 
B-52: Steady on 215. 
NASA 1: Standby for 4 minutes. 4 minutes now. 
B-52: Roger 4. 
Engle: Data on, calibrate, tank handle is in pressurize. 
NASA 1: Roger, you can turn data off. 
Engle: Data off? 
NASA 1: Affirm. Jettison switches are jettison? 
Engle: Lox and ammonia jettison switches are jettison, negative jettison check. 
NASA 1: Roger. What are your mixing chambers now? 
Engle: -40 on #1 and -50 on #2. 
NASA 1: Very good.
Engle: Intercom switch going off. How do you read on radio? 
NASA 1: Read you loud and clear. How me? 
Engle: Very good. 
Chase: All control surfaces are zero. 
Engle: OK, thank you. 
B-52: 3 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roger, 3 minutes. Give us a set of tank pressures, Joe. 
Engle: Lox reading 62 and ammonia 45. Velocity is about 770 now. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Engle: My heading is 215. APU bearing temps about 80 on #l and 50 on #2. 
NASA 1: Roger, blood pressure on? 
Engle: It's on. 
B-52: 2 minutes. 
Engle: Data on, tape to 15. Push to test ball nose. 
Chase: You moving the stick, Joe? 
Engle: Yes, just did. Good check on the ball nose. a is about l/2-1° and b just about on center. Cine camera pulse. 
Russel: Joe are you getting any vent .......... on your lox tank? 
Engle: Roger. 
NASA 1: We're observing that and we will call l minute. Altitude switch on, Joe? 
Engle: Roger on alt. 
NASA 1: Roger, l minute now. You can start your prime, ready light, precool cycle now. 
Engle: OK, going prime now. 
NASA 1: Precool? 
Engle: Ready and precool. Igniter idle. 
NASA 1: Everything looks good. 
B-52: 40 seconds. 
NASA 1: Roger, and hold your pump until 10 seconds, you're on the checklist. 
Engle: Reading 44 on the altimeter, 10 seconds, pump idle.
Chase: Pump idle. 
Engle: Chamber 175, looks good. 3, 2, l drop. 
Chase: Good light. 
NASA 1: Roger, we have good light, Joe. Track and profile look good. Nudge the throttle forward a little bit, Joe. 
Engle: It's all the way, Bob. 
NASA 1: Roger. On theta. Good track. Standby for pushover. 65, just a little bit steep, Joe. Little bit steep at 80,000. 90,000 and 4,000. Profile is good, you're matching profile. 100,000, standby for shutdown. 
Engle: About 52 or 60 before it finally quit. 
NASA 1: Roger. Very good profile, track is good. Coming up on peak at 113. 
Engle: Roger. Speed brakes coming out. 
NASA 1: Speed brakes at 20. Watch your H dot, Joe. 
Engle: Roger ...... 
NASA 1: 10° a
Engle: OK, coming up ....... 
NASA 1: On profile, on track. Roger, come up on H dot. Have you about 41 now, pull it up. Profile is looking good. 
Engle: Pushing over, sure getting a lot more pitch oscillation than showed up in the simulator. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Engle: Coming up on 10 again. 
NASA 1: Roger. You're going to be north of track, Joe. 
Engle: Very good, I've got the field in site. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Engle: Make a little turn here, coming up.
NASA 1: Roger. Check your H dot. We're just a little bit behind on speed, Joe. Track and profile are good. Get your H dot. Speed brakes in. You're coming through 85,000 and get your q down. 
Engle: Roger. 
NASA 1: Watch your H dot. 
Engle: OK, pushing over. 
NASA 1: Roger. Little bit behind on speed now. We have you 50 miles now, what speed are you showing? 
Engle: I'm showing 2800 now and about 88,000. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Engle: OK, get my center stick .......... here, coming back on with the dampers. 
NASA 1: Roger. Check all your dampers, Joe. 
Engle: Roger, they're all on. 
NASA 1: OK you're abeam Cuddeback, got the field in site?
Engle: Roger. Russ, I'm below 1 o'clock, little high. 
Chase: Roger, don't have you yet, Joe. 
NASA 1: Got you at 65,000 now. 
Engle: Roger. Little speed brakes. 
NASA 1: Little speed brakes. 
Engle: About your 12:30, Russ. 
Chase: Roger ....... 
NASA 1: You're right on profile, Joe. 
Engle: OK. 1 o'clock now, Russ. 
NASA 1: Looks good, Joe. About .......... at 41,000. 
Chase: Has tally ho! 
Engle: Rog, 350 indicated. 
NASA 1: Go to jettison anytime, Joe. 
Engle: OK, speed brakes coming in and going jettison. Getting little bit of buffet at 1.2 'g', 300 knots. Engine master off. SAS disengaged. 
Chase: Still jettisoning. 
Engle: More speed brakes. 
NASA 1: Watch your angle of attack, Joe. You still have a little pitch oscillation? 
Engle: Roger that's affirm. Pitch is still engaged. Alt SAS ....... 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Chase: Still jettison a little bit. 20,000. 
Engle: Thank you. Speed brakes in. 
NASA 1: Go to pressurize. 
Engle: Pressurize. 
Chase: 13. Everything looks good in the outside. 
Engle: OK, I've got speed brakes parked just a tad out here, I'll bring them in over the highway, in fact, coming in with them now. .......... pitch. Flaps coming down. 
Chase: Coming down. 
Engle: And the gear. 
Chase: 2 mains and the nose gear good. 
Engle: Very good. 
Chase: 5, 2, 1 beauty! 
Engle: Heading 190. Inertial height about -200. Vertical velocity -60 ft. Inertial velocity 70 fps. X-15 oxygen pressure 2000.
NASA 1: Joe, do you have a blinking light in the pitch channel? 
Engle: Negative, but I did during the flight. Pitch dropped out right after launch and we engaged it and it stayed engaged or at least the light stayed engaged. 
NASA 1: You don't have a light now? 
Engle: Negative, light is on when the switch is off. Hydraulic pressures good. Tank pressures 580. Bearing temps, #l is +90, #2 is +70. Peroxide low light is off. Mixing chambers, #1 is -50, #2 is -60. Engine pressures, Fox is zero, #1 is 1650, #2 is 1650. APU source pressures, #l is 2450, #2 is 2600. APU tank pressures, #1 and #2 both 550. Cabin source 15,500.