Flight No.: 1-44-70 (Revised)* Scheduled Date : Jan 28, 1964

Pilot: Major R. Rushworth

Purpose of Flight: Stability evaluation utilizing upper speed brakes only.

Launch: Delamar Lake on magnetic heading 214°, SAS Hi-Lo-Hi (8-4-8), ASAS "ARMED", BCS "ON", RAS "OFF". Heading vernier to "Standby." Ventral OFF.

Launch Point Coordinates: 37° 18' N, 114° 36' W

Make the following pen changes to Flight No. 1-44-70.
 No. Time Alt Vel a q  Event
13. 228 80 3000 10 400 Hdot = 0, pushover to a = 8°. Roll and Yaw dampers on, Arm ASAS. Vector to High Key, speed brakes as required.


2. Emergency Lake: Hidden Hills

7. Inadvertent engine shutdown:

00 - 44 sec. Delamar

44 - 69 sec. Hidden Hills (2800 fps)

69 - Up Edwards (4800 fps)

  If Cuddeback is available:

44 - 65 sec. Hidden Hills (2800 fps)

65 - 69 sec. Cuddeback (4400 fps)


* Revision due to change in Launch Lake.


Flight No.: 1-44-70 Scheduled Date : Jan 21, 1964

Pilot: Major R. Rushworth

Purpose of Flight: Stability evaluation utilizing upper speed brakes only.

Launch: Mud Lake on magnetic heading 172°, SAS Hi-Lo-Hi (8-4-8), ASAS "ARMED", BCS "ON", RAS "OFF". Heading vernier to "Standby." Ventral OFF.

Launch Point Coordinates: 37° 18' N, 114° 36' W
 No. Time Alt Vel a q  Event
1. 0 45 790 2 145 Launch, light engine, increase to 100% T, rotate at 11° a until q = 30°.
2. 24 48 1700 11 580 q = 30°, maintain q = 30°.
3. 37 58 2300 5 660 Pushover to 0 g.
4. 76 95 5500 0 620 Shutdown.
5. 83 98 5400 0 500 Increase a to 3°, ASAS "OFF," Yaw and roll dampers "OFF." Perform moderate dv pulse.
6. 89 99 5350 3 480 Extend upper speed brakes to 35°, perform moderate dv pulse.
7. 117 95 5000 3 500 Increase a to 15°, perform moderate dv pulse at pilot's discretion.
8. 139 90 4300 15 480 Retract speed brakes, perform moderate dv pulse at pilot's discretion.
9. 145 93 4000 15 360 Pushover to 3° a and extend upper speed brakes to 35°. Perform moderate dv pulse.
10. 174 102 3700 3 200 Hdot = 0, retract speed brakes, perform moderate dv pulse.
11 194 95 3600 3 270 Hdot = -500 fps, extend upper speed brakes to 35°, increase a to 10°, perform moderate dv pulse.
12. 210 87 3400 10 350 Retract speed brakes, perform moderate dv pulse.
13. 228 80 3000 10 400 Hdot = 0, pushover to ª 3° a. Roll and Yaw dampers on, Arm ASAS. Vector to High Key, speed brakes as required.
14.           High key - Check flap and "Squat" circuit breakers in.
15.           Before APU shutdown, cycle flaps, set stabilizer trim to zero, data "OFF."



1. q vernier will be set at 30°, a crosspointer will null at 15°.

2. Emergency Lakes: Grapevine and Cuddeback.

3. Flight Duration: Approximately 10 minutes.

4. Flight plan based on 60,700# thrust engine.

Total burn time at 100% = 78.5 sec.

Launch wt. = 32,800#, Burnout wt. = 15,000#.

GROUND RULES FOR NO LAUNCH: 1. Radio, Radar or TM malfunction.

2. Malfunction of any SAS channel.

3. Malfunction of inertial platform.

4. Total Ball Nose failure.

5. APU gearbox pressurization malfunction.

1. Radio or Radar   Proceed as planned.
2. Total Pitch Damper

Total Yaw Damper

  Maintain a > 0°, proceed as planned.
3. Total Roll Damper   Same as 2 except turn Yaw Damper off.
4. Attitude Failure   Use 5° a in place of 30° q
5. Ball Nose   Proceed, rotate at 2g to 30° q, do not disengage dampers. Heading vernier to "·y."
6. Delayed engine light   Pushover to zero g at 2300 fps (H = 54,000 ft).
7. Inadvertent engine shutdown:

00 - 39 sec. Mud Lake

39 - 63 sec. Grapevine (2500 fps)

63 - 67 sec. Cuddeback (4200 fps)

67 - Up Edwards (4600 fps)