FLIGHT NO. 1-15-28

Date of Request: 10/25/60

Scheduled Date of Flight: 10/28/60

Pilot: John B. McKay

Subject of Test: Pilot familiarization, stability, control, performance, and alternate airspeed calibration.

Airplane Configuration: Basic X-15 with two XLR-11 engines.

Launch: Mach = 0.82, Hp = 45,000 feet, SAS 4-4-8, over Palmdale OMNI on magnetic heading of 030°.
 No. Alt a  Event
1. 45 0.82 - Launch, light 8 chambers, initiate 8° a climb.
2. 43 1.1 - Pushover to 1/2 g and level at Hp = 50K.
3. 50 1.3 - Accelerate at 50K to M = 1.6 (obtain calibration during acceleration).
4. 50 1.6 12° Initiate a 12° a left turn.
5. 50 1.6 12° SAS 4-4-8 dh pulse.
6. 50 1.6 12° SAS 4-4-8 dv pulse.
7. 50 1.6 12° SAS 4-4-8 da pulse.
8. 50 1.6 - Roll out of turn on magnetic heading of 250° and accelerate to M = 2.0.
9. 50 1.8 SAS 4-4-8. Perform stabilizer pulse.
10. 50 2.0 - Reduce thrust to 5/8 T.
11. 50 2.0 - Perform rudder and aileron pulse with SAS 4-4-8.
12. 50 2.0 12° Perform 3g left turn and hold to burnout. Roll out of turn on magnetic heading of 100°.
13. 50 1.6   Perform left sideslip, SAS 4-4-8. Jettison residual propellants.
14.       While decelerating, perform 3-axis evaluation. SAS 4-4-8.
15.       Proceed to 25,000 feet High Key.
16. 20 0.6 2°-8° On downwind leg perform pushover pullup for alternate airspeed static source evaluation.

17. Check ventral armed, pressurize tanks.

18. 300 knot landing approach, jettison ventral 3 miles from touchdown, flaps and gear down. Intended touchdown is two-mile marker.

19. After touchdown, apply roll control to evaluate ground directional control.

20. Before APU shutdown, cycle controls, retract flaps and set stabilizer trim to zero. DATA OFF.

NOTES: 1. Duration of flight approximately 9 min.

2. Emergency lake -- Rogers.


1. Pitch SAS malfunction before launch will constitute an abort.

2. With 3 or less chambers operating, shutdown, jettison and land.

3. With 4, 5 or 6 chambers operating, a constant turn should be maintained within 10 to 12 nautical miles of the base at or above 35K.

4. With 7 chambers operating, continue with original flight plan.

Launch Wt. 33,800lb Landing Wt. 14,400lb

Launch C.G. 21.1% Landing C.G. 18.7%


Basic (Altitude, airspeed, a, b, An)

Handling Qualities

Landing Gear

Horizontal Tail Loads (Strain Gages)

Fuselage Side-Fairing Vibration and Flutter

Upper and Lower Vertical Tail, Wing and Fuselage Pressure Distribution

Environmental Temperatures

Structural Temperatures

Free-Skin Temperatures

Wing Loads (Strain Gages)

Vertical Tail Hinge Moments

Life and Drag (Including Base Pressure Measurements)

Inertial Attitude and Component Velocity (Stable Platform)

Physiological Package Measurements
