Flight No.: 1-35-56 Scheduled Date : May 15, 1963

Pilot: John B. McKay

Purpose of Flight: Optical Degradation experiment and Traversing probe development

Launch: Delamar Lake on magnetic heading 212°, SAS 6-6-8, ASAS Armed, both BCS "ON", RAS "OFF", Ventral off.

Launch Point Coordinates: 37° 18' N, 114° 36' W
 No. Time Alt Vel a q  Event
1. 0 45 790 2 145 Launch, light engine, increase to 100% T. Rotate to 2g.
2. 15 46 1450 11 470 2g - maintain 2g until q = 30°.
3. 24 50 1800 9 510 q = 30°, maintain q = 30°.
4. 30 54 2050 5 540 Extend speed brakes to 20°.
5. 38 62 2400 3 530 Pushover to 0g.
6. 81 98 5530 0 530 Burnout (Shutdown at 5550 ft/sec if burnout has not occurred). Maintain q = 5°. Retract speed brakes when a > 2°. Maintain q and f within ±8°.
7. 200 87 4100 5 545 Death Valley - Pushover to 0 a for » 3 sec ( -3°), pullup to q = 0°, maintain q = 0°.
8. 266 72 3200 3 570 Pilot Knob - pushover to 0 q for » sec ( -6°), pullup to 5°. Engage RAS.
9. 290 62 2800 5 500 Cuddeback - Camera Mode to "Landing." Pushover to 0 a for » 3 sec., vector to high key, speed brakes as required. Engine master "OFF."
10.           High key - RAS "OFF." check flap and "SQUAT" circuit breakers in.
11.           Before APU shutdown, cycle flaps, set stabilizer trim to zero, data off.



1. q vernier will be set at 30°, a crosspointer will null at 0°.

2. Emergency lake: Hidden Hills and Cuddeback.

3. Flight Duration: Approximately 11 minutes.

4. Flight plan based on 58,500# thrust engine. Total burn time at 100% = 81 sec. Launch wt. = 32,800#, burnout wt. = 15,000#.

GROUND RULES FOR NO LAUNCH: 1. Malfunction of any SAS channel.

2. Malfunction of inertial platform attitudes.

3. Malfunction of ball nose.

4. APU gearbox pressurization malfunction.

5. Camera malfunction.

6. In case of no launch, B-52 will return to Edwards via the X-15 track if practicable.

1. Radio or Radar Proceed as planned
2. Total Pitch Damper Maintain a > 0°, proceed as planned.
3. Total yaw damper Maintain a > 0°, shutdown at 5000 ft/sec. Maintain 20° speed brakes until V = 4500 ft/sec.
4. Total roll damper Same as 3 except turn yaw damper off.
5. Attitude failure Use 5° a in place of 30° q. After burnout fly 6° a until » 4000 ft/sec (Ground call), then fly 4° a to Cuddeback.
6. Ball nose Proceed as planned. Use "0" g instead of 0° a.
7. No engine light within 30 seconds Jettison propellants and land at Delamar.
8. Delayed Engine light Pushover to zero g at 55,000 ft.
9. Inadvertent engine shutdown:  
0 - 37 sec. (2300 ft/sec) Delamar
45 - 66 sec. (2700 ft/sec) Hidden Hills
66 - 71 sec. (4200 ft/sec) Cuddeback
71 - Up (4600 ft/sec) Edwards