Flight No.: 1-39-63 Pilot: Capt. Joe Engle (1-1)

Date: 10-7-63 Flight Time: 00:07:37.0

Launch Lake: Hidden Hills Landing Lake: Edwards

Launch Time: 12:22:56.0 Landing Time: 12:30:33.0

Aborts: 1-A-62 10-4-63 Communications

B-52: 008 Maj. Bement

Chase: T-38 Maj. Sorlie

F-104 Milt Thompson

F-104 Maj. Rogers

Mmax: 4.21

Vmax: 4157

Hmax: 77,800

Qmax: 999

Engine No.: 107

Burn Time: 118.6 sec. (S.D.)

Thrust - %: 75% and 50%

Config.: Standard, ventral actuator removed, ·-track added

Purpose: Pilot checkout, Optical Degradation Phase II

Results: Abort called for a indicator but went ahead after it started working again (?) Indicator failed at launch! 360° roll performed during glide back to Edwards after shutdown.