Plane: X-15-1 Date: 7/9/63
Flight: 1-37-59 T.O.: 1117
Pilot: J. Walker Launch: 1210
B-52: #008 Land: 1219
    Total: :09
    B-52 Land: 1300

12 minutes to launch
Walker: Data off. Both BCS on. Both APU tanks are 540. 
NASA 1: Roger. 008, come left 1° to 034. 
B-52: 034, Roger. 
NASA 1: Jack, set in 100 east. 
Russel: Roger, 100 east. 
B-52: 11 minutes.
Walker: Precool off. 
NASA 1: Jack, mark. 
Russel: Mark. 
B-52: 10 minutes, heading 034. 
NASA 1: Roger, understand. Everything looks good here. 
Walker: APU cooling switch normal. Both blowers are BLN2. Pressure cool is on. We're 1000 fps, 46, 000. Zero vertical velocity. Attitude is good. We're on 033 heading right now. 
Russel: 261 on velocity in B-52. 
Walker: a and b .are in normal stowed position. Cabin source 3300. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 9 minutes. Confirm we turn at 8, Bob? 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Walker: Helium shutoff valve is open. Data on. #2 coming on. #1. Alternators reset. Engine reset. Generators reset. Controls and flaps. 
Chase: All look good. 
Russel: X-15 power off. 
Chase: Flaps coming down. 
B-52: 8 minutes, starting turn. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Chase: Flaps up.
Walker: Very good. All flap breakers checked. Mixing chambers, minus something on #1 and -35 on #2. 
NASA 1: Would you run the hydraulic pressure, the voltage, and the "something" back again? 
Walker: I can't get a good reading on #1 mixing chamber. 
B-52: 7 minutes. 
Walker: Aux cabin pressure switch is on. Platform to internal. Fire extinguisher auto. ASAS armed. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Walker: Going ahead with the SAS check. 
Russel: Lube oil temp 110. 
Walker: ASAS engaged. Reset. SAS check complete. Gains 8-4-8. ASAS on. 
B-52: 6 minutes now, confirm, Joe. 
Walker: Rog, 6 minutes. Horizontal stabilizer zero and zero. Showing a shade over 2° a and customary 1-2° left sideslip. 
NASA 1: Roger. 008, will give you a new call at 4 minutes, looks like its about 20 seconds late
B-52: OK, Bob, I've got you 5 and standby for your call at 4 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 5 minutes and standing by for your call at 4 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roger, you can shallow the turn a little bit. 
B-52: OK, slacking off. 
Walker: I'm on X-15 oxygen at 2700 pounds. Cabin altitude is 35,500. 
Russel: You going to hold on to your topoff until he calls? 
Walker: Affirm. 
Russel: Stable platform looks in specs, except cross range still drifting. 
NASA 1: Roll out on 218°. 
B-52: 218°, roger, Bob. 
Russel: How's your inertial altitude holding, Joe? 
Walker: Everything holding good here, about 600 fps. 
B-52: Standby for the 4 minute call. 
NASA 1: Roger, about 5 seconds. 
Russel: Topoff complete, Joe. 
NASA 1: 4 minutes. 
B-52: Roger, 4 minutes, confirm, Joe. We're on heading 218°. 
Walker: 0K. Data - calibrate.
B-52: Be sure, check your compass 218°.
Walker: Pressurize. And we're holding 48 on lox, 46 on fuel. 2 jettison switches to jettison position. Data off. Interphone off, how do you read X-15 radio? 
NASA 1: Read you loud and clear, Joe. 
Walker: OK. Running 46,000, still about 700 fps total, zero vertical. 
B-52: 3 minutes, 5 seconds ago. 
Walker: Affirm, 3 minutes. APU bearing +80 and +60. 
NASA 1: 008, at the 1 minute point, take heading 214°. 
B-52: Will do. 
Russel: Got 726 on doppler velocity here, Joe. 
Walker: We did! 
B-52: 2 minutes. 
Walker: Tape to 15. Push to test ball nose. Data. Still about +2 and +l on a and b
NASA 1: Roger. 
Walker: Think my angle of attack indicator is backwards on the horizontal bar. 
NASA 1: Is the bar at the bottom? 
Walker: Yep! 
NASA 1: It's backwards! 
Walker: No head bumper being used today. Cine camera pulse. 
B-52: 1 minute to go, launch master coming on, on heading 214. 
NASA 1: Roger. What's your cabin source reading, Joe? 
Walker: 2700. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 10 seconds to go, Joe, and you have the count.
Walker: Igniter ready light. Igniter idle. Lox pump bearing +60. Pump idle. 
NASA 1: Precool? 
Walker: Precool, and we're ready to launch now. 
Chase: Got a good light. 
NASA 1: Your track looks real good, Joe. 30 seconds. l° right, if you can. Profile is excellent, Joe. 50 seconds now, profile and track are good. 60, track is very good. 70, 79 80 81. Very good track, very good track, Joe, and profile is good. RAS on?
Walker: Right. 
NASA 1: Auto, delta psi on, zero alpha. You're just a little bit low on profile now but everything is good. Show you 200 now. Possibly going a little steep. 
Walker: Every time my RAS bursts, I get a #1 peroxide "low" blink. 
NASA 1: Roger, understand. Right on the profile, perfect. 
Walker: Good shot. I show about +10,000. 
NASA 1: Perfect here, and speed brakes. 
Walker: Got them. 
NASA 1: Roger, we show 15 on speed brakes now. Good on speed brakes. Profile is good, track is good. Delta psi off now. Profile is looking good, Joe. And you're coming up on Three Sisters. 
Walker: RAS limit works fine. 
NASA 1: Roger, speed brakes when you can and RAS off when you can. 
Walker: My vertical velocity doesn't seem to be tracking too good. 
NASA 1: You're just passed 4000 and you're 10 miles to the right of course. 1000 g (?). 
Walker: I got it. 
NASA 1: Roger, have you under Mach four. Test to land when you can. Mach 3. 
Walker: Engine master off. 
NASA 1: Roger. You're inside of 2000 fps, you can make your turn, speed brakes in. 
Walker: Roger. I agree with you about the squeeze. 
NASA 1: You're right! You're over 466, 10 miles to the west and 40,000 feet. 
Walker: OK, about 1.15. Flap breakers check and flap switch engaged. 
NASA 1: Roger. Chase 4, you can pick him up over the main base. You're subsonic now, Joe. 
Walker: Rog, ready to jettison any time. 
NASA 1: Chase 4 should be about 5 miles north of you. 
Walker: Yes, I'm in jettison. 
Chase 4: Have you, Joe. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Walker: Slow it down some 350 to 300. 
Chase 4: Have tally ho! 
NASA 1: Check circuit breakers and switch? 
Walker: Already did, Bob. 
NASA 1: Roger. Has he finished jettisoning, Woody? 
Chase: Roger, he's finished, I see nothing coming out. 
NASA 1: Roger. Pressurize. 
Walker: 0K, pressurize. Little brake. Closed. Flap.
Chase: It's coming, the gear too. All down, 5, good landing!
Walker: I didn't get my pushdown early enough. Oxygen shutoff at 1700. Data off. #1 APU 1650, #2 at 2300 Bearings, #1 is 95, #2 is 50. No low lights. Mixing chambers are -35 and -4O. Flat on engine helium. 110O on #1 and .#2. Cabin source is 1720. 3 axis ball heading 190. Just above 1000 fps. 25,000 feet, 20 fps vertical.