Plane: X-15-1 Date: 5/19/64
Flight: 1-48-75 T.O.: 0933
Pilot: Capt. Joe Engle Launch: 1026
B-52: #003 Land: 1035
    Total: :09
    B-52 Land: 1105

12 minutes to launch
Engle: Both BCS on. Data off. 
NASA 1: OK, both BCS on? 
Engle: Affirmative, data is off. 
B-52: Coming up on 12 minutes now. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 11 minutes. 
Engle: Precool coming off. 
NASA 1: Roger. Will call 10 minutes in 30 seconds. 10 minutes now. 
B-52: Roger, 10. 
Engle: APU cooling switch normal. Blowers BLN2. Pressure cooling on. Inertial 45,000 and velocity 12,000. Attitude looks good. 
NASA 1: OK. 
Engle: Cabin source 3550, Bob. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Engle: Helium shutoff valve switch going open. 
B-52: Heading 033. 
NASA 1: Roger, 033. 
Butchart: That's about 820 fps, Joe. 
Engle: OK, I've about 970 or so. 
B-52: Passed 9 minutes.......... 
Engle: #2 APU coming on. .......... 
B-52: Turn in 30 seconds. 
Engle: #l coming on. 
Chase: #1. 
Engle: Generators reset. Engine reset. 
B-52: Starting turn. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Engle: Hydraulic pressure both reading about 3500. 
NASA 1: Rog, I didn't get engine reset, Joe? 
Engle: Roger, engine was reset. 
Chase: #315 just getting fired up and .......... 
NASA 1: Roger. 
.......... : Bob, did you get an engine reset down here on T/M? 
NASA 1: Yes, affirmative. 
Engle: Hydraulic pressures both 3500. Electric power looks good. And, Don, controls coming down, nose up. 
Chase: Roger.
Engle: Flaps coming down, Don. 
Chase: Flaps coming down. 
Engle: Back up. 
Chase: Flaps up. 
Engle: Roger, circuit breakers on. Mixing chambers both about -20. 
NASA 1: Understand, Joe, go to X-15 radio, you are weak. 
Engle: OK. On X-15 radio, how do you read me now? 
NASA 1: Read you a little better, say mixing chambers again. 
Engle: Both mixing chambers are about -40. #1 is jumping around a little bit. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 6 minutes, 5 seconds ago. 
Engle: a is about +2 and b is about 1° left. 
NASA 1: Roger, very good, Joe. 
Engle: Auxiliary cabin pressure switch on. Platform going internal. .......... Fire extinguisher auto. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Engle: Going into SAS check now. 
B-52: 5 minutes. 
NASA 1: Understand 5 minutes. 
Engle: SAS check complete. Hi-lo-hi, and alternate SAS is on. 
NASA 1: OK, Joe. Horizontal stabilizer is zero. 
NASA 1: 216 for a heading. 
B-52: 216. 
Engle: On X-15 oxygen at 2600 pounds. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Engle: Cabin altitude 3550. 
Butchart: Platform looks good, range and x-range both holding essentially zero. 
B-52: 4 minutes. 
NASA 1: We'll give you a 4 minute call. 
B-52: Rog. 
NASA 1: 4 minutes now. 
B-52: Rog, 4, heading 216. 
Engle: Data on - calibrate. And going pressurize. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Engle: Lox tank pressure 48, ammonia is 45. Lox and ammonia jettison switches are on. Data off. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Engle: Intercom is off. I'm on X-15 radio. 
NASA 1: Roger. 2l8° on the heading.
B-52: 218. 3 minutes. 
NASA 1: Understand 3 minutes. We will give you a call at 1 minute. 
Engle: Speed 850 and altitude is 45,000. APU bearing temps 70 on #l and 60 on #2. 
NASA 1: Roger. 012, he will be landing on runway 23.
Chase: Roger. 
B-52: 2 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roger, 2 minutes. 
Engle: Data on, tape to 15. Push to test ball nose. Looks good, a is about 1° and b is about 1° left. 
NASA 1: OK. 
Engle: Cine camera pulse. 
NASA 1: Did you get calibrate? 
Engle: Roger, I did. 
NASA 1: You're about 1 mile left of course. 
Engle: OK, thank you. 
Chase 4: NASA l, #316, chase 4 airborne. 
NASA 1: Roger, will you orbit in the local area, we have a chase 4 now. 
Chase 4: Roger, orbit. 
