Plane: X-15-1 #670 Date: 6/27/62
Flight: 1-30-51 Takeoff: 1213
Pilot: J. Walker Launch: 1308
B-52: #003 Land: 1317
Pilot: Allavie Total: :09

12 minutes to launch
NASA 1: Russell, X-15 LN2 off please. 
Russel: LN2 off. 
Joe: Are we still going off with the precool .......... 
NASA 1: Another minute on precool, Joe. 
Joe: ..... Cabin altitude 35,000 
B-52: 11 minutes. 
NASA 1: Joe, radio check on Helix antenna.
Joe: ........ 
Russel: .......... 
B-52: .......... 10 minutes to launch. 
Joe: Precool off. APU cooling normal. 
B-52: Mag heading 348°. 
Joe: I read 49. 46,000 and 750 fps. .......... 3400 cabin source .......... 
B-52: 9 minutes. 
Joe: Helium shutoff valve switch open. Hyd. temps both -40. Data on. #2 APU, #l. Generators reset. Engine reset. SAS reset. Hydraulics are settled even 3400........... #l is 540 and #2 is 550 .......... 
B-52: 8 minutes.
Joe: Mixing chambers are holding -40 and data off. 
Chase: Getting in close for position, Joe. 
Joe: Flaps. 
Chase: One is coming down. 
Joe: Back up. 
.......... : .......... 
NASA 1: 7 minutes and 10 seconds. 
B-52: Roger ........ 
Russel: .............. 
Joe: Oscillograph and vibration recorders on. 
B-52: 7 minutes, starting turn. 
Joe: Aux cabin pressure switch on. Platform to internal. Fire ext switch auto. 
NASA 1: Jack, go to forced memory please. 
Russel: Roger, forced memory. 
Joe: I'm going ahead with SAS check. .......... arm SAS and ASAS OK and on 8-6-8. 
NASA 1: Good, and Jack, tighten up your turn a little bit. Joe, read out b for us please. 
Joe: Looks like 2 to the left. 
NASA 1: OK, and 003, did you get our reading to tighten your turn a little? 
B-52: Roger. OK, and it's 5 minutes to launch, verify, Joe. 
Joe: 5 minutes. Going to X-15 oxygen at 2600 pounds. 
Russel: NASA 1, did you read on the vertical velocity ....was zero at ? 
NASA 1: OK, lock the G pot after you get out of the turn when it goes to zero. 
Russel: Rog. 
Joe: Cabin altitude 35 and ventral is armed. 
.......... : .......... on your radio, Joe. 
Joe: OK, I'm coming on with the data now. 
B-52: 4 minutes. 
Joe: Roger. Going to pressurize. 
Russel: Topoff is complete. Jack, will you let me know when we're out of ........ 
Joe: OK, calibrate came after completion of .......... clock out at zero 46, max 49. 
NASA 1: OK, Joe. 
Joe: The 2 jettison switches are in jettison position, no jettison check me off (?) Data off. Intercom off, how do you read X-15 radio? 
NASA 1: Read you pretty good, how do you read me? 
Joe: Likewise. 
B-52: 3 minutes. 
Joe: Got 850 and 4000, good attitudes. APU bearing temps are +70 and +9O. 
NASA 1: OK, Russell. Jack, we'd like to have you add 30 seconds. 
B-52: Roger, 30 seconds. 
Joe: Still showing 2° left sideslip and +l on a
.......... : .......... 
B-52: 2-1/2 minutes to launch. 
Joe: 2.5 ? 
B-52: Yes, we had to add 30 seconds. 
Russel: NASA 1, ready for velocity .......... in spec .......... 
NASA 1: What does it read? 
Russel: Off scale on the minus side. 
B-52: 2 minutes. 
Russel: .......... 1. 
Joe: Data. 
NASA 1: That's OK, we'll go. 
Joe: Push to test ball nose. 
NASA 1: Push to test work, Joe?
Joe: Yes. Head bumper is down. 
NASA 1: Did you get the cine camera, Joe? 
Joe: Yep, pulse. Prime. Igniter ready light. That was 1 minute, wasn't it, Jack? 
B-52: Right, 1 minute 15 seconds, Joe. 
Joe: OK. 
B-52: 1 minute to launch, light system armed, 1 minute. 
NASA 1: That's a good 1 minute point. 
Joe: Precool and igniter idle. LOX pump bearing is +50. Pump idle. 
.......... : .......... Joe. 
Joe: 300 and 360. 
Joe: Well, we're on our way! 560 chamber pressure. 
NASA 1: Your course is good, Joe. We don't have an altitude trace yet. 36, 37, pushover. Course is still good and your trajectory fair. As good as we got it, Joe. 
Joe: OK, I'm reading you fine. 
NASA 1: Course looks good. 78, 79, 80 seconds. Drifting slightly right of course, Joe. 2625, looks good, just slightly to right of course, Joe. Your altitude is 108,000 feet. Just under 300, course for Edwards is good and you're climbing a little bit now through 115. Have you climbing through 120 now. q is down to 200 pounds. 
Joe: Pushing over. 
NASA 1: Rog. Your course for Edwards is good. 
Joe: Must be slowing down. 
NASA 1: Have you going by Owens Lake, velocity 4300. coming down through 115,000 now. 
Joe: Incidentally, my indicator is right on the start of q .......... 
NASA 1: OK, Joe. Having you, coming through 107,000 now. 7 miles to the right of course, that is good, because you will be high on energy. Have you 60 miles out now. q is coming up, coming through 85,000 feet and approaching Walker Pass. 
Joe: Oh, not again! OK, my vertical velocity is responding nicely on this operation. I m showing 87,000 inertial altitude. 
NASA 1: Have you coming by Ridgecrest, 3500 fps, recommend brakes. 
Joe: Brakes coming out. 
NASA 1: Just west of Saltdale, 3000 fps, about 66,000 feet. 
Joe: I really do have the field in site. Coming down through an indicated 52,000 on my pressure altitude. 
NASA 1: We have you about 56. 
Joe: OK, the other one shows 62 right now. 1.8 
NASA 1: We have 1.8. Start your left turn at your convenience for the field. 
Joe: I'm going to hold 300 knots indicated. 44,000. Brakes coming in. 
NASA 1: Rog, good checks, Joe. 
Chase: What's your altitude, Joe? 
Joe: Coming down through 30,000 indicating 310. OK, going to jettison. Jettison complete? 
Chase: Jettison complete. 
Joe: Going to pressurize. Little rough in this air today. Good thing I've been out practicing this kind of atmosphere. Let me know when I'm clear to punch off. 
Chase: Rog. You're across the road, you're clear. 
Joe: Yep. 
Chase: I see your ventral, there she goes, all clear. 
Joe: Gear 
Chase: Gear, looks good, all 3. 5, 1, good show! 
Joe: Well there's one filled hole I went across! There's another flight plan that bit the dust!

X-15 oxygen off at an indicated 1620. Calibrate. Hydraulic pressure holding 3350, both tanks are setting at 555. Both APU sources, #l is 2750, #2 is 2850. Bearings +90 and +50. No low lights. Mixing chambers are both setting on -40. Engine helium is ...... #l is 1500, #2 is 1500. Cabin source is 1780. Ball 162. Inertial height is 84,000 (that's 12,000 feet below sea level). -600 or -110 fps on vertical velocity and O on total. Stable platform about to go off.