Plane: X-15-1 Date: 4-11-63
Flight: 1-33-54 T.O.: 0921
Pilot: Major Rushworth Launch: 1005
B-52: 008 Land: 1014
Pilot: R. Bement Total: :09
    B-52 Land: 1040

12 Minutes to launch
Rushworth:  Both BCS on. Data off. 
NASA 1: Chase 1, verify again that we have nothing coming from the prime line from the rear of the airplane. 
Chase 1: It's all dry. 
B-52: Coming up on 11 minutes. 
Rushworth: Precool is off. RAS auto is on. Bob, I want to verify that helium shutoff valve switch is still closed at this point?
NASA 1: Yes, it 's on. 
Rushworth: Helium shutoff is closed?
Rushworth: Does that mean open or closed? 
B-52: 10 minutes now. 
Rushworth: APU cooling switch is normal. Both blowers are BLN2. Pressure cooling is on.
NASA 1: OK, get your helium shutoff valve switch open. 
Rushworth: Roger, open, checklist is wrong then. This back .......... I checked the .......... doesn't go back on. 45,000 feet and 1000 fps, Jack. 
Russel: Roger, reading 920 fps. 
Rushworth: a and b are displaced. Cabin source 3500. I have helium shutoff at 0900 on.
B-52: 9 minutes now. Preparing to turn at 8. 
Rushworth: #2 hyd. temp is -40. Data is on. 2 APU coming on. #l coming on. 
Chase: Looks good.
B-52: 30 seconds to turn, confirm NASA 1, are we cleared to turn?
NASA 1: Turn at 8 minutes, right. 
Rushworth: My hyd. pressures are 30 and 36, and I'm on alternators, engine is reset, 200 volts each side. 
B-52: 8 minutes, starting turn. 
NASA 1: Roger. Bob, check engine reset? I got your check engine reset, is that right?
Rushworth: Affirmative. Flaps coming down.
Chase: Flaps coming down. Up. 
Rushworth: All back up. 
Chase: Full up. 
Rushworth: I'm trimmed to zero. 
Chase: It's trimmed to zero out here. Cycling a little. 
Rushworth: Circuit breakers are in, data is off. Mixing chambers are - #l about a -20, #2 is a -40. Aux cabin pressure switch is on. 
NASA 1: What's your angle of attack indication? 
Rushworth: It's 3 right now in the turn. 
B-52: 7 minutes. 
Rushworth: Do you want to go platform internal in this turn? 
NASA 1: Go ahead, Bob. 
Rushworth: OK platform internal, fire ext auto, ASAS armed. 
Russel: Lube oil temp 60°. 
NASA 1: You got aux cabin pressure switch on, Bob? 
Rushworth: Affirmative. 
NASA 1: What's your lox pump bearing temp? 
Rushworth: Its still -53°. 
NASA 1: Was the call -40° an error then? 
Rushworth: That was mixing chamber temp. No, I guess that was a hyd. check that I gave you that you thought was lox pump bearing. 
NASA 1: Still -53°? 
Rushworth: Right. 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
Russel: Lube oil temp is up to 75 to 80° now. 
Rushworth: OK SAS check is complete. SAS is re-engaged. ASAS is armed and gains are 6-4-8. Stabilizer position should be the same. 
Russel: It's the same, zero. 
Rushworth: 2800 oxygen. 
B-52: 5 minutes. 
Rushworth: I'm on X-15 oxygen, cabin altitude 36,000 and cabin press is 3350. Ventral. 
Russel: Topoff is about 30 seconds, Bob. 
Rushworth: OK, no hurry. 
NASA 1: Russ, continue around to 204° heading. 
B-52: Roger, 204°. 
NASA 1: Bob, it looks like we're going to modify your last minute in time, the major difference will be the igniter idle switch will not go on in 40 seconds and we'll call this out for you. We're going to delay until 10 seconds, be the old-fashioned start. 
Chase 2: Coming up on the port side. 
B-52: 4 minutes. 
Russel: Lox topoff is complete. 
Rushworth: OK. Data is on, calibrate, and pressurize. Control came back up to 600. Jettison switches are jettison, both. Emergency lights are out. 
B-52: 204°. 
Rushworth: And I have about 48 pounds on each side. Data is off. Intercom switch is off, how do you read? 
NASA 1: Loud and clear. 
Rushworth: OK I've got about 750 fps and 45,000 feet. APU bearing is still 53°. 
NASA 1: OK, Bob, you are going to take the last minute at my count, OK? The functions in the last minute. 
Rushworth: The only change would be that I would hold igniter idle switch until after the pump had started? 
NASA 1: Negative. We will give you the count-down at 1 minute 40 seconds, 30 seconds, 10. 
B-52: 3 minutes, 20 seconds ago. 
Russel: Platform is in spec. 
Rushworth: I got the 3 minute call. 
NASA 1: Russ, go to 212°. 
Rushworth: Coming up on 2 minutes, Bob? 
B-52: 2 minutes now. 
Rushworth: Data on, test ball nose, good test. I'm about 1° nose left on the needle and a showing about 2°, b on 15. Cine is down, pulse. No head bumper. 
NASA 1: OK, Bob, at one minute I'll pick up the count and advise you what to do, the critical thing in the last minute will be the lox pump bearing temperature as to whether we launch or not. 
Rushworth: Right
B-52: Coming up on 1 minute now, launch master on. 
NASA 1: Prime switch prime, Bob? 
Rushworth: Prime. 
NASA 1: Got an igniter ready light? 
Rushworth: Got .......... and all gages look good. Lox tank press has gone to 55, settling back down. 
NASA 1: OK, 40 seconds, precool on now. 
Rushworth: Precool. 
Chase: Looks good back here. 
NASA 1: Standby at 30 seconds, I'll call pump idle. Pump idle now. 
Rushworth: Pump idle. 
NASA 1: OK call your manifold pressures. 
Rushworth: Manifold pressures 350. 
NASA 1: Lox pump bearing temperature?
Rushworth: Coming up now through 48 to 45
NASA 1: Lox pump bearing temp? 
Rushworth: Coming through 42. 
NASA 1: OK, 10 seconds now, go igniter idle. 
Rushworth: Igniter idle. 
NASA 1: Follow your chamber pressure? 
Rushworth: I have igniter idle and looks good. 
NASA 1: How's your lox pump bearing temp? 
Rushworth: 35
NASA 1: Clear to launch. 
Rushworth: 3,2,1 launch. Good light? 
Chase: Good light. 
Rushworth: SAS is back on again, I got 10°. 
NASA 1: OK, fine. Starting out on the track good. Coming up on 22 seconds now. 
Rushworth: It's not my 20°. 
NASA 1: OK, right on track, coming up on the profile, track is excellent. When you get a chance right now, lox pump bearing temp please. 
Rushworth: -10. Looks very good. 
NASA 1: Profile is good, track is excellent. 
Rushworth: 60 seconds, 60,000 feet. 
NASA 1: Roger, very good. Time, coming up 65, 66, 67. 
Rushworth: OK, I'm a little bit low. 
NASA 1: That's right. 
Rushworth: On heading now?
NASA 1: Look very good here, right on the profile and track is excellent. 86 seconds now. 
Rushworth: Speed brakes coming out now. 3250 manifolds. 
NASA 1: Speed brakes are out. 3.5 going down hill a little bit, Bob. 
Rushworth: 73,000 feet. 
NASA 1: Have you at 4000 fps. Roger, 120 seconds now. 
Rushworth: Shutdown at 122 on my watch. 
NASA 1: Roger, we have it, speed brakes in please. 
Rushworth: Brakes are in. 
NASA 1: 69,000. Put your speed brakes in, please. 
Rushworth: My speed brakes are in, I'll go back up hill. 
NASA 1: Track is real good. We show you about 68,000. 
Rushworth: 68,000, right. .......... 32° angle of attack. 
NASA 1: OK. 3200 velocity. Track is perfect.
Rushworth: I have RAS on and the light is still on. 
NASA 1: Which light is that, Bob? 
Rushworth: "RAS out" light is on. 
NASA 1: OK. Show you down hill very slightly now, about 65, 66,000. Just passed over pilot knob target. 
Rushworth: RAS is off, Cuddeback. 
NASA 1: You're about 8 miles out from Cuddeback, come a degree or two to the right. 
Rushworth: Roger. Seems to be a little more drag here than we planned for. 
NASA 1: You're a little lower in altitude now, you're 60,000 feet. 
Rushworth: Right. 
NASA 1: Just passed over the south end of Cuddeback. 2100 fps. 
Rushworth: 22 was what I got. Chase, you are in front of me now. 
Chase: Rog. 
Rushworth: I'm down 2000. 1.8 on my systems. Swing a little bit to the right. Switch to land. Engine master off. 
NASA 1: Speed brakes, Bob? 
Rushworth: OK, just found the lake. Going down hill and I will swing around a little bit to the right, parallel to the highway, swing her on down again. Have 1.5, 54,000.
NASA 1: OK, we have you about 7 miles north high key. 
Rushworth: 1.3 
NASA 1: Checks. 
Rushworth: 50, 48, 1.2 I should just about be over North Base. 
NASA 1: Right, Bob, and 41,000. Show you subsonic now
Rushworth: Just about subsonic. 
NASA 1: OK, when you get a chance, camera mode switch land. 
Rushworth: At land. 
Chase: Haven't got you yet. 
Rushworth: 1 mile north of NASA, NW and I'm showing 32,000 feet. 
NASA 1: OK, that's pretty good here. 
Rushworth: Right. Ready to go to jettison? 
NASA 1: Whenever you're set, go ahead. 
Rushworth: Jettison. Got anything? 
Chase: Rog. 
NASA 1: The RAS system is disengaged, Bob? 
Rushworth: RAS is off. Landing SAS is now engaged. Circuit breakers are in.
NASA 1: Ok, flap circuit breakers are in, confirm. 
Rushworth: Affirmative. Lox source is down. 350, I'll slow up. 
NASA 1: We have you at 20,000 feet now. How are your speed brakes? 
Rushworth: They're in. 
NASA 1: OK. You can pressurize tanks whenever you desire. 
Rushworth: Pressurize at 17. 
NASA 1: OK, take over. 
Rushworth: Roger. 
NASA 1: Show you about 15,000 on down wind. 
Rushworth: I have 14. Coming down. 10,000, flaps. 
Chase: Flaps. 
Rushworth: Gear. 
Chase: It's down. It's off here. .......... beautiful 
Rushworth: Hyd. pressures are OK. Temps are OK. Peroxide tank press is OK. 2400 on #l and 2600 on #2. APU bearing temps are OK. No low lights. Mixing chamber temps are #l -25, and #2 +10. No lox source left. #l and #2 are at 1750. APU source press is #l 2350, and #2 2550. Cabin source is 2050. 3 axis ball heading is 172°. Inertial altitude is 11,000. Inertial climb just on the + side. X-15 oxygen is 2000. Speed brakes are closed, SP going off, press cooling off.