Flight No.: 1-28-49 Date of Flight : 5/22/62

Pilot: Major Robert Rushworth

Subject of Test: Local flow investigation.

Airplane Configuration: Basic X-15.

Launch: Hidden Hills on a magnetic heading of 226, ASAS armed.
 No. Time Alt V a  Event
1. 0 45 790 - Launch, light engine, increase to 100%, rotate until 2 g's is attained.
2. 29 50 1900 9 Maintain 2 g until q = 30°.
3. 37 58 2350 5 Pushover to a = 0°
4. 67 84 4300 0 Extend speed brakes
5. 77 90 5200 0 Shutdown 
6. 83 90 5050 0 Increase a in 5° increments to 10°
7. 102 87 4700 10 When q = +10° decrease a in 5° increments to 0°
8. 127 79 4050 0 When q = -10° increase a in 5° increments to 10°
9. 149 68 3400 10 When q = +10° decrease a in 5° increments to 0°
10. 164 63 2600 0 When q = -10° increase a in 5° increments to 10°
11. 175 60 2100 10 Push over to 1g
12.         Vector to High Key, retract speed brakes, jettison, H2O2 OFF.
13.         Check ventral armed, pressurize tanks.
14.         Before APU shutdown, cycle controls, retract flaps, set stabilizer to zero, push-to-test ball nose - data OFF.


Flight No. 1-28-49


1. Duration of flight approximately 9 minutes.

2. q vernier will be set at 30°, a crosspointer will null at 0°.

3. Emergency lakes, Three Sisters and Cuddeback.

GROUND RULES FOR NO LAUNCH: 1. Malfunction of any SAS channel.

2. Malfunction of inertial platform attitudes.

3. Malfunction of ball nose.

ALTERNATE SITUATIONS AFTER LAUNCH: 1. If radio or radar fail, proceed as planned.

2. If ball nose fails proceed as planned using g increments instead of a to determine the pull-up maneuvers.

3. If total pitch or roll SAS fails, proceed as planned, do not exceed 8° a.

4. For inadvertent engine shutdown: prior to 39 sec, return to Hidden Hills; 39 to 50 seconds, proceed to Three Sisters; 50 to 65 seconds, proceed to Cuddeback; above 65 seconds, proceed to Edwards - two engine restarts may be attempted in all cases.