B-52: 1 minute, 5 seconds ago. 
NASA 1: 1 minute now. Come to the launch heading, 003. 
Engle: Igniter ready light is on. Precool. Going to igniter idle. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Engle: 15 seconds, Bob, pump idle. 
Chase: Pump idle. 
Engle: APU pressures 150 and 175. Looks good. 3, 2, 1 drop!! 
Chase: Good light, Joe. 
NASA 1: OK, Joe, everything looks good. Bring it up to your a
Engle: Roger on a
NASA 1: Coming up on theta now. And try 1° right, just 1° right. 
Engle: Roger, 1° right. 
NASA 1: Profile is looking good, Joe. That's 60,000. 
Engle: Everything here looks good. 
NASA 1: Everything looks good here, Joe. 70,000. Looks real good, Joe. Track is good. Profile is good, 80,000, 90,000, 100,000, track and profile good, Joe. 
Engle: Rog.
NASA 1: 120 now. Velocity and altitude real good. Track is real good, Joe. Delta psi on.
Engle: Delta psi on. 
NASA 1: Rog. Went through 160. Profile is very good, Joe, there's 180. Hold your a all the way up. 20 miles to Pahrump. Coming up on speed, looks like about 19.5, 10 miles Pahrump. You're over Pahrump. Speed brakes 20, Joe. 
Engle: Rog, speed brakes 20.
NASA 1: Profile and track are very good, Joe. How's it going, Joe? 
Engle: Real good, thank you. How's it with you? 
NASA 1: Yeah!! Profile and track are looking good. Should be coming up on a. Delta psi standby. 
Engle: Roger, standby. 
NASA 1: Track is excellent. Profile very good. Precool off. 
Engle: Precool off. 
NASA 1: OK, should be looking for 800 fps. Have you at 100,000 now. Speed and altitude look good, and track is excellent. Ready for full speed brakes now. Hold it up. Very good profile, Joe. 
Engle: OK, full speed brakes. 
NASA 1: Roger. You're over pilot knob, everything looks good. H dot working, Joe? 
Engle: Affirmative.
NASA 1: OK. Rate of descent is good, 10 miles Cuddeback. Perfect track and you're in good shape. Cuddeback now. What's your Mach number reading, Joe? 
Engle: Just about 2 now, Bob. 
NASA 1: OK, speed brakes in then. 
Engle: Roger. 
NASA 1: You can turn engine master off. 
Engle: Engine master off. 
NASA 1: Your 15 miles out, 40,000, 1.3 now and go jettison for Chase 4. 
Engle: Roger, going jettison now.
NASA 1: Flip your squat circuit breaker and flap switch. 
Engle: Roger, SAS disengaged, flap circuit breakers are in. 
NASA 1: Roger. Have you about 6 miles out. Chase 2, how are you doing? Chase l, correction Chase 4? 
Chase 4: No Joy, Bob. 
Engle: Chase 4, pick up 6 o'clock to you, left hand turn here might pick me up, I'm landing on 23 now. 
NASA 1: He's right over Boron right now. 
Chase: I see your reentry trail, Joe, what's your altitude? 
Engle: I'm coming down through 50,000 right now. I've got about 300 knots indicated. I'm just about ready to go over hi-key and start my pattern. 
Chase: Rog. 
NASA 1: 316, landing runway will be 23 lakebed. 
Chase: Roger, will try to pick him up. 
Engle: Hi key now. 
NASA 1: Have you about 30 now, Joe. 
Engle: Want to turn in .......... indicating about 28, Bob. 
Chase 4: Tally ho! 
NASA 1: Very good, Chase 4. Go to pressurize, Joe, 20,000. You're under 20,000. 
Engle: Rog, pressurize, indicating 13,000 now.
NASA 1: Rog. 
Engle: And about 320, Chase 4. 
Chase 4: Rog, Joe. 
Engle: Flaps coming down. 
NASA 1: OK. 
Engle: And the gear. 
Chase: 10 feet, 5, 3, 2, 1, very nice, Joe. 
Engle: OK we're stopped. My ball heading is 224 - 224 1/2. Inertial altitude is 1700. Inertial climb is 10 fps climb. X-15 oxygen 1900. Flaps coming up. Push to test ball nose. Data going off. Hydraulic pressures, H202 pressures and APU bearing temps all OK. Peroxide low light is off. Mixing chambers about -50. Source pressure #l and #2 both 1500.