Flight No. 1-24-40 Scheduled Date of Flight: 10-17-61

Pilot: Joseph A. Walker

Subject of Test: Velocity buildup flight, aerodynamic heating, stability, control and performance research data.

Airplane Configuration: Basic X-15 with XLR99 engine.

Launch: Mud Lake on magnetic heading of 181°. SAS 8-6-8.
 No. *Time Alt V a  Event
1. *0 45 790 - Launch using side control stick, light engine, advance throttle to 100%T, rotate to 10°a.
2. 25 50 1900 10° Maintain 10° a until q = 30°.
3. 39** 54 2400 Maintain 30° q, pushover to zero g at 39 sec. , maintain 0 g, switch to side stick.
4. 70 100 4800 Extend speed brakes.
5. 80 110 5700 0 Shutdown engine at 0 seconds. Set SAS 8-0-0.
  82 113 5600 0 Perform dv pulse.
6. 88 120 5500 10° Gradually increase angle of attack to 10° and attempt to control airplane using b technique if necessary.
7. 130 100 4500 15 Reset SAS at 8-6-8, perform pullup and rudder pulse at maximum trim (approx. 15°a).
8. 145 95 4200 Establish level flight and set SAS at 9-0-0. Attempt to control airplane using b technique, if necessary.
9. 212 90 3000 **Retract sped brakes.
10. 310 75 1700 Initiate space positioning turn to high key.
11. 430 45   0-10° Perform pullup pushover.

12. Check ventral armed, pressurize tanks, obtain calibrate..

13. Transfer to center stick for landing, 300 knot approach, jettison ventral 3 miles from touchdown, flaps and gear down - intended touchdown is two-mile marker..

14. Before APU shutdown, cycle controls, retract flaps, set stabilizer trim to zero and push-to-test ball nose - Data off..

* Time starts with onset of engine chamber pressure.

** Ground control call-out items if not reported by pilot.

NOTES: 1. Duration of flight approximately 11 min.

2. Emergency lakes -- Grapevine, Ballarat.

Ground Rules for "No Launch": in addition to Operation Manual:

1. Malfunction of any SAS channel.

2. Malfunction of inertial platform attitude, (q, f, y.)

3. Malfunction of hot nose.

Alternate Situations After Launch:

1. If engine fails to light after two attempts, jettison propellants and land at Mud Lake.

2. If radar or radio become inoperative, proceed as planned.

3. If ball nose fails fly 2.0g until q = 30°; proceed on alternate flight plan.

4. If a roll or yaw channel malfunction occurs and cannot be reset prior to V = 2500 fps shutdown and return to Mud Lake..

5. If pitch or pitch-yaw SAS fails after V = 2500 fps, proceed on alternate flight plan.

6. If roll SAS fails after V = 2500 fps proceed as planned but do not perform high a pulse.

7. If engine relight is necessary add 1 second to pushover time.

8. For inadvertent engine shutdown; prior to 35 seconds, return to Mud Lake, 35 to 55 seconds proceed to Grapevine, 55 to 65 seconds proceed to Ballarat, above 65 seconds continue to Rogers.

9. If cabin pressure is lost proceed with alternate flight plan.


1) Launch through engine shutdown, same as normal flight.

2) After engine shutdown maintain 0 g until q = 0.

3) Trim to 10° a (17° stabilizer setting.). Perform pulses at pilot's discretion during deceleration.

4) Retract speed brakes at 3500 fps and vector to high key for landing.