Plane: X-15-1 Date: 5/15/63
Flight: 1-35-56 T.O.: 0957
Pilot: J. B. McKay Launch: 1051
B-52: #003 Land: 1102
    Total: :11
    52 Land: 1128

12 minutes to launch
McKay: Precool switch off. RAS auto cutoff .at on. 
B-52: 10 minutes now. Heading 042°. 
McKay: APU cooling switch normal. Both blowers BLN2 Pressure cooling coming on now. Reading 45 on inertial altitude........... 26° a. Cabin source 3350. 
B-52: 9 minutes.
McKay: Helium shutoff valve on. #1 hydraulic temp is +50, #2 is -10. Data on. #2 APU coming on now. Reading 670?
NASA 1: We're reading you. 
McKay: Pressures coming on. 
NASA 1: Start your turn at 8 minutes. 
B-52: Roger. 
McKay: Hydraulic pressures on the line. Engine reset. 
B-52: 8 minutes, starting turn. 
McKay: Pressure check, electric check, OK. Controls and flaps. Flap circuit breakers in. 
NASA 1: Engine reset? 
Chase: OK on the flaps. Flaps are up. 
McKay: OK, reset. Data off. Reading .......... -40 on #1 & #2 .......... 
B-52: 7 minutes. 
McKay: Rog, platform to internal. Fire ext auto. Alt SAS armed. 
NASA 1: Confirm aux cabin press switch on? 
McKay: It is on. 
NASA 1: Give us your chamber pressures. Mixing chamber pressure. 
McKay: -40 on #1 and #2. Going to the SAS check. 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
NASA 1: Increase your rate of turn some. 
B-52: Rog, tightening it up. 
McKay: OK, got the SAS check, switch to 6-6-8 settings. 
B-52: 5 minutes to launch. 
McKay: Hor. stab position on. Select X-15 O2, reading 2550. Cabin altitude is 35,500. Ventral is armed. 
NASA 1: Read us your a and b
McKay: 3° left on b and 3° on a
B-52: 4 minutes. 
McKay: Data coming on. 
NASA 1: Lets make that 5 minutes now. 
McKay: 5 minutes, roger. Data on. 
NASA 1: You can go ahead and pressurize, we just want to make the time 5 minutes. 
McKay: Going to pressurize. Tank pressures coming up. 4800 on ammonia and LOX. 2 jettison. switches to jettison. Data off. 
NASA 1: Make your heading 206. 
B-52: 206 and 4 minutes now. 
McKay: Intercom switch off. How do you read X-15 radio? 
NASA 1: Reading you 0K, Jack. 
McKay: Inertial altitude is 4600. Velocity is about 9. Attitudes OK. APU bearing temps are -40 on #l and -50 on #2. 
Butchart: Don't know what the doppler's going to do to us, its been in memory the last 15 or 20 seconds of turn here. 
NASA 1: What's your APU bearing temp? 
B-52: 3 minutes. 
McKay: Roger, APU bearings were on the + side. 
NASA 1: You're not in memory now, are you, Butch? 
Butch: It hasn't gone out of memory. 
NASA 1: Go to forced memory. 
B-52: 2 minutes. 
McKay: Data on. 
NASA 1: Request that last call be 2 - 30 minutes to launch.
McKay: .......... Ball nose, push to test.
B-52: 2 minutes now.
McKay: Reading 2° on a and 2 1/2° sideslip. Cine camera to pulse. Head bumper.
NASA 1: Tape to 15.
McKay: Rog. 
B-52: 1 minute. 
McKay: Prime switch prime. Igniter ready light. 
NASA 1: Heading 212. 
McKay: Precool. 
Chase: Looks good. 
McKay: LOX pump bearing +10. Igniter idle. Pump. Pressures coming up. Launch light on. 3-2-1 drop. 
Chase: Looks good, pull her up. 
NASA 1: 590 on chamber pressure. 15 seconds. Come right 2° on heading at 24 seconds. 30 seconds. 
McKay: Speed brakes. 
NASA 1: 38 seconds. Retract your speed brakes a tad, we've got 30° and if you can, correct 2° right, we'd like it. 
McKay: Pushover. 
NASA 1: We still want 20° speed brakes. Altitude, profile is good. 0K. Little more speed brake and little more right turn. That's good. You're going high and we're approaching 80 seconds. 
McKay: Shutdown ......... 
NASA 1: Stay in your right turn. Close your speed brakes. About 120,000. Correct your heading to the right, add 5°. Pick up your theta, you have an entry to make. Right over Hidden Hills. 
McKay: 400. Little yaw. 
NASA 1: Hear you fine. Have you drifting still to the left of course, want to make a right turn of about 10°. 
McKay: Roger. 
NASA 1: And recommended inbound heading at this point is 230. 
McKay: Little yaw there (?) Went upon roll, piped out (?) How's my theta? 
NASA 1: Says zero here, and you're level at 70,000 and 3-1/2 Mach number, coming up on 3 Sisters. 
McKay: Speed brakes. 
NASA 1: Have you at 2.9 Mach number about 10 west of 3 Sisters. 
McKay: RAS mode off. 
NASA 1: RAS check? Are you able to do a RAS check? 
McKay: Roger, getting it, Joe. 
NASA 1: Mach 2 and 55,000. Test mode landing. 
McKay: Test mode to land. Just got some music in the background here. 
NASA 1: I don't know, that might be the cheering in Brisbane or someplace. 
McKay: OK, brakes in. 
NASA 1: Have you 1.3 Mach number and 10 north of North Base at 48,000. 
McKay: What's the altitude? 
NASA 1: Coming up on 45 now. 
McKay: OK, RAS coming off. 
NASA 1: You an pull around tighter in your turn. 
McKay: OK, I'm reading 52. 
NASA 1: We're showing 42. Master switch off and jettison at your desire. 
McKay: Going to jettison. 
NASA 1: 0K, and RAS off. Flap and squat circuit breakers in. 
Chase 4: Tally Ho! 
McKay: Rog. 
Chase: You're jettisoning, Jack. 
McKay: Little speed brake. 
Chase: Jettison stopped. 
McKay: Understand jettison stopped. Got me, Danny? 
Chase: A-OK, 215. 
McKay: OK, I'm reading 29 on inertial right now. 
NASA 1: How about your pressure? 
McKay: Going to pressurize. 
NASA 1: I mean your pressure altimeter? 
McKay: Coming up on 10 now. 
Chase: 10,000. 
NASA 1: We show a little speed brake. 
McKay: Just a tad, coming in. Flaps. 
Chase: Flaps coming down. Gear coming down. 10, 5, '2. Your nose wheel looks cocked, straighten down. 
McKay: Looks like I saw some rubber flying there! 
Chase: Your nose wheel was cocked to the right, about 20°.
McKay: OK. Looked like a good one to me! OK, I think we lost the nose wheel there, Joe. 
NASA 1: OK, you're in good shape though? 
McKay: Roger. I kept the canopy on this time, incidentally.
NASA 1: Shutdown #1 APU now and expedite your postflight checks. 
McKay: #1 APU is out. Pressure on #1 is 3450. Peroxide tank pressure's holding at 550. APU bearing temp is +30 on each one. Mixing chambers are -38 on #1 and -40 on #2. Helium source pressures are #1, 60, and #2, 50. APU source #l is 1850, #2 is 2500 Cabin source is 1500. 3 axis ball reading, heading 200°. Reading about 500 fps climb and 800 on velocity, 2600 on inertial. X-15 oxygen pressure is 1500.