Plane: X-15-1 Date: 6/30/64
Flight: 1-49-77 T.O.: 0859
Pilot: J. McKay Launch: 0950
B-52: #003 Land: 1001
    Total: :11
    B-52 Land: 1027

12 minutes to launch
NASA 1: Jack, give us APU tank pressure reading. 
McKay: #l and #2 both 500.
NASA 1: Both BCS's are on, Jack?
McKay: Affirm. 
NASA 1: Roger. Coming up 11 minutes. 
McKay: 11 minutes. Precool switch coming off. 
NASA 1: Rog. Come 2° right. 
B-52: 2° right. 10 minutes, 2 seconds ago. 
McKay: APU cooling switch normal. 
Russel: LN2 off. 
McKay: Both blowers and BLN2. 
B-52: Mag heading 031. 
McKay: 3030, pressure cooling coming on. 
Russel: Doppler velocity 861. 
McKay: That's about what I have, and about 45,000 on altitude. Cabin source 3600. Helium shutoff valve open. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
McKay: Data on. #2 APU coming on. 
B-52: ..........turn, Bob? 
McKay: #1 coming on. 
Chase: Do a flap check. 
McKay: Rog. 
B-52: Does 8 minutes look good for the turn? 
NASA 1: Affirm. 
McKay: Generators reset. 3500 on hydraulics ....... on voltage. Engine reset. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
McKay: Controls coming down. Flaps coming down. 
Chase: Coming down. 
McKay: Coming up. 
Chase: They're back up. 
McKay: OK, flap circuit breakers. Data off. 
NASA 1: Give us another set of APU tank readings, Jack, and we're looking around for 550, is it 600 and not 500?
McKay: You're right, they're 550. 
NASA 1: OK, Jack.
McKay: Chambers, #1 is oscillating around -40, #2 is -40. ....... about 10. Theta is about 1° right. Aux cabin pressure switch on. Platform is internal. Fire extinguisher auto. Alternate SAS armed. 
Russel: Lube oil temp 85. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
McKay: Going high gains. Ready for SAS check now. 
NASA 1: Tighten turn little bit, 52. 
B-52: Roger. 
McKay: Alternate SAS light on. 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
McKay: 6 minutes. Back in hi-lo-hi. Got a good SAS check. Alt SAS is armed. 
NASA 1: Rog.
McKay: Blood pressure coming on. And a hi-lo-hi gain. Stabilizer zero, how does it look, Joe? 
Chase: Looks good, Jack. 
McKay: Roger. Reading 250O on oxygen. 
Russel: Platform in specs. 
NASA 1: Roger. Within 5 minutes, are you on X-15 oxygen, Jack? 
McKay: I'm on X-15 oxygen, reading 2500. 
NASA 1: Give us a roll BCS check again. 
McKay: Roll and BCS. Got a vibration back here. 
B-52: Bob, show 4 minutes, that check with you? 
NASA 1: We'll call 4 minutes. 
Russel: LOX topoff is complete. 
NASA 1: 210°. 208° now, Ken. 
B-52: Roger. 
McKay: I'm getting quite a bit of vibration in the ......... here and every time that happens the mixing chambers are oscillating badly, both -40. 
NASA 1: Roger, understand, Jack. 4 minutes now. 
McKay: 4 minutes. 
NASA 1: Your hydraulic pressures steady? 
McKay: Roger, about 3300. Going to pressurize. 
NASA 1: Were you in buffet then, Ken?
B-52: Little left roll in that last turn. 
McKay: Pressure coming up. Ammonia reading 45, LOX is 48. Jettison switches jettison. You say you were in buffet, Ken?
B-52: .......... under control, flap .......... 
McKay: Data off. Intercom switch off. How do you read me, Bob?
NASA 1: Read you loud and clear, Jack.
B-52: 3 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roger 
McKay: Reading about 810 on velocity. 44 on altitude.
NASA 1: Roger. a and b again please.
McKay: b is reading about 2° and a about 10° right. 
NASA 1: Roger.
Russel: Doppler reading 701.
McKay: .......... #1, 75 and #2 is 60.
NASA 1: Rog. Roll out on launch heading, Ken. 
B-52: Launch heading now. 2 minutes. 
McKay: 2 minutes. Data on, tape 15. Push to test ball nose. Calibrate. a and b reading same. Cine camera pulse. Disregard head bumper. 
NASA 1: Roger. 15 seconds to l minute. Standby for l minute, now. 
B-52: 1 minute. 
McKay: 1 minute. Prime. Igniter ready light. Precool. Igniter idle. OK, going pump idle now. Pressures coming up. .......... 3, 2, 1, launch. 
Chase: Good light, Jack. 
NASA 1: OK, Jack, your track was real good when you launched.
McKay: Rog. There goes the platform. 
NASA 1: Understand platform is gone. 
McKay: Roger, I'll be pushing over at 40 seconds. 
NASA 1: Rog. Track is real good, pull it on up. Should be on theta. 
McKay: The whole inertial is gone. 
NASA 1: OK, Jack, go to your "G" reading. Pull it up just a little bit. 
McKay: ..,......... inertial. .......... 
NASA 1: Rog, that was 49 seconds. 
McKay: ........ what's my altitude? 
NASA 1: You're 60,000 now, looking good. Keep coming up a little bit. 
McKay: Velocity? 
NASA 1: Rog you're 3° a, Jack. 
McKay: Give me velocity? 
NASA 1: Standby. 
McKay: And altitude? 
NASA 1: You're 80,000 now, Jack, and should be coming up about 4500. 
McKay: RAS shutdown. 
NASA 1: Roger. OK, let it climb on up. Speed brakes in now. That's 90,000. 
McKay: How's my heading? 
NASA 1: Your track is real good, Jack. Fly at 200 q, 200 q. Have you 46 now. Hold it up. Hold 200 q, Jack, if you can. 
McKay: 250. 
NASA 1: Roger, 200 q and you're down about 3700 fps, 100,000. Hold the nose up if you can, Jack. 
McKay: 250. 
NASA 1: Lets get it down to 200. 36 on velocity and approximately 90,000 feet.
McKay: How's my energy? 
NASA 1: Your energy is good, you're inside Edwards, its close, so hold the nose up. 200# q, Jack, try to hold that 85,000. Mach 3 now. 
McKay: Position? 
NASA 1: What q are you reading now? 
McKay: What's my position, Bob?
NASA 1: Your heading is good and you're about opposite Ballarat, 65 north. 27 on velocity, right on the track, Jack. How are you doing on q, Jack? 
McKay: About 250, I can't get her down. 
NASA 1: OK. 
McKay: Run out of time - 
NASA 1: We have you 80,000 feet, right on track, heading for Edwards. Have you 24 and approaching Pilot Knob. 
McKay: Rog. Altitude? 
NASA 1: You're just under 80,000. Have you 22 and hold your altitude. Your q meter may be going bad now. 
McKay: 250 on q. 
NASA 1: Roger, have you about Mach 2. 
McKay: Rog. 
NASA 1: 250 would be a good q number right now and you're about 6 miles from Cuddeback. 
McKay: Am I to the right or left of Cuddeback? 
NASA 1: You're going right over the center of Cuddeback. You're coming down close to 70,000. 17 on velocity and you can go to jettison and start down a little bit. 
McKay: Jettison. 
NASA 1: Roger. You're over Cuddeback and start the nose down a little bit. Your pressure indicator instrument should begin to read now. 
McKay: Rog. 
NASA 1: We have you about 13 and 25 north, coming through 65,000. 
McKay: Rog. I don't have the field yet. Mach number? 
NASA 1: Have you about 1.2 right now, Jack, 60,000 feet, and you can turn left a little bit and look at the base. 
McKay: Got it. 
NASA 1: Watch your angle of attack and you're only about 10 miles north. 
McKay: Speed brakes. 
NASA 1: Rog. You're on your own. 
McKay: Pull speed brakes in, Bob. 
NASA 1: OK, Jack. Have you about 50,000 here. 
McKay: Rog, 45. Mach number? 
NASA 1: You're Just under 1.
McKay: OK, turning in. Give you a readout here, all my inertial instruments; attitude, altitude, velocity and H dot went out at drop. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Chase: Can you go to jettison? I have you already. 
McKay: Going to jettison, Joe. OK, speed brakes. Mach 2 again, Joe. Got a little buffet at 280. Pretty bad. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Chase 4: Tally ho! 
McKay: Coming down through 32, what do you have, Bob? 
Chase: Have 31. 
NASA 1: We were showing 35, but its a little off, Jack. 
McKay: Rog. Speed brakes coming out. How does jettison look, Joe? 
Chase: Coming through 25 now, Jack. 
McKay: We'll juggle around here a little bit. 
NASA 1: You can go to pressurize, Jack. 
McKay: Speed brakes. 
Chase: 21,000. 
NASA 1: Engine master off. 
McKay: Say again? 
NASA 1: Master off, check circuit breakers, squat switch. 
McKay: Did you hear that, Joe? 
Chase: Check your squat breakers. 
NASA 1: Squat switch and circuit breakers. 
McKay: Got them. 
Chase: Coming through 12,500. 
McKay: Rog. Brakes in. 
Chase: 7,000. 
McKay: Say again. 
Chase: 6500 now. 
McKay: Brakes coming in. 
Chase: Flaps coming down. No gear yet, there they come, 3 good ones. 5, down, good. 
NASA 1: Engine master off, Jack? 
McKay: It's off. Sure got left roll on landing there. Ball is spinning. X-15 oxygen pressure 1500 Hydraulic pressures 3450 on #l and #2. H202 tank 550 on #l and #2. APU bearing temps +80 on #l and +50 on #2. No low lights. Mixing chambers -40 on #1 and -50 on #2.
McKay: Engine helium source #1 and #2 is 1800. Fox zero. APU source 2200 on #1 and #2. Cabin source.