Flight No. 1-26-46

Pilot: Joe Walker

Resume of Flight Mission

1. Launch using side control stick, SAS 8-6-8, light and throttle engine to 100% thrust, rotate to 10°a.

2. Maintain 10°a to q = 30°.

3. At t = 35 sec, pushover to zero g.

4. At t = 75 sec, pullup to 1.5g.

5. At burnout, increase to a = 20°.

6. Disengage roll SAS for ASAS check.

7. At t = 126 sec, extend speed brakes, trim to dh = -25°.

8. At hmax, roll to 15°f and hold fixed, a, b, y for 20 secs.

9. At t = 19O sec, retract speed brakes, reset SAS, decrease to 5°a.

10. Perform pullup-pushover to 20°a with da step input at max angle of attack.

11. Perform pullup-pushover to 5g max with dv step input at max angle of attack.

12. Disengage roll SAS at 12°a for second ASAS check.

13. Reset SAS, perform left and right 30° turns changing a in 5° increments.

14. Vector to high key.

I. Launch A. Please discuss any unforeseen airplane motions or system failures resulting at launch.

P.C.: The launch was normal in every respect.

II. Climb A. Please note differences between simulator climbout profile and the actual flight profile.

P.C.: The flight profile appeared slightly low during the roundout and the initial portion of the climb. Course corrections could be made precisely. Pitch attitude of 30°q was attained and held within close limits.

B. Compare simulator a/dh trim capability with the flight experience at a » 10°.'

P.C.: Trim capability (a/dh) appeared to agree with the simulator within the limits the stabilizer position can be determined in the cockpit. .The trim knob was. extremely sensitive and complicated the longitudinal control task throughout the flight.

C. Was the sensation of continuous nose-up rotation noted during the 30°q portion of the climb?

P.C.: No, the headrest was used during most of the climb with no sensation of a continuous pitchup.

D. Please rate the control task to hold q = 30° during the climb.

P.C.: q 2 , f 2 , y 2 ... A small amount of roll control was required to keep wings level.

E. Did engine burnout produce any out-of-trim airplane motions?

P.C.: No, other than the sudden eye-balls-out acceleration.

III. Deceleration A. Compare simulator a/dh trim capability with the flight experience at a » 20°.

P.C.,: Trim to dh = -25° resulted in 18°a. A small additional pull force was required to reach 20°a.

B. Discuss the rate handling characteristics for the 20°a portion of the flight before the ASAS check.

P.C.: The airplane control characteristics were satisfactory at 20° a and did not change with ASAS dampers in operation. (A small structural jar was the only change noted.) Speed brake deployment however, produced a definite increase in the overall control task at the 20°a trim level. Pilot rating speed brake closed q 2 , f 3.5 , y 3.5 .. Pilot rating speed brake open q 2 , f 4.5 , y 4.5 .

C. Describe cues used to determine point for transition to BCS control.

P.C.: No definite cues were noted other than the loss of aerodynamics control effectiveness. (Data shows that lateral aerodynamic control was used satisfactorily through the ballistic portion of the flight. BCS was utilized principally for directional control.)

D. Discuss the rate the airplane handling characteristics with ASAS damper operating.

P.C.: See Item III.B.

E. Compare simulator Da due to speed brake deployment with the flight experience.

P.C.: The trim change due to speed brake deployment is less severe on the airplane -- due to the increase in time required for speed brake actuation, as compared with the simulator.

F. Discuss the rate control task required to retrim following speed brake deployment.

P.C.: See item III.B.

G. Compare simulator a/dh trim capability with the flight experience at dh = -25°.

P.C.: See item III.A.

H. Discuss and rate the simulated fixed attitude control task, (ao = 20°, bo = 0°, f = 15°.)

P.C.: The planned simulated fixed attitude control task was not attempted. Pilot attention was directed principally toward overcoming a divergent directional oscillation which reached a maximum of b » ±12°. BCS yaw control inputs applied to damp a sideslip indication from the 3-axis ball indicator, tended instead to reinforce the directional motion. Simultaneous reduction in angle of attack and BCS yaw control inputs 180° out of phase with the sideslip indicator damped the oscillation to satisfactory limits. (The 3-axis ball sideslip indicator was subsequently found to be wired backward to the ball nose sensor.)

IV. Reentry A. Discuss and rate the control task required to affect the reentry.

P.C.: Handling characteristics during the reentry phase of the flight were very good. q 1 , f 1 , y 1 ..

V. Glide to High Key A. Discuss the rate the airplane handling characteristics during the second ASAS operation.

P.C.: q 1 , f 1 , y 1 ..

B. Rate the control task required to perform the Lt. and Rt. banks with an accompanying incremental angle of attack.

P.C.: q 1 , f 1 , y 1 . . Precise longitudinal control was not accomplished, however, due to extreme sensitivity of the trim knob. Each movement of the trim knob produced longitudinal oscillations requiring considerable pilot control effort to overcome.

C. Were these maneuvers acceptable for obtaining a quick 3-axis handling qualities evaluation at this point in the flight profile?

P.C.: Yes.

VI. Landing A. Please discuss any unforeseen control problems experienced during the landing approach and/or during the flare.

P.C.: The landing was normal.

B. Rate control task during the approach.

P.C.: q 2 , f 1 , y 1 .

C. Rate control task during the flare.

P.C.: q 2 , f 1 , y 1 .