Plane: X-15-1 #670 Date: 6-7-62
Flight: 1-29-50 Takeoff: 0945
Pilot: J. A. Walker Launch: 1029
B-52: #003 Land: 1038
Pilot: Major Allavie Total: :09
  Bement B-52 Land: 1053

12 minutes to launch
Joe: Precool off. .......... 
NASA 1: Bruce, have you called manual topoff yet? 
Bruce: Manual topoff. 
B-52: 10 minutes. B-52 mag heading 026°, 45,000 feet. 
Joe: Roger 026. APU cooling switch to normal. Pressure cooling on. I'm at 1000 fps and 45,000 .......... zero. 
Bruce: Doppler velocity is 500 knots. 
Joe: Attitudes look good. Cabin source is just under 5500. 
NASA 1: Bruce, LN2 switch off. 
Bruce: LN2 switch is off. 
B-52: 9 minutes. 
Joe: Helium shutoff valve switch is open. #2 on hydraulics is -50 and -40. #2 APU on, #l. 
B-52: NASA 1, what time did you want me to start my turn to launch heading please? 
NASA 1: 7 minutes and 30 seconds. 
Bruce: APU's off. 
Joe: OK, like to go reset, engine reset and data off. 
Bruce: Ready for X-15 power off, Joe? 
Joe: Affirmative. 
B-52: 8 minutes. 
Bruce: X-15 power off. 
B-52: Did you get the 8 minute call, Joe? 
Joe: Yes Sir! Mixing chambers are -38 and -40. Controls and flaps. 
Chase: Roger. Moving up and down. 
NASA 1: Joe, pressure and electrical check. 
Chase: Flaps coming down. 
B-52: Starting turn now. 
NASA 1: Bruce you have G pot to lock? 
Bruce: Affirmative. Az to inertial. 
Joe: Engine oscillograph, vibration recorders are on. Hydraulic pressures both up 3400 pounds. 
B-52: 7 minutes to launch, verify please. 
Joe: 7 minutes. Aux cabin pressure switch on. 
Bruce: .......... is 120. 
Joe: Platform is internal. Fire extinguisher auto. ASAS arm. Ready for the SAS check. 
B-52: 6 minutes to launch, verify please. 
Joe: 6 minutes. SAS check and ASAS OK, back .......... 8-6-8 and ASAS armed. 
NASA 1: Thank you, Joe. Would like to get a heading check between you and the B-52 when you get straight away on the launch heading. 
Joe: Roger. 
B-52: I got that too, Bob, I'll call you when. 
NASA 1: Joe, verify APU tank pressure. 
Joe: #1 is 550 and #2 is 570. 
B-52: 5 minutes verify please. 
Joe: X-15 oxygen at 2500 pounds. 
Bruce: Topoff is complete. 
Joe: Cabin at 35,000. Ventral is armed. 
NASA 1: How does your a and b look, Joe? 
Joe: OK. I'm about a 1/2° left +3°. Did I hear you OK topoff, Bruce? 
Bruce: That's correct, topoff is complete. Platform is in specs. 
Joe: OK. 
NASA 1: OK, Bruce. 
B-52: 4 minutes to launch, verify please. 
Joe: Data on and calibrate. Pressurize, 46 pounds on fuel. 40 on Lox, 2 jettison switches to jettison. Jettison check. 
Chase: Jettison both. 
Joe: OK, pressurize. 
Chase: Right-O. 
Joe: How do you read on X-15 radio? 
NASA 1: Read you loud and clear, data off? 
Joe: Affirmative. 
B-52: 3 minutes. I'll give a heading check at 2-1/2. 
NASA 1: Thank you, Jack. 
Joe: OK .......... 
Bruce: Lox .......... .shows open in the B-52 .......
NASA 1: That's normal, Bruce, it will do that after it pressurizes. 
B-52: 2-1/2 minutes to launch B-52 mag heading 183-1/2, 183° now. 
Joe: OK, I'm showing 182 and 750 fps and 45,000 good attitude. Push to test ball nose and cine camera at pulse. 
B-52: 2 minutes. 
Joe: Tank temperatures are +70 and +80. 
Bruce: Doppler velocity is 460 knots. 
Joe: Head bumper. Is this still your launch heading, Jack? 
B-52: 183° 
Joe: OK, I'm showing exactly 180 here. 
NASA 1: Data on and push to test ball nose again. 
Joe: OK, I've got data and push to test ball nose. 
B-52: .......... 183 now, 1 minute, system arm light on. 
Joe: OK, 1 minute and prime. I'll fly an indicated 181. Got an igniter ready light. Igniter idle is on. Precool is on. 
Chase: Good prime. 
Joe: Still negative prime? 
Chase: Good prime, good prime, OK. 
Joe: Launch pump bearing is +12. Pump idle. Ready to launch, coming up now. 
Chase: Good light. 
NASA 1: OK Joe, course looking good right now. Coming up on profile, looks good. 36, 37 pushover. 
Joe: Roger. 
NASA 1: Your heading is real good, Joe, and slightly low on profile. 
Joe: OK, we went through a period of rough engine operation there, slowed down again. 
NASA 1: You're still running low on profile, you can hold it up a little bit. 78, 79 shutdown. A little low on profile but looking good. Everything is fine right now, course is real good. Your q right now is about 475. Going down to 425. Little low on q. OK going to be a little low on q. Course is good, profile is good. Still a little low on q. OK, Joe, bring your q up a little bit if you can, 4200 fps. You're inside your track, coming up on Coyote Lake. q is about 400, 3200 fps. OK, Joe, 2000 fps, got the field in site? 
Joe: Yes, I do, lined up in pretty good shape 
NASA 1: We have you 30 miles, 60,000 now. 
Joe: Got rather warm today anyway. 
NASA 1: 25 miles, 52,000. 
Joe: I'm showing about 2300 fps. 
NASA 1: You're a little fast, Joe, you got more than enough energy. About 10 out, just south of 4 Corners at 50,000 feet. 
Joe: My intentions are to go to the north and make an overhead to the left. 
NASA 1: OK. 
Chase: Joe, I'm pretty close to you on your right, so you might take a look over here. I don't know if I'm conning. 
Joe: I don't see anything. Slowing down now, Bob, coming through 360. 
Chase: OK, I've got you in sight, I'll pick you up in a minute. Tally Ho the fox! 
Joe: OK. 
Chase: You can jettison whenever you want. 
Joe: Alright, jettison now. 
Chase: 35,000. 
Joe: How does my angle of attack read now, Bob? 
NASA 1: Standby - 10° right now. 
Joe: Alright that's what I'm showing. 
Chase: 6000. 
Joe: OK. I see you. 
Chase: Looks like you've stopped jettisoning. 
Joe: I'll leave it there until we get down below 20. 
NASA 1: Right overhead, Joe. 
Joe: OK, pressurize. 
Chase: Ventral flew off. Looks like you got a sun glass in there, Joe. OK, I read 12,000. 
Joe: Check. 300 knots .......... 
Chase: Right on the button, 300. 
Joe: OK, that punch off yet? 
Chase: OK now, there it goes. 
Joe: Missed the first poke. Flaps. 
Chase: They're coming down. .......... loose, let's see the gear. They're down. 10 feet, OK good, good, good, good. 
Joe: Surprise! 
NASA 1: Sounds like you made about 7 landings there! 
  After Landing
Joe: X-15 oxygen off at indicated 1700 pounds. Calibrate on the data. Push to test right there. Reading O and 7000 when I came to a stop here. Data is off. Hyd. tank pressures are both 560 and pressure is 3400. APU bearings are #l is 90, #2 is 50. No low lights. Mixing chamber is -30 and -40. Engine helium source pressure is 0. #1 and #2 200. Cabin source pressure is 2100. Reaction ball heading now is 192. Velocity is running at 150 fps up. Platform coming off.