Flight No. 1-31-52

Pilot: Joseph Walker

July 16, 1962

Resume' of Flight 1. Launch, light engine - increase to 100% T, rotate to and maintain 6° a to q = 30°, maintain q = 30°.

2. Maximum q.

3. Pushover to 0 "g".

4. Shutdown - set SAS 6-6-0 (yar off) - perform dv pulse.

5. Pullup to 5°a, Perform da pulse.

6. Pullup to 10°a - perform da pulse.

7. Pullup to a » 15° - perform da pulse.

8. Pushover to 0 "g".

9. Extend speed brakes.

10. Retract speed brakes - perform pullup, pushover maneuver (a - 0 - 10° - 0).

11. Perform pullup - pushover maneuver (a - 0 - 10° - 0), vector to high key.

12. Perform pullup, pushover maneuver (a - 0 - 10° - 0). Reset SAS 6-6-8. Jettison (H2O2 off).

13. High key - check, ventral armed, pressurize tanks, push-to-test ball nose, perform pushover - pullup maneuver (a » 8°, 0, 8).

I. Launch A. Comment on any non-routine events which occurred at launch or during the initial climbout rotation.

P.C.: The launch was normal. Angle of attack reached 10° initially, followed by a slight pushdown to the planned 6° climbout angle.

B. Could the increase in SAS gains (6-10-8) be detected from airplane transient response at launch?

P.C.: No change could be detected in the launch motions, attributable to the change in SAS gains.

C. If control system limit cycle was experienced during the roundout, please describe the airplane motion response.

P.C.: The limit cycle was noted as a small amplitude lateral control stick oscillation which increased in frequency as q increased. The stick motion amplitude did not appear to disturb the airplane laterally.

D. Describe and rate the pilot control task to affect the roundout under high q and roll control gain conditions. q 1 , f 1 , y 1 .

P.C.: The pilot control task was not compromised by the control system limit cycle.

II. Climb A. Note differences between the planned and flight climb profiles.

P.C.: The profile differed little from the planned profile. The roundout however, was flown using the q meter and using longitudinal control to modulate the rate of increase in q. Indicated qmax was about 1,400 psf.

B. Rate the pilot task to fly the climb profile from roundout to shutdown.

q 1 , f 1 , y 1 .

P.C.: The pilot task during the climb and speed run was relatively easy. Pitch control appeared somewhat less of a problem at this SAS gain than on previous flights. (SAS 6-10-8.)

III. Deceleration: A. Discuss fully the airplane handling characteristics using simulated ASAS damping (6-6-0), and with the speed brakes closed.

P.C.: After damper gains were changed (SAS 6-6-0, Yar off) a rudder pulse resulted in a very small, lightly damped directional oscillation. Angle of attack was observed to be less than zero at this time. (Data shows a = -2.5°, Db ). Aileron pulses performed at indicated a's = 5°, 10°, 14° resulted in lightly damped directional oscillations whose amplitude increased with an increase in angle of attack. At the 14°a level lateral control inputs were applied to contain the b oscillation. A pitch SAS tripout during these tests, or the following pullup, resulted in a marked increase in the pilot task.

A second pullup to about 17°a produced once again a directional oscillation which was farther aggravated by the requirement to hold back stick force above the trim setting.

B. Rate the pilot control task at:

a = 0°, q 1 , f 1 , y 2 .

a = 5°, q 1 , f 1 , y 1 .

a = 10°, q 2 , f 1 , y 2 .

a = 15°, q 2 , f 1 , y 4 .

C. Rate the pilot control task with speed brakes out (SAS 6-6-0).

q , f , y .

P.O.: The speed brakes were not extended.

D. Rate the overall pilot control task to perform the pullup-pushover maneuvers. q 1 , f 1 , y 1 .

P.C. : The pullup-pushover maneuvers were performed easily in spite of SAS trip-outs in the pitch and roll modes during this time.

IV. Glide to High Key: A. Discuss adequacy of ground guidance and energy available during the terminal portion of the flight.

P.C.: Ground guidance was very good during this flight.

B. Rate the pilot control task during this time (IV.A.).

q 1 , f 1 , y 1 .

V. Landing

A. Discuss any unforeseen control problems, and rate the pilot control task during the landing approach and flare.

Approach: q 2 , f 1 , y 1 .

Landing: q 1 , f 1 , y 1 .

P.C.: A pitch SAS trip-out occurred during the landing approach complicated the pilot control task somewhat.

B. Was a spot landing attempted?

P.C.: A spot landing was attempted.


Typed: 8-2-62