Plane: X-15-1 Date: 12/5/63
Flight: 1-42-67 T.O.: 1011
Pilot: Major R. Rushworth Launch: 1104
B-52: #008 Land: 1114
    Total: :10
    B-52 Land: 1139

12 minutes to launch
Rushworth: Both BCS on. 
NASA 1: 008, come right 2°. 
B-52: 034. 
Rushworth: 11 minutes. Precool off. APU cooling switch at normal. Both blowers BLN2 and pressure is on. My inertial gages look good right now. Attitude gages also look good, have a reading of 32°. 
Russel: Have 910 fps in here, Bob. 
Rushworth: I'm showing about 850 right now. Cabin source is 3350. 
NASA 1: Let's call that 9 minutes now. 
B-52: 9 minutes. 
Rushworth: Shutoff is on. Data is on. #2. 
NASA 1: You can turn at 8 minutes, 008. 
B-52: Roger. 
Rushworth: Both generators are on the line. Flaps coming down. APU #2 going on. Generators are ....... 
B-52: 8 minutes, turning. 
NASA 1: Looks good. 
Rushworth: .......... left turn on, right, flaps going up. Engine reset. Hydraulics #l and #2 are 3450. Controls and flaps good. Data off .......... and circuit breakers are good. 
NASA 1: OK, Bob, we don't have any telemetry down here, take a good look at your APU sources. 
Rushworth: OK, APU sources, 35 on #1 and #2, pressures are good. Mixing chamber, #1 bouncing all over the place, #2 is 40. #l is about that. I have an a of 1-1/2 to 2°. 
NASA 1: OK, have you called data off? 
Rushworth: .......... side slip in the turn. 
B-52: 7 minutes. 
Rushworth: 7 minutes, aux cabin pressure switch is on. Ready to go to platform internal, Jack. 
Russel: Roger. 
Rushworth: Platform going internal. Fire extinguisher auto. ASAS is armed. OK for SAS check.
Russel: Lube oil temp is 95°. 
Rushworth: SAS check is good. I have hi-low-hi (gains). ASAS light is out. 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
NASA 1: Russ, you can tighten your turn just a little. 
B-52: Roger. 
Rushworth: OK, get my cross-range in now. 
NASA 1: OK. We would like to advise we do not have TM. We are hoping to get it in before drop. 
Rushworth: OK, Jack, and I can get my cross range to working now. 
NASA 1: OK, if there's no TM, there will be no drop. 
Rushworth: Roger, understand. 
NASA 1: APU bearing temp, Bob?
Rushworth: #1 is 70, #2 is 60. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Rushworth: O2 pressure is 28. I'm on X-15 oxygen. Cabin is 35,500. 
B-52: 5 minutes, 6 seconds ago. 
Rushworth: I don't know how my .......... instrumentation went off, but it's back on again. Blood pressure is on. 
Russel: LOX topoff is complete. 
NASA 1: 214 is a good rollout heading. 
B-52: Roger, 214. 
NASA 1: We will call the 4 minute point. 
Rushworth: While we're rolling out on heading, Jack, will you give me position on the track? 
NASA 1: Say again. 
Rushworth: Give me my position on the track? 
NASA 1: Roger, we're right on the track at the time, he's going to be rolling out on 214°. 
Rushworth: OK. 
B-52: 214, about the 4 minute call. 
Russel: Range velocity error has gone off-scale -5. 
NASA 1: Roger. Let's call 4 minutes now. 
Russel: Cross range off-scale, -5. 
NASA 1: What is the doppler doing? 
Russel: Doppler was on memory for a short time, back on normal. 
NASA 1: Roger. We'll bounce way back in and we have TM now. 
Rushworth: Data - calibrate. Pressure handle on. Fuel about 45. 
NASA 1: Give us a velocity readout. 
Rushworth: My velocity is just about 1/2 fps. 
Russel: I'm reading 770. 
NASA 1: Say again, Bob. 
Rushworth: My velocity about 47. Jettison switches to jettison. Data going off. Intercom switch going off.
B-52: 3 minutes, 5 seconds ago. 
Rushworth: OK, how do you read me, Jack? 
NASA 1: 5 square. 
Rushworth: You're a little weak, can you boost it up some? I have a 1000 fps. 
NASA 1: Roger, how are you reading us now? 
Rushworth: Little better. APU bearing temperatures are the same. 
Russel: Platform system is coming in pretty good. 
NASA 1: That's good news. 
Rushworth: a, b got 2°. 
NASA 1: Bob, we have good TM now. 
Rushworth: Roger, understand good TM. Tape is 15. Cine camera on pulse. Data coming on. Tape 15, push to test ball nose, calibrate. 
B-52: 2 minutes. 
Rushworth: Have a good check. b is 1° needle left, a 1-1/2°. Cine camera on pulse. .......... Give me hack check at one minute please. 
B-52: Roger. 
Rushworth: I show a little bit to the left of track, is that right, Jack? 
NASA 1: Affirmative. About 1/2 mile and we will call the 1 minute point. 
B-52: 1 and 214. 
Rushworth: Roger. 
B-52: 1 minute, heading 213. 
NASA 1: 1 minute now. 
Rushworth: Roger. Prime. Ignition ready light is on. Precool. Igniter idle is on. 
B-52: Launch master is on. 
Rushworth: OK hold your heading.
B-52: 14.
Rushworth: Give me 40 seconds, Jack. 
NASA 1: Roger.
Rushworth: Just forgot, I've already got the 40 second stuff. Call this 10 seconds. Pump.
NASA 1: Looks good down here, Bob.
Rushworth: OK, everything looks good here. 3, 2, 1 - LAUNCH!
NASA 1: OK, turn 2° right, Bob. Coming up on profile. 
Rushworth: Roger. 
NASA 1: Just a little more right. Standby for the pushover. Bring it back a little more to the right.
NASA 1: Coming up on profile. We have you about 1/2 mile left. OK, standby for your speed brakes, Bob. Keep it coming to the right just a little. 
Rushworth: Little speed brake. 
NASA 1: We have you just a little under profile. Standby for shutdown. OK, shutdown right off. You're about 10 miles out of Nellis. 
Rushworth: I'm showing 3/4 mile off. 
NASA 1: Roger. OK, there's Nellis now. Wings level We got it. OK there's the other historical site now.
Rushworth: Want me to turn right some more? 
NASA 1: Maintain what you have, Bob, you're coming up on the other one. Looking very good. Reading you about 5500 on velocity. Good show! Let's watch your rate of descent. 
Rushworth: Roger.
NASA 1: 10 miles out, wings level. OK, there's a historical site now, Bob.
Rushworth: OK, Jack.
NASA 1: You're doing very good, just watch your rate of descent.
Rushworth: You can see them better in the simulator!
NASA 1: 5100 fps.
Rushworth: I've only got 5.
NASA 1: OK, bring your speed brakes in.
Rushworth: In. 
NASA 1: Beautiful course. 
Rushworth: I've estimated .......... , how about that? 
NASA 1: Rog. We have you about 1000 q. 
Rushworth: 900.
NASA 1: Slowly converging on course. OK come left 2°.
Rushworth: Left 2°. 
NASA 1: 40 miles out. 4500 on velocity. Good energy. On course, on track. Set in a blood pressure, Bob.
Rushworth: Set in blood pressure?
NASA 1: Roger, and heading is excellent. 
Rushworth: Blood pressure's been on all the way. 
NASA 1: 20 miles out. 4000 fps. Standby to level off. 10 miles out. 
Rushworth: Showing 72,000 right now.
NASA 1: 35. Wings level. We got it. OK, there's the other historical site now. Beautiful show, Bob. OK, 10 miles out at Cuddeback. Maintain your present heading and watch your altitude. 
Rushworth: Coming up on 71 now. 
NASA 1: Roger. 4 miles out, wings level. OK, target now, you split it. 
Rushworth: OK, coming out with speed brakes. 
NASA 1: OK, and test mode to land. Bend it around to the right a little, so you can expend your energy. We have you at 24, you can swing around to the right. Do you have the field in site? 
Rushworth: Yes. 
NASA 1: OK, we have you right on the simulator profile now. 
Rushworth: Joe, you're out in front of me. 
Chase: OK, Bob. 
Rushworth: I'm about Mach 2, slowing down pretty fast. 
NASA 1: OK, keep your speed brakes out, we have you at Mach 2. Bob. 
Rushworth: Roger, coming hard left, Joe. We're level about a mile apart. 
NASA 1: OK, turn your engine master off. 
Rushworth: Rog. OK, Joe, starting to turn left. 
Chase: Roger, got you, Bob. 
NASA 1: We have you at 1.5, watch your angle of attack in that turn. 
Rushworth: Roger. I shut the tail switch off just ........... 
NASA 1: OK, speed brakes in. Go to jettison any time. 
Rushworth: Jettison. 
Chase: Rog, I've got him coming up. 
NASA 1: OK, check your flap and squat circuit breakers. 
Rushworth: Roger. Got 3 of them? 
Chase: OK. 
Rushworth: What's that showing out from the left there, Joe? 
Chase: I'm just a little .......... here. 
Rushworth: I see. It's hot in here! 
NASA 1: OK, Bob, check your flap and squat circuit breaker again, please. 
Rushworth: OK, they're in. .......... engaged. Going to have to go to a long glide here, Joe. 
Chase: OK. 20,000 and indicating 315 knots. 
NASA 1: Bob, what is your windshield status? 
Rushworth: It's clear, just a little long crack. 
NASA 1: Just a long crack, thank you. Is this the outer end of the panel? 
Rushworth: Inner. Coming close, aren't we?
Chase: Little bit. Going through 15,000 now, Bob. Pressurize. 
Rushworth: Going to have to use speed brakes here, Joe. 
NASA 1: Go to pressurize, if you haven't, Bob. 
Rushworth: Roger. 
NASA 1: Check your speed brakes in. 
Rushworth: Roger. Flaps. 
Chase: Coming down. 
Rushworth: Gear. 
Chase: Gear is coming. Looks good. 5 feet, 3, 1, beauty! 
NASA 1: Real nice show, Bob! 
Rushworth: 3 axis ball heading 19. Inertial height is 11,000. Climb is zero and velocity is about 450. Oxygen pressure is 22. Data off, turn radio 1.8. Everything's OK after landing. Hydraulic pressure same, 34 to 3450. Peroxide tank pressure is zero. #l and #2 16. Control gas is 580 - 590. All engines are zero. Peroxide pressure is holding 550. APU source, #l is 26, #2 is 2650. Mixing chamber -40 and -45. Cabin source is 2000. APU bearing is 90 and 40. Generators same as before.