FLIGHT NO: 1-34-55 DATE OF REPORT: 5/6/63

PILOT: J. B. McKay DATE OF FLIGHT: 4/25/63


PURPOSE OF FLIGHT: Induced Turbulence with KC-1

I. Discussion of Previous Operations

A. Alignment of roll SAS, ASAS was verified and a normal preflight was accomplished without detection of the cause for roll trip out of SAS at the launch of the previous flight (1-33-54). The same malfunction occurred on this flight, as noted in Part V-A, and ground tests were initiated, including frequency responses checks, which indicated spurious power system transients at launch initiated action of the ASAS switching network. Demonstrations on the ground has indicated the addition of diodes and a capacitor to the ASAS switching network has eliminated the transient generated engagements. II. Aircraft Configuration Changes None III. Instrumentation Configuration Changes None IV. Preflight Events A. The mixing chamber, especially #l system, showed a high regulated temperature level of -20°C. Excessive moisture or a slight shift in the temperature probe set point was suspected, and the system was accepted for flight.

B. Both APU's, S/N 16AN and S/N 26AN, were removed from the aircraft following the previous flight to inspect the pinion gears for wear. APU S/N 16AN was reinstalled in #l position, and S/N 26AN was installed in X-15-3 for flight 3-14-24. APU S/N 26AN was removed from X-15-3, an APU Test Stand Run accomplished to survey the vibration signature, and reinstalled in the #2 position in X-15-1.

C. The engine S/N 107 was qualified for flight without a ground run based on post flight inspection and flight data records.

D. Propellants were serviced and a prime check was accomplished to demonstrate the replaced fuel shutoff valve and the lox pump bearing probe operation. Eight minutes of precool-prime with tanks pressurized produced a lox pump bearing temperature indication of -18°F.

E. The MLG struts were inspected visually and all welds were dye-checked.

F. The flight was canceled on April 25, 1963 because of uprange weather following complete propellant service.

V. Flight Events A. ASAS engaged at launch as occurred in the previous flight; ASAS was maintained until engine burnout when the pilot reengaged normal SAS and rearmed ASAS.

B. Mixing chamber temperature on the #l system regulated at -20°C. Platform cooling was adequate.

C. The engine operated until propellant depletion. Lox depletion occurred in spite of fuel off-loading with 17 gal. ullage.

D. The KC-1 landing mode was engaged at a point approaching high key with the pilot executing a slow pitch, roll maneuver. The gimbal locks did engage, however, a weight compensating system continued to operate and jammed as it drove against its stop. A circuit change will be incorporated to deactivate the weight shifter with landing mode selection.

Approved by: Prepared by:

Perry V. Row Ronald S. Waite

X-15 Senior Project Engineer X-15 Project Engineer