Plane: X-15-1 Date: 7-18-63
Flight: 1-38-61 T.O.:  
Pilot: Maj. Rushworth Launch: 1007
B-52 #003 Land: 1016
    Total: :09
    B-52 Land:  

7 minutes to launch (first page missing)
NASA 1: Chase 3, confirm squawking 2 & 3 please? 
Chase: Affirm.
B-52: Just past 7 minutes. 
Rushworth: Roger. 
NASA 1: 003, shallow your turn a little. 
Peterson: Az to inertial. 
Rushworth: Platform going internal. Fire extinguisher auto. ASAS is armed right now. 
Peterson: Memory has gone back to normal after 13 minutes. 
B-52: 6 minutes and launch heading is 173, is that correct? 
NASA 1: Affirm. 
Rushworth: OK, I got a good SAS check and ASAS is rearmed, lights out. Set flight gains for 8-4-8. My stabilizer position should be zero. 
Peterson: It is zero. 
Rushworth: X-15 oxygen is 2800 pounds. Cabin altitude is 35,500. I'm on X-15 oxygen. 
B-52: 5 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roll out 177°. 
B-52: Roll out 177°. 
NASA 1: Bob, call 4 minute point about 30 seconds. Let's call this 4 minutes now. 
B-52: Rog.
Peterson: Lox topoff complete. 
Rushworth: Rog. Data-calibrate. Pressurize. 
B-52: Rolling out 110. 
Rushworth: Lox 48, backing off a little bit. Fuel is 45. 2 jettison switches jettison. Fuel now 44. Data off. Intercom switch is off, how do you read on radio? 
NASA 1: 5 square, Bob.
Rushworth: Rog. Inertial velocity looks about 860 - 900. 
NASA 1: Roger. Fitz, bring it around to 179°. 
B-52: Rog. 
Rushworth: Altitude looks good, 45,500 - 46,000. 
B-52: Just passed 3 minutes, 5 seconds ago. 
Rushworth: Rog, APU bearing temps are 80 & 70. 
Peterson: Doppler velocity is 726 on the launch panel. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Rushworth: Looks like we're in a little bit close.
NASA 1: You're looking OK from here, Bob. 
Rushworth: Fine. Data on. 
B-52: 2 minutes. 
Rushworth: Got a push to test on the ball nose. I'm showing 1° angle of attack right now. 1/2° nose left. Cine camera on pulse. No head bumper. Seem to be awful close to that lake this time. Maybe I'm confused by this lake. 
B-52: 1 minute to launch, turning left to 173 heading. 
NASA 1: Affirm. 
B-52: Launch master coming on. 
Rushworth: Prime. Ignition ready light. Precool. Igniter idle. 
B-52: 40 seconds when you're ready. 
Rushworth: Roger. Lox pump bearing +10. 
B-52: 20 seconds. 
Rushworth: Pump. Looks good! 3-2-1 launch! 
Chase: Good light. 
NASA 1: On heading, on course. Coming up on profile. 21 seconds. Just slightly on profile, on course. 36, 37 seconds. 
Rushworth: Roger. 
NASA 1: Just a little high on profile, on course. 
Rushworth: Looks good here. Check my brakes again. 
NASA 1: Little high on profile. 70 seconds. Speed brakes. Coming up on 100,000. OK, shutdown. Just a little high on profile. Passing Grapevine now. OK, we have you coming down on profile now. Ease it back on up, Bob, you're coming below profile. 
Rushworth: Roger. 
NASA 1: Bring it up. 90,000. Bring it back up.
Rushworth: That looked a little bit worse in roll than what I expected to see but it was still easily controllable. 
NASA 1: Roger. We have you 100,000 now. Ease it over a little. Pushover. We have you about 70 miles out, Bob. You're right on profile now. Have your speed brakes coming in now. China Lake now, energy looking very good. 
Rushworth: Roger. Track looks a little better ........... 
NASA 1: Roger. We have you 88,000. 
Rushworth: Going down hill at 82,000. 
NASA 1: Still good on energy. Have you 32 miles out. Looking very good on energy. Present heading will take you to hi key, Bob. 
Rushworth: Roger. 
NASA 1: You can use speed brakes at your discretion. About 16 miles to hi key. Dampers on, Bob? 
Rushworth: Negative. 
NASA 1: ASAS armed? 
Rushworth: They're on now. 80,000 feet, coming down. 
NASA 1: Rog. You have the field in site? 
Rushworth: Roger, little speed brakes here. 
NASA 1: Coming down on 70,000. Recommend speed brakes right now. 
Rushworth: I'm showing speed brakes, showing 180, coming down fast. About a 90° turn. 
NASA 1: You can swing a little wide here if you like, Bob, just peak energy. 45,000. 
Rushworth: .......... 
NASA 1: You can jettison anytime. We have you 11, what's your angle of attack? 
Rushworth: About 3°, 4 on the side. 6, 7, 8. Throttle back here. 
NASA 1: Chase 4, we have you just ahead of the X-15. 
Rushworth: I'm heading 8 1/2° at ............ 
Chase: What angles, Bob? 
Rushworth: I'm showing 26 right now and I'm perpendicular, heading for the east shore.
NASA 1: Roger, and check your squat and flap circuit breakers, Bob. 
Rushworth: They're checked and on. I'm almost east shore and I'll be going over the extension on 22 on east shore. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Rushworth: 50,00O going to pressurize. I'm off extension 23, make that 23 heading. 
Chase: Rog.
Rushworth: Brakes and 320 knots.
NASA 1: Winds are about the same, 10 knots from the southwest. 
Rushworth: Thank you. 
Chase: I see you, Bob, but can't catch you. 
Rushworth: OK, little speed brakes here. 
Chase: 300 knots. 
NASA 1: OK, we have speed brakes in? 
Rushworth: Rog. Flaps. Gear. 
Chase: You have good gear. They're all down. 6, 3, very nice, right on the spot. 
Rushworth: 200 knots, Jim, on the spot. This one rolling out straight away. Yaw did not disengage on touchdown, not supposed to I guess. Fox is zero. #1 & #2 with 1700. Tank pressures, fuel is zero, lox is 28. Line control 26. Control is 590, Manifolds zero. Angle of attack is slowly drifting on up, it's gone by 20°. Sideslip is hard over to the left. Lox pump bearing is -2. Hydraulic temps on #1 & #2 are +60. Oxygen going off at 2000 pounds. Inertial, I'm reading 5000 feet. 450 fps, about +30 . Attitudes are still good. Ballistics off. Sources, #1 is 2350 and #2 is 2650. Hydraulic pressures are 3450 each. Cabin is 22. Mixing chambers are -40 and -45. Heading is 187°. Data off